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Imperialism expands to Muslim Lands

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1 Imperialism expands to Muslim Lands
Unit Enduring Understandings 1. The motives of competition and profit often prompt people and groups to expand into new areas of opportunity. 2. Changes in technology and exchange during the 18th and 19th centuries led to the social and economic changes around the world that are still relevant today. 3. Technology, transportation and communication enabled European nations to become the dominant world powers in the 19th century. 4. Centers of global economic and political power shift over time. 5. Technology and industrial advancement can alter existing social and economic systems. Imperialism expands to Muslim Lands Warm-up – Questions about map of Africa? Complete organizer on p 25 – Colonization and Imperialism – similarities and differences Actively read both selections on p 26 – Imperialism in Africa – Comparing points of View – answer questions 1 through 5 on the bottom. Complete organizer on p 27 - Muslim Lands Fall to Imperialist Demands – A, B and C Write an essay that explains the motives, many different techniques and strategies Europeans used to gain control of areas of Africa and Asia. Explain how European Imperialism affected the native people and the imperial countries and how these people may view Europeans and Americans today. Finally, what are the key lessons for us today from the imperialism era? Share, read, discuss and revise your paragraph With your group plan a cartoon from the perspective of the natives that lampoons the European imperialists and illustrates what you wrote in the above paragraph.

2 Colonization and Imperialism
Empire Building 15th and 16th Centuries Imperialism 18th and 19th Centuries - Differences Imperialism 18th and 19th Centuries - Similarities Economic motives: wanted wealth, riches & new trade routes to Asia Get resources for manufacturing or trade rather than gold and New markets to sell manufactured goods Also desire for wealth, Social/religious motives: desire to spread Catholicism Missionary zeal for spreading Protestantism, Racism, Social Darwinism and desire to “civilize” the savages with Christianity Methods of conquest: military conquest Indirect control, protectorates and private business ownership of colony Military conquest Patterns of management: spain used forced labor, dutch made trading posts, Britain set up permanent colonies Similarities British used indirect rule and permanent colonies French direct rule and paternalism to assimilate the natives into European culture and Belgian Congo forced labor Resistance to colonial rule like Mexico & Haiti Most of Africa could not revolt due to weaknesses Algeria, Ethiopia and South Africa revolted Impact - Technological improvements Death, abuse, disease, exploitation

3 Two Views of Imperialism
F.D. Lugard Goal is to improve the lives of the Africans: Bringing technology Adding wealth through fair trade Teach the natives proper government and justice Bring humanity and education Brought the enlightenment which is the basis of African unrest and independence movements Patrice Lumumba Imperialism was awful for Africans: Back-breaking labor Low or no pay Lowered standard of living Europeans brutalized Africans Illegally stole land from Africans Injustice and imprisonment, torture, execution for political views Terrible inequality and discrimination

4 Two Views of Imperialism - Questions
What arguments does Lugard present? - Good for industry but also good for the Africans – new transport, prosperity, stopping famine and disease, improving culture, enlightened values. Fairly widely, if not more focused on trade and profits, but also rationalizing rather than deeply felt. Africans post-independence Pretty damning and specifically contradicted the claims of Lugard regarding progress, improved standards of living and enlightened values in practice Lugard was British and Lumumba was from the Congo affected by the evils of Leopold, 1 was the colonizer and 2 the colonized What arguments does Lugard present? To what extent did this view prevail in Europe? What period and group of people does Lumumba represent What are Lumumba’s views on imperialism? What factors might account for the differences in viewpoints?

5 Muslim Lands Fall to European Imperialists
Death of Suleiman the Magnificent The greatest Sultan of Ottoman Empire died after having his most capable son killed, leaving two of his sons to fight for control, leading to factionalism, a history of killing the most capable heirs, and the reverse of social Darwinism. Subsequent Ottoman Sultans were weak and ineffective, crating opportunities for subject nations to fight for independence. The weak leaders also resulted in corruption, angering subjects leading to revolts and the slow shrinking of the Empire Rise of nationalism As we learned in last unit, subject nations, learning nationalism from the French Revolution and Napoleon, developed loyalty to their nation and leading to revolts against the Ottoman Empire. Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians and Arabs revolted, leading to the weakening of the Ottoman Empire. In many cases, these nations were aided by Europeans against the Ottomans like in the Russo-Turkish War

6 Muslim Lands Fall to European Imperialists
Geopolitics World Powers wanted parts of the strategically valuable Ottoman Empire Russia wanted Black Sea ports France wanted Suez for a canal Britain wanted greater access to the Mediterranean Therefore, many European alliances were formed that led to the weakening of the Ottoman Empire Crimean War (1851), which Ottomans won with help of Britain, showed the weakness of the Russian Empire Russo Turkish War ( ) resulted in many nationalities leaving the Ottoman Empireempire like Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro. Suez Canal built France builds the canal in 1869 under contract with Egypt principality of the Ottoman Empire. French company and Egypt run out of money to manage and upkeep the canal, so Britain comes in and buys much of the canal and then by 1882 takes over all of Egypt.

7 Muslim Lands Fall to European Imperialists
Oil in Persia Lacking money to develop the oil fields, Persian Qajar King sells rights to a company called the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (later it changes its name to British Petroleum Company (BP) Rebellions against the Qajar dynasty occurs due to anger over selling out to foreigners The weak Qajars are forced to allow the division of Persia into two spheres of influence – the North to Russia and the South to Britain.

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