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Saint Peter the apostle high school
S2/3 Options Information Evening Thursday 11 January 2018
Overview of the evening
Mrs Booth – Head Teacher Mr Gibson – Depute Head Teacher Dr Aitken – Depute Head Teacher Mr Sangster – Principal Teacher Pupil Support Mrs Oliphant – Skills Development Scotland Good evening and welcome to SPTA, my name is Mr Gibson and I am depute head teacher responsible for S1 & S2. Delighted that you have come along this evening to hear a bit more about what S2/3 pupils should be considering and what will be involved in moving from S2-S3 and of course from S3 into the senior phase. Overview of the evening
Vision, Values & Aims Emotional Social Personal Physical Spiritual
Academic Learner Vision, Values & Aims At the centre of everything we do and all the decisions we make is the learner – the curriculum, the support structures, the values we model all aim to develop the potential of all our young people. Our Aim: We aim to help all students to achieve their full potential in each aspect of their development – academic, spiritual, physical, personal, social and emotional.
values Our Values: Compassion Concern for others Sense of community
Relationships Understanding Hope Aspiration Self belief Positivity Opportunities Our school motto of ‘Compassion and Hope’ comes from a passage by John Bosco and is as good a summary of our values as any : “…it is so much easier to get angry than to be patient, to threaten a child than to persuade him…so much more convenient for our own impatience and pride to punish children than to correct them patiently with firmness and gentleness…there must be no angry outbursts, no look of contempt, no hurtful words. Instead, like true fathers intent on correction and improvement, show them compassion at the present moment and hold out hope for the future…it is better to ask God’s help in humble prayer, than to make a long speech that wounds those who hear it and does no good at all....”
Vision Our Vision of a school that is:
A community – of faith; of learning; of partnership and participation Comprehensive and inclusive – all needs are catered for; equality; develop potential Ambitious and responsible – excellence in all aspects; drive to improve; continuous improvement; reflect out community Accountable – set targets; self-evaluation; reflect Collegiate – collective commitment; devolved leadership; empowered; autonomy (i) a community of faith : working with parents and parishes of learning : a group of people sharing and critically interrogating their practice in an ongoing, reflective, collaborative, inclusive, learning oriented, growth promoting way - acting as a collective enterprise : learning and teaching should be at the heart of everything we do of partnership & participation ; shared values that focus on learning & teaching ; collective responsibility for the learning of all pupils ; partnership with pupils, parents, staff and external agencies (ii) comprehensive and inclusive where all pupils / all needs catered for ; where we increase opportunities for all and decrease barriers ; where we give every pupil the right help at the right time where all children are treated equally and where inclusion is an active, positive aspect of the school where we develop fully the potential of staff, pupils and parents a school that is - ambitious and responsible where there is rigour and demand - constantly striving for excellence in all aspects : where high standards are set for all - staff, pupils and parents : this applies to behaviour, uniform, attendance etc where there is a drive to improve, change, initiate, develop, innovate - dedicated to continuous improvement for all, pursuing the highest standards in every aspect of education - academic, social, physical and spiritual where we take our own decisions that suit our school and define its direction : and where we exercise our professional judgement and accept the consequences accountable where we diagnose our own needs, priorities, targets and performance and accept responsibility for this performance where there is rigorous self-evaluation : where, within the national and local framework, and in co-operation with WDC Directorate, actions and policies are pursued and implemented which meet our needs and requirements where we review own performance against these stated objectives through reflection, critical enquiry and review a school that is – collegiate where there is a collective commitment to continuous development and improvement where leadership is distributed and devolved where staff, pupils and parents are valued and empowered where staff exercise freedom, choice, autonomy in a responsible manner
Broad General Education to Senior Phase
Curriculum structure Broad General Education to Senior Phase Provide an outline of our curriculum structure that provides pupils will a degree of personalisation and choice allowing them to continue learning in the subjects they enjoy and are good at.
