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How to make notes from your reading and lectures

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Presentation on theme: "How to make notes from your reading and lectures"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to make notes from your reading and lectures

2 Workshop plan Reading Making notes
Selection of material - While reading - Active reading - While listening

3 Learning objectives By the end of the session you will feel more confident… selecting relevant material making useful notes that work effectively while reading or listening that you are developing transferable skills to use in your future employment

4 Selecting what to read Recommended (or Reading list) Reliable Recent
Plan your reading Make the most of your time 4 Rs Activity 1: Selection Recommended (or Reading list) Reliable Recent Relevant

5 Active reading Activity 2: Skimming versus scanning Topic sentences
Critical reading - Analyse, reflect, evaluate, make judgements (Godfrey, 2009)

6 Making notes while reading
Don’t… Write in full sentences Copy from the text (just) highlight photocopies and class handouts Do… Be brief and organised Use your own words Use shortcuts Make connections Use colour, underlining Think critically Examples include: mind maps, linear notes, SQ3R

7 Linear note

8 Mind map or pattern note

9 Survey Question Read Recall Review SQ3R method

10 Your notes should include:
Reference Main point Supporting detail Critical thoughts Activity 3: SQ3R practice

11 Making notes in lectures
Prepare Listen Review

12 Prepare Download from Blackboard Read, question, make connections

13 Making notes in lectures
Prepare Listen Review Making notes in lectures Activity 4 : have a go from this lecture clip

14 Example: notes (unedited)
Derek Sivers, Keep your goals to yourself Telling someone your goals makes them less likely to happen Social reality tricks you into thinking it’s already done 1926: Kurt Lewin founder of social psychology – called it ‘substitution’ 1933: Vera Mahler – when acknowledged by others, not real in the mind 1982: Peter Gollwitzer – wrote book about it 1990: Peter Gollwitzer - carried out new tests proving it Resist temptation to announce goal Delay gratification that social acknowledgement brings Understand mind mistakes talking for doing


16 Activity 5 : edit the notes you made
Making notes in lectures Prepare Listen Review Activity 5 : edit the notes you made

17 Example: edited notes Derek Sivers, Keep your goals to yourself
Theory/phenomenon: Telling someone your goals makes them less likely to happen Why? Social reality tricks you into thinking it’s already done *SEE LECTURE 2 NOTES Key dates/thinkers: 1926: Kurt Lewin founder of social psychology – called it ‘substitution’ *FIND REFERENCE 1933: Vera Mahler – when acknowledged by others, not real in the mind *FIND REFERENCE 1982: Peter Gollwitzer – wrote book about it *TITLE OF BOOK? 1990: Peter Gollwitzer - carried out new tests proving it *WHAT STUDY? How to avoid: Resist temptation to announce goal Delay gratification that social acknowledgement brings Understand mind mistakes talking for doing *ASK LECTURER WHERE THIS COMES FROM Critical thought: What other studies have there been?


19 What other skills will you need for employment?
Academic skills are employment skills At university: How to make notes from your reading and lectures In the workplace: Reading effectively to understand a report, taking useful notes at meetings What other skills will you need for employment?

20 Academic skills are employment skills
Other workshops How to reference and avoid plagiarism Acknowledging the words of another company, or institution, that you use in a policy document How to plan your writing Planning and drafting a report or a project proposal How put your reading into your writing Summarising and synthesising a wide range of sources to explain the importance of an issue, compare and contrast various options to make an informed opinion How to get started with critical writing & How to improve your critical writing Writing a report, writing reflectively for continued professional development

21 Further help Workbooks Workshops

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