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Classroom Rules and Procedures

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1 Classroom Rules and Procedures
The following discipline procedures will be used in class!

2 Classroom Rules 1. Students are to bring all required materials and supplies to class each day. 2. Students are to be in their seats, quiet, and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. After two tardies, detention will be awarded to the student. 3. Students are to follow directions the first time they are given. 4. Students are to raise their hand to be recognized before speaking. 5. Students are to remain in their assigned seats unless given permission to get up. 6. Students should not eat, drink, or chew gum in the classroom.

3 Disciplinary Procedures
1st offence- Warning 2nd offence- Parent Notification/Refocus Room 3rd offence- Detention 4th offence- Referral to the office This procedure may be altered according to the severity of the offence!!!!

4 Incentives 1. Praise 2. Parent contact
3. Nomination for student of the month award 4. Homework passes

5 Classroom Procedures

6 Being Prepared and Writing Utensils
Bring required materials each day. (3-ring binder, loose leaf paper, and a pencil Writing Utensils Students may only use a pencil, this is math class. Any assignment, test, or quiz written in ink will receive an automatic 10 points off! You should bring 5 wooden pencils to class each day labeled with your name.

7 Entering and Exiting Class
Entering Class After entering the room, students may not leave without permission. Students may not leave books and materials outside the classroom for any reason Upon entering, students should go to their assigned seats and prepare for class. Begin working on DO NOW for 5 minutes. Exiting Class The teacher will dismiss the class Not The Bell. Do not pack books to exit class until instructed to do so by the teacher. Students will be dismissed by groups. Students are responsible for cleaning the area around their desks before leaving the room.

8 Papers Paper usage Writing on the back of homework and class work is permitted and encouraged. Do not write on final drafts. Do not write on the bottom line of the paper, go to next page. Heading Papers Write your name and date in the top-right hand corner of the first page. Write your last name and number any following pages in the upper right hand corner. Do not fold papers!!! Passing in papers Each student should place their papers in the appropriate black tray on the right. 7C uses top tray 7B uses middle tray 7A uses bottom tray.

9 Restroom and Water Restroom
Students should use the restroom before class. After entering the classroom, students will not be allowed to leave unless it is an extreme Emergency. Water a. Students should get water before class

10 Pencil Sharpening and Trash
Students are to have a hand held pencil sharpener at their desk If your lead breaks during class and if your have no other writing utensil, raise your hand and wait for further instructions. Trash Trash will be thrown away when your are dismissed from class. Keep it at your desk until you are dismissed. Pick up all paper around your desk before leaving the room.

11 Walking In The Hallways As A Class
Students are expected to walk in a straight line when in the hallway. There will be NO TALKING in line. Other students are still in class. All class rules apply in the hallway.

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