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Campus Vouchers Creation and Inquiry

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1 Campus Vouchers Creation and Inquiry
Presented by The College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office Business Center September 17, 2018

2 Ground Rules Please put cell phones on vibrate, don’t answer in class. If urgent, please step outside the classroom. Please do not perform work including while the class is in session. Feel free to ask questions at any time. Questions may be answered immediately, tabled to be addressed later in class or placed in “Parking Lot” to be researched and answered at a later time. Schedule/Breaks: We will have one 10 min break. This training is scheduled to run 3 hours. Bathroom location Food, beverage rules or access

3 Safety Emergency Location of exits Evacuation procedure for location

4 Class Introductions Who are you? Where do you work?
Name something positive you are anticipating with the transition to People Soft.

5 Our Goals Our primary goal is to provide you a strong foundation for you to address your operational requirements in the new Connect Carolina environment. Learn in a safe environment Observe demonstrations Practice class exercises Build Confidence This is a safe learning environment, so ask questions! If we don’t know the answer we can find someone who does. We can also show you how to find out the information for yourself. Connect Carolina has detailed help documents available online. We can give you some exposure to what you will be working with in the form of demonstrations and class exercises. We will try to instill confidence that you will be able to succeed in the next few months and beyond. We can’t show you how to do your jobs. We can’t just provide examples, demos, or step by step guides that will assure 100% of people they will know everything about a new system. The transition will take work from everyone involved. You are still responsible for your job duties and learning how to adapt to the new financial environment. Picture: Japanese symbol for strength.

6 What will be different:
Reality Check What will be different: Application software Accounting structure Terminology What will stay the same: Processes Operations Things that will be different: Applications, We will be working with streamlined PeopleSoft applications for most transactions. This application portal will look different than what you are used to working with. But, as you will see, it really just uses the same information! Accounting Structure, We now have a 12 phrase chartfield string that eclipses the old 6 character FRS number. But all of the extra information we will have to become accustomed to already existed in UNC’s accounting structure! Each PeopleSoft chartfield string field (that is now in the open) were simply in the background of every transaction you ever processed—whether you knew it or not. This is not a reinvention of the wheel, we are just exposing more details about individual transactions. Terminology, People Soft also changes some of the accounting terminology. For example, object code is now called account ID but they essentially serve the same descriptive purpose. Another example is the PeopleSoft department ID now has 6 digits instead of 4. But the good news is that most of the department names have stayed the same! Things that will stay the same: Processes, Financial processes might be called something different in Connect Carolina but you will still process invoice payments, reimbursements, SOP, etc. For example, check requests are now called campus vouchers. But this is still the same form of payment request and it will still serve the same purpose. Operations, Your day to day operations in your department will not change dramatically. People will still submit receipts for reimbursement and you will still need to accurately and promptly process their request. Faculty will still need to purchase supplies or equipment. The applications used will be different but your responsibility to effectively manage department finances will remain the same.

7 Who we are: Who we are not: Disclaimer We are trainers
We are not programmers We are not developers/consultants We are not People Soft experts We are trainers. We will help you learn how to navigate the new system. We will help you prepare for the transition to PeopleSoft. We are not programmers, developers, consultants, or People Soft experts. Do not expect us to understand everything about the new system. Do not expect us to be able to answer every one of your questions. We will do our best to guide you and advise you but our knowledge is limited to what our training has prepared us for! Point out the Parking Lot poster in the room. Any questions that can’t be answered in this training session can be written on a post it note and placed onto the parking lot. After class, the instructor will relay these questions to the Connect Carolina development team.

8 Knowledge Check To gain the most out of today’s training you should already have an understanding of basic Connect Carolina concepts. You need to know: Chartfields Commitment Control Budget Exceptions It is expected that students have already studied these concepts. This training will not spend extra time covering these topics. If you are not familiar with these topics please let the instructor know now. Make sure everyone has their own copy of a Campus Voucher Student Guide and Campus Voucher Exercise Workbook. Demonstrate the Connect Carolina project website, Point out the Parking Lot Questions link under the Training tab on the Connect Carolina project website. Show where students may find the training environment under the training tab. Point out that the training environment URL is

9 Agenda Campus Vouchers Overview Creating a Campus Voucher
Running a Voucher Inquiry Troubleshooting Combo Edit and Budget Errors Practice and Skill Check Identify the three learning objectives of the class: How to Create a Campus Voucher How to Run a Voucher Inquiry How to Troubleshoot Combo Edit and Budget Errors At the end of class we will revisit each three to ensure we have met the learning objectives.

