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Victims of Abuse or Neglect

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Presentation on theme: "Victims of Abuse or Neglect"— Presentation transcript:

1 Victims of Abuse or Neglect
developed by Tim Corbett RN, MA, LMHC

2 The Cycle of Battering Phase I-Tension-Building Phase
victim senses that batterer’s frustration tolerance is declining victim may become very nurturing and compliant in effort to prevent anger of batterer from escalating

3 The Cycle of Battering Phase II-Acute Battering Incident
triggering event occurs & violence ensues victim often feels need to find safe place to hide

4 The Cycle of Battering Phase III-Calm, Loving, Respite Phase
batterer acts kind and contrite victim wants to believe that batterer can and will change

5 Child Abuse Physical Injury
any non-accidental injury that may consist of puncing, beating, kicking, biting, shaking,or burning the child Indicators: bruises, welts, bite marks, fractures, lacerations, burns, etc. fear of parent or caretaker extreme anger, passivity, withdrawal

6 Child Abuse Emotional Injury
a pattern of behavior resulting in serious impairment of child’s social, emotional, or intellectual functioning indicators: age-inappropriate behaviors, unrealistic fears, inappropriate affect, nightmares & sleep problems, anxiety, self-destructive behaviors

7 Child Abuse Physical Neglect
refusal of/delay in seeking health care, abandonment, expulsion from home or refusing to allow a runaway to return, inadequate supervision indicators: soiled clothing or clothing in need of repair, or inappropriate for weather, hunger, steals/hoards food, poor hygiene/body odor, infected sores, abscessed teeth, emaciation

8 Child Abuse Emotional Neglect
chronic failure by parent/caretaker to provide emotional support/nurturance Indicators: refusing to acknowledge child’s presence &/or attempts to establish meaningful interaction ignoring child’s basic emotional needs, denying child opportunities for positive reinforcement

9 Sexual Abuse of a Child sexual exploitation in which child is coerced/induced to engage in sexual acts any situation in which child is used for sexual pleasure physical Indicators: STDs, difficulty/pain in sitting/walking, sleep problems, nightmares, foreign matter in body parts, vaginal discharge, genital/rectal bleeding, itching, rashes, bruises in genital area behavioral indicators: promiscuity, seductive behavior, prostitution, compulsive masturbation, excessive anxiety

10 Sexual Assault Date Rape Marital Rape Statutory Rape

11 Treatment Modalities Crisis Intervention Safe House or Shelter
Family Therapy

12 Case Scenarios Case #1—Natalie is a battered woman who lives with “D,”a violent batterer. Her co-worker advises her to get help from the EAP office. Natalie is resistant saying that “D” has reformed. Honey suggests that she buy a gun or move in with her. Gertrude insists that she press charges. What do you think?

13 Case Scenarios Case #2-- Yvonne and her spouse come to the ER. She has a swollen, black eye and various cuts and bruises, some of which are bleeding. The husband tells the ER nurse that she fell off the back porch. What should the nurse do?

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