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Red Kayak 5th Grade T. Jasmine.

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Presentation on theme: "Red Kayak 5th Grade T. Jasmine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red Kayak 5th Grade T. Jasmine

2 Character and Plot Characters are the people or animals in a story.
Plot is the pattern of events in a story. Usually, plots happen in sequential order. A plot has conflict, or problem; rising action, when the conflict builds; a climax, when characters meet the conflict; and a resolution, when the conflict is resolved.

3 Words to Know Normally Grumbled Intentionally Insistently Compressions
Minute Neutral

4 Normally In a normal way.

5 Grumbled To mutter in discontent; complain in a bad-tempered way; find fault.

6 Intentionally Done on purpose; meant; planned; intended.

7 Insistently In an insistent manner.

8 Compressions Act or process of compressing.

9 Minute Very small; tiny. Going into or concerned with small details.

10 Neutral Position of gears when they do not transmit motion from the engine to the wheels or other working parts.

11 Red Kayak Realistic Fiction
Deals with characters and events that seems real but are created by the author. As you read, notice how the author makes the characters and events come to life.

12 Guided Questions What do you think will happen to Brady and Tilly as they search for the red kayak? What clues in the text indicate that Brady might be nervous about searching the creek? Do you understand why Brady’s own accident has such an effect on him?

13 Guided Questions Why is it a good idea for Brady to have a cell phone?
Why does Brady say that time was limited? Reread for clues. Why do you think Tilly started barking?

14 Guided Questions What clues suggests that Brady might be close to finding Ben? Why is seeing a spot of yellow so important to Brady? Reread to find out.

15 Guided Questions What do you think Brady will do after he drops his cell phone? Do you understand why Brady is trying to find out about Ben’s condition? Reread to find out.

16 Guided Questions What is CPR? How can you find out?
What is Ben’s focus? How do you know?

17 Guided Questions Why wouldn’t Brady know how he got to the landing? Reread for clues? Based on the text and the illustration, what can you tell about Ben’s situation?

18 Guided Questions What is the policeman’s opinion of Ben? How do you know? Do you understand what Ben means by “I had straddled the invisible line between life and death? Reread to find out.

19 Think Critically Think about the challenges Brady faced to rescue Ben. What do you think makes people act to save others? What would you have done? What are Brady’s character traits and how these affected the incidents in the story?

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