10 Disbursement Services Makes the Payment
Campus Voucher Process Campus Dept. or School Campus Voucher Approve Pay Department or School Creates Campus Voucher Core Entries: - vendor - items - amounts - chartfield accounting - scan/attach invoice or other supporting documentation System Checks: - “combo edit” for valid chartfield combinations - budget check Finalize: - user “Submits For Approval” or lets the system process Has Need to Initiate Payment For: - processes commonly known as: check requests, - payment requests, small order process (SOP) - reimbursements - independent contractor payments - cash advances - petty cash replenishment Not For: - Purchase orders (POs) via central Purchasing - PCARD - ePro vendor catalog Approvers Approve via Workflow/ Worklist - Department and if relevant: - Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) - Pre-Audit, - ITS security, or - Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). Payment Execution Disbursement Services Makes the Payment CMP This is the new, updated Campus Voucher process as of 8/25/2014. Use campus vouchers to initiate payments that are not associated with central purchasing purchase orders, Pcard, or the ePro vendor catalog purchasing processes. The campus voucher is the first step for making payments for:  -processes commonly known as check requests, payment requests and small order process (SOP) documents  -reimbursements for employee and University affiliates  -independent contractor payments  -petty cash replenishment Revise Existing If Rejected

11 Agenda Unit Overview Creating a Campus Voucher
Running a Voucher Inquiry Troubleshooting Combo Edit and Budget Errors Practice and Skill Check

12 Creating a Campus Voucher Key Details
Campus voucher is the initial system entry that records details of the payment requirement in the system. Campus vouchers contain data such as vendor, items, quantities, amounts, and chartfield accounting. Includes a budget check, to ensure availability of funds. Revisions to the Campus Voucher process include: No voucher “build” Create, change, view voucher from one place Denial during approval allows for change and resubmit Can view all information directly from the Campus Voucher pages

13 Demonstration: Creating a Campus Voucher
Demonstration & Class Exercise Demonstration: Creating a Campus Voucher Follow on page 7 of your Campus Vouchers Student Guide Exercise #1: Creating a Campus Voucher Found on page 3 of your Campus Vouchers Exercise Workbook Menu Path Main Menu> Finance Menu> Accounts Payable> Vouchers> Add/Update> Campus Voucher Entry Instructor demonstration Vendor: Amante Pizza; Dept: ; Fund: 27101; Source: 14101; Program: 10000 Invoice Number: VC_[Date]_[Student Initials] (ex: VC_952014_crl) Be sure to walk through all of the different entry fields and the different screens. Show how the magnifying glass works for certain fields. Show how you can also just “type” into fields and autocomplete will provide limited results. Instruct the students to use the above invoice numbering for any vouchers they are creating. Do NOT use the 103 voucher number on the example invoice provided in the exercise workbook. Be sure to instruct students to save the menu path in the favorites link. Once in menu path, point out the help link on the right side of page.

14 Agenda Unit Overview Creating a Campus Voucher
Running a Voucher Inquiry Troubleshooting Combo Edit and Budget Errors Practice and Skill Check

15 Voucher Inquiry Key Details
Search for, or create a list of vouchers that match criteria you specify. View the details of a specific voucher. Link out to deeper detailed information, such as payment information or approval history.

16 Demonstration: Running a Voucher Inquiry
Demonstration & Exercise Demonstration: Running a Voucher Inquiry Follow on page 21 of your student guide. Exercise #2: Running a Voucher Inquiry Found on page 6 of your Campus Vouchers Exercise Workbook Menu Path Finance Menu> Accounts Payable> Review Accounts Payable Info> Vouchers> Voucher For the demonstration, find the voucher you created in the voucher create demonstration. Search Vendor Name 1: Amante or search User ID: your onyen Be sure to walk the class through all of the entry fields highlighting the most important/applicable fields. Show how the magnifying glass works for fields you want to highlight. The Voucher Inquiry can be a powerful tool that searches a large data set for specified criteria. You won’t be able to directly modify vouchers through the inquiry process but you can still find critical details of the transaction. Then instruct the students to find the voucher they created in Exercise #1. Be sure to instruct students to save the menu path in the favorites link.

