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EYFS Curriculum Meeting 2017

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Presentation on theme: "EYFS Curriculum Meeting 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 EYFS Curriculum Meeting 2017
LA to introduce

2 This Year School Life Winter Wonderland Out of this world ..
Amazing Animals Once upon a time Superheroes LA

3 Communication Home school book – not checked each day.
Important messages to adult on the gate. Use the home school book to record each time you read with your child as well as any other learning you have completed at home. VLE Parent Involvement sessions – glitter afternoon 11/12/17 2pm – 3pm LA

4 VLE A VLE or Virtual Learning Environment is a system for delivering learning materials to students via the web.  LA The children can access the login page directly or by using the tab on the Thundersley Primary  website.

5 OPEN DOOR Invited in at the end of the day. Children sent out as normal. An opportunity to talk to the class teacher and share what your child has been learning. Next open door is on 27/11/17 at pm LA

6 Sharing your child’s learning
Parent Involvement sessions Today: Number Hunt in the school grounds. Monday 11th December, afternoon: Glitter afternoon, no younger siblings. Wednesday 7th February: Grandparents afternoon tea Thursday 1st March: Underwater Fun Thursday 3rd May: Collage afternoon Tuesday 10th July: Calm boxes LA

7 PE and Swimming PE will be on a Wednesday.
PE kits should be kept in school and will be sent home each half- term for a wash. Earrings must be taken out. Swimming will be in the summer term. FM

8 What the children need in school
Each day the children need to bring in: Their book bag with home school book and reading book, A water bottle containing water only, A packed lunch if not having school dinners, A coat in wet or cold weather, A sun hat in warm, sunny weather. ALL ITEMS MUST BE NAMED. FM

9 Phonics Children will have daily phonics lessons.
Taught one new sound a day during phase 2. Each letter sound has an action to help the children remember. See Jolly phonics for actions and correct pronunciation. Correct pronunciation of each sound is really important. CF

10 Phonics Once children know the first four sounds: s,a,t,p, they can start to segment and blend. CF

11 Tricky Words Tricky words cannot be sounded therefore they cannot be segmented and blended to read. The children need to learn these words by sight. CF

12 Reading for Pleasure CF

13 Dont stop! Some 44% of 1,000 parents of 6- to 11-year-olds polled said they rarely or never read with their child after their seventh birthday. Size of a child’s vocabulary at the age of 5 indicates how many GCSEs they are likely to pass. Parents should continue reading with their children throughout primary school. CF

14 Reading at school Daily sessions based on a high-quality text
Independent reading Group sessions Whole class reading Children to bring books to school every day. Reward system – 25 times – Bronze certificate 50 times – Bronze badge 75 times – Silver certificate 100 times – Silver badge 125 times – Gold Certificate 150 times – Gold Badge CF

15 Reading at Home School expectation is for children to read 5 times a week at home. What kinds of books should my child read? Children to record in their diaries each time they read – parents to sign Take turns to read aloud to each other. They can learn from your expressive reading and you can check they are not strugglingAsk questions about the book - maybe about what might happen next or a character's motivation Make sure they understand any new or unusual words or phrases Just ten minutes a day is enough! Make sure that reading is fun! CF

16 Reading at school Each child will read with an adult at least once a week. The adults will give each child 1 or 2 reading books a week which follow a reading scheme and need to be read in order. Every child will start on lilac, wordless reading books. Please keep books in book bags and bring to school each day. We will write a note in the home school book when they have read. When children are ready we will move them on to the next book level. CF

17 Homework Maths Number cards will be sent home.
Numbers sent home are based on baseline assessment. Use the cards to help your child to recognise and order numbers. It is important that the numbers are not always used in order but mixed up. When your child is ready they will receive more numbers cards up to 20 as well as a +, - and = card. They can be used to play games such as find the number, which number is missing and making number sentences using the + and – cards,. LA

18 Homework Phonics During phase 2, The majority of children will be given 4 sound cards each week depending on their progress. Your child will be given these cards at the end of the week after they have been taught. Children need to know letter sound and letter name. Children can start practising segmenting and blending using the sound cards. We will check the children’s progress with their sounds. LA

19 Attendance Important to attend every day and to be on time
Descriptor Threshold Attendance Actual Whole Days Absent Learning Hours Lost Excellent 100% 190 days 99% 189 days 2 10 Good 98% 186 days 4 20 97% 184 days 6 30 96% 182.5 days 7.5 37.5 Satisfactory 95% 180.5 days 9.5 47.5 Cause for Concern 90% 171 days 19 95 89% 169 days 21 105 88% 167 days 23 115 87% 165 days 25 125 Unsatisfactory 86% 163 days 27 135 Serious Cause for concern 85% 161.5 days 28.5% 142.5 84% 159.5 days 30.5 152.5 83% 158 days 32 160 82% 156 days 34 170 81% 154 days 36 180 Critical 80% 152 days 38 190 Important to attend every day and to be on time If possible try to arrange appointments after school, or during holidays. LA

20 Number hunt We are raising money for caterpillars and butterflies
Any money left over will go towards resources for our early years environment. Thank you for your support. LA

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