All Staff Numeracy Health & Wellbeing Literacy
Key skills that enable our learners to improve all aspects of their learning and wellbeing. Staff across the school in every curricular area take responsibility for developing pupils literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing skills. Pupil Equity Fund (Scottish Government funding given directly to schools) provides our school with a unique opportunity to target resources to improve the literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing of our pupils. Many of these resources will be targeted at our S1 cohort in an effort to provide them with exciting opportunities to improve their skills in these 3 areas. These resources however are also allowing us to work with targeted groups of pupils from all year groups in a bid to raise attainment. In partnership with parents we must do all we can to encourage our young people to make the most of these opportunities and work hard
Curriculum for Excellence Broad General Education to senior phase
The curriculum is designed to continue to build upon the learning that takes place in primary. There is a big focus on developing the skills of our young people through the BGE…skills for life, learning and work. Many of your children will end up in jobs that have not yet been thought of. There has to be necessary skills for them to cope in an ever changing society and that is the reason for this focus. We have to provide them with the tools required for this. Real collective drive to not only raise the aspirations of our young people but provide them with the opportunities to excel in everything that they do. Skills for Life, Learning and Work
S1/2 Curriculum Structure
Language Mathematics Science Social Studies Technologies Expressive Arts Health & Wellbeing Religious & Moral Education 7 5 3 6 2 English (4) Spanish (3) Mathematics (4) Numeracy (1) Integrated course (3) in S1 Integrated course (3) Digital Technology (2) Design Engineering (1) Art & Design (2) Music (1) PE (2) WOW (2) HE (2) RE (2) S2 CURRICULUM S2 Rotation: Biology Physics Chemistry S2 Rotation: Modern Studies History Geography Business Technology (1) Computing Science (1) Art & Design (1) Music (2) HE (1) S1 Curriculum Structure Designed to provide pupils with opportunities to learning across the 8 curricular areas WOW - Wellbeing, Opportunities and Work – curriculum delivering many aspects of literacy, numeracy, careers education
Religious & Moral Education
S2-S3 Options Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G Col H Health & Wellbeing Religious & Moral Education 4 3 2 English Mathematics Languages Geography History Modern Studies Biology Chemistry Physics Art & Design Design & Manufacture Practical Craft Home Economics Music PE Administration & IT Computing Studies Graphic Communication Home Economics Practical Craft Music Drama PE(2) WOW (2) RE(2) Options made moving from S2 – S3 English, Maths and Spanish remain compulsory…choices in 5 columns Opportunity to personalise their curriculum and continue with subjects they enjoy/do well at – can do well at – subjects that relate to their interests – and of course subjects that allow them to follow pathways to a career Choice should not be based on if they like the teacher, choosing subjects because their friends have, or if they think it is easy
S3-S4 Options Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F English Spanish
Biology Physics Admin & I.T Maths Geography History Modern Studies ESOL Art & Design Music Computing Pract Wood Health & Food Hospitality Child Care Chemistry Design & Manufacture P.E Graph Comm Drama Further opportunity to personalise curriculum as pupils move from S3 into S4 to sit their national Qualifications English and Maths are no longer compulsory but every pupil will be encouraged to continue their learning in these areas and in fact all do. Physical Education, Religious Education and WOW also form part of the S4 curriculum. College options will be available for those where part placements would be appropriate – for example those with specific careers in mind such as construction, motor vehicle maintenance, beauty therapy. Places are interviewed and there are limited/competative
S4-S5 Options Higher National 5
B C D E F Higher English Spanish Physics Admin & IT Maths Geography History Modern Studies Computing Science H – Drama (T) ESOL Human Biology Chemistry Art & Design Music Graphic Communication Accounts Design & Man PE H-Photography (T) Health & Food Technology National 5 Numeracy (N5) Saltire Award (T) (Mandarin/Gaelic/Primary School Work experience) Biology Art & Design Digital Media (NPA) Literacy(N5) Travel and Tourism Numeracy (N5) Graph Communication Practical Metal Working Hospitality Practical Cake Craft. Art & Design Scottish Studies (T) Health and Food Sports Leaders (S5/6) Practical Metal working COLLEGE OPTION 1 COLLEGE OPTION 2 Brief preview of what our current S4 into S5 options look like – is important to consider subject choices now as we would encourage all pupils to continue their learning in the same subjects to take their learning to the highest level. Of course there are opportunities to make changes although this will be done at the options time and negotiated with the Pupil Support Teacher.
Senior Phase – SPTA S4 S6 6 subjects National 3 National 4 National 5
Wider Achievements S5 Up to 5 subjects Higher S6 Advanced Higher Considering the senior phase as a 3 year experience and not individual years – this is to consider the importance of pathways through the years ensuring pupils are encouraged to continue their learning to the highest level.