17 Knowledge Check What are some of the ways you can search for vouchers in voucher inquiry? Which ways do you think work best? Why? These are free answer questions. Let students think critically about how they conducted their searches. Allow multiple people to give answers. Follow up by asking for an explanation why they think a certain way works best.

18 Agenda Unit Overview Creating a Campus Voucher
Running a Voucher Inquiry Troubleshooting Combo Edit and Budget Errors Practice and Skill Check

19 Troubleshoot Combo Edit Errors
A combo edit is a system check of your chartfield entries. If your combination breaks pre-configured rules, you will get an error.

20 Troubleshoot Budget Errors
The budget check validates whether a valid budget exists for the chartfield combination, as well as availability of funds for the payment within a valid budget.

21 Demonstration #3: Troubleshooting Combo Edit and Budget Errors
Follow on page 15 of your Student Guide. Dummy Voucher: Vendor: Amante Pizza; invoice #: 2009 Tar Heel Valid Chartfield: Fund: 28201; Source: 70168; Program: C2027; Dept To get combo edit errors change certain fields. Change Fund to 25XXX. Return Fund_Code/Account/Project_ID error message. This error means, “Given the source of funds, University Endowments, the funding class should not be for Contract and Grants transactions.” Change Source to 15XXX. Return Fund_Code/Class_Fld error message. This error means, “Given the funding classification, Endowment Income, this should not be sourced from Unrestricted Expendable Gifts, Devises or Bequests.” Then leave fund, dept id or source field blank. Return Account/Class_Fld/Deptid/Fund_code error message. This error means, “One or more of the chartfield entry fields have been left blank.”

22 Agenda Unit Overview Creating a Campus Voucher
Running a Voucher Inquiry Troubleshooting Combo Edit and Budget Errors Practice and Skill Check

23 Exercise #4: Campus Voucher Practice and Skill Check
Practice and Skill Check Exercise Exercise #4: Campus Voucher Practice and Skill Check Found on page 8 of your Campus Vouchers Exercise Workbook. See the next slide for important details.

24 Allocate $50 of one distribution line to:
Exercise #4 Details Allocate $50 of one distribution line to: Department: , Academic Advising Fund: 29201 Source: 52107 Program: 10000 Allocate the remaining $250 of the invoice to: Department: , Humanities and Human Values Source: C0423 Remind the students to use Invoice Number: VC_[Date]_[Student Initials] (ex: VC_952014_crl) Two answers exist for this voucher. Voucher ID illustrates how to separate the line distribution using AMT. Voucher ID illustrates how to separate line distribution using QTY. (Search keyword “Fly”) If time permitting, present the optional bonus exercise using the sample Panera Invoice and Payment Request form.

25 Summary/Review How do you know if there is a combo edit error on your voucher? Where can you view voucher errors? Where can you view voucher budget exceptions? When would you use multiple line items? Multiple distribution lines? How is running a voucher inquiry useful for voucher research? What happens if I click the back button on my browser while in Connect Carolina? How do you know if there is a combo edit error on your voucher? Where can you view voucher errors? There is a yellow warning on the distribution line. And you can view errors on the Error Summary Tab. Where can you view voucher budget exceptions? Summary Tab. Look at the Budget Status. It will be “not checked”, Valid or have a link to Exceptions. When would you use multiple line items? Multiple distribution lines? Use unique line items when you have unique category codes (unique account IDs), or unique items. Use multiple distribution lines when you are splitting the expense to multiple chartfield strings (sharing of the costs). How is running a voucher inquiry useful for voucher research? You can search using a long list of criteria. From the results you can see approvals, payment info/statuses, dates, etc. You can narrow to Campus Vouchers with Origin “CMP” What happens if I click the back button on my browser while in Connect Carolina? Bad things happen. You might lose the integrity of the process you were working on. You may be kicked out of the system.

26 Questions & Answers

27 Now What? Complete the course survey.
Complete CBTs, view webinars, find additional training materials: Access to the training environment: hhtp://

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