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What is Odyssey of the mind?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Odyssey of the mind?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Odyssey of the mind?
Watch the video posted below to find out what your creative thinker does as an Omer! ch?v=cWHP64kUhWc

2 (How to do NOTHING and feel good about it)
No outside assistance! (How to do NOTHING and feel good about it)

3 In Odyssey of the Mind, Students learn along the journey…if someone else takes the trip for them, well, the studnets don;