College - Childcare/Nursery Nurse
Learning Journey S3 Subjects 8 Subjects English Level 3 Maths Level 3 Drama History Level 3/4 Chemistry Art & Design Level 4 Admin Modern Studies S4 6 subjects Nat 3 Maths Nat 4 Nat 5 S5 4 subjects + wider achievement DofE Art & Design Higher Leaver Destination College - Childcare/Nursery Nurse Possible learning journey - College
Computing Science Level 4 University – Business Studies
Learning Journey S3 8 Subjects English Level 3/4 Maths Level 4 Business Level 4 Design Engineering Modern Studies Level 4 Computing Science Level 4 Geography Admin S4 6 subjects English Nat 4 Maths Nat 5 Business Management Modern Studies Computing Science S5 5 subjects Higher Management Modern Studies Higher S6 4 subjects Advanced Higher Study Period Admin Higher Leaver Destination University – Business Studies Possible learning journey – University
Foundation Apprenticeship
Learning Journey S3 Subjects 8 Subjects English Level 4 Maths Level 4 Drama History Level 3/4 Biology Level 3 Art & Design Admin Modern Studies S4 6 subjects Nat 3 Maths Nat 4 Nat 5 S5 4 subjects + wider achievement Foundation Apprenticeship Art & Design Higher S6 3 subjects + wider achievement English Nat 5 Drama Higher History Higher Study Period Leaver Destination Apprenticeship
Making the Right Choice
Options process Making the Right Choice
Options process Extended options assemblies
Letters, options booklets and options forms issued Individual appointments with Pupil Support staff Tracking report 19 January 2018 Reporting Evening Wednesday 25 January 2018 Options interviews begin 26 January 2018 Options collated and reviewed New timetable starts 14 May 2018
Support structure Mr Gibson/Dr Aitken – Depute Head Teacher
Miss McGowan/Mr Sangster – Principal Teacher Pupil Support Mrs Butler - Principal Teacher Pupil Support Mrs Chatterton - Principal Teacher Pupil Support Mrs Murray - Principal Teacher Pupil Support Mr McAloon – Principal Teacher Additional Support Needs Mr McKinstry/Mrs Nicoll – Principal Teacher Raising Attainment Careers (SDS) – Anton Gallacher & Norma Oliphant Classroom teachers Parents/Carers Technology – My World of Work/Planitplus Range of staff available for support and advice Importance of classroom teachers
SPTA High School – Your Careers Service
Norma Oliphant & Anton Gallagher Introduce self and team member (if other team members with you) Explain to your group Skills Development Scotland are a national organisation and that we have continuous responsibility to support young people and adults of all ages with career advice and guidance throughout their individual careers Icebreaker – what is the percentage of text messages that are read within three minutes of delivery – 90%
A 3-18 Journey The Career Education Standard recognises that:
career education is a journey from 3-18 the role of key influencers not all young people will progress in the same way not all face the same challenges and same need for support
We will deliver... Universal offer Enhanced offer
Group sessions for all year groups S3 subject choice interview for every pupil Employability workshops Input at parents evenings and information sessions Teachers/pupils can request one to one appointments Enhanced offer All of the above S3 enhanced offer One to one appointments for those 4th, 5th and 6th years
Time in School Scheduled appointments and drop in slots
Norma – Monday –Thursday except Wed Morning Anton - Monday – Friday except Wed morning Drop in Thursdays/Fridays 13:00 in library
S3 Experience New timetable begins 14th May 2018
Preparation for National Qualifications in senior phase Classwork delivered at level 3 and level 4 Progress to National 3, 4, 5 in S4
Monitoring and Tracking
Tracking reports issued throughout the year Effort Behaviour Homework S3 Options Information Evening – January 2019 S3 Parents Afternoon – January S3 Options begin – January Tracking reports will be issued highlighting the effort/behaviour and homework for pupils – this will be issued twice throughout the year. In addition to that there will be 2 parents evening providing you with the opportunity to meet with staff to discuss your child progress. Any ongoing concerns or updates you would like simply contact Me Campbell or myself.
S4 Experience New timetable begins 14th May 2018
Continuation of learning Study skills sessions Rigorous monitoring and tracking of progress Interventions: 1-1 learning conversations Early warnings Mentoring Revision guides Supported study Interim reports throughout the year S4 Parents night November 2018 Interim Assessments January 2019 SQA Exams May 2019 Some features of the S4 Experience New timetable begins early May so it is important that pupils continue to apply themselves as the content of S3 contributes to the learning in S4 Focus is to continue learning in the subjects they are currently studying Pupils are set target grades and are measured closely on their progress towards their target – working grades/effort/behaviour/homework updated monthly Interventions Interim reports throughout the year to keep you informed of child's progress Important dates: Parents night/prelims/SQA exams
Careers fayre SPTA Careers Fayre - S1 to S6 on Monday 15th January p.m. Wide variety of career pathways showcased Workshops led by guest speakers and on topics such as using the My World of Work website and a Foundation Apprenticeships workshop led by West College Scotland. Some of our very own DYW Working Group will also be facilitating workshops during the evening.
Mass School Chaplain – Fr Boyle Oratory
Very fortunate to have a school chaplain that actively support the development of the faith life of the school. In addition to Fr Boyle we have other local parish priests that come in from time to time to work with the school.
Important information on the school can be found in the school’s website: clubs, curriculum, policies, bulletins, focus for the week, uniform, parents’ handbook, supported study, calendar of events, information on departments, advice on study skills etc Information sheets and newsletters are also issued through your son or daughter. Should you wish any extra information, please do not hesitate to contact the school at any time.
Parentzone is a website created by Education Scotland that aims to develop partnerships between parents and schools. The resource provides parents with detailed information on all aspects of curriculum for excellence, how you can get involved in your school through our Parent Councils and Parent Teacher Associations, information on what you can do as a parents to support the learning process as well as resources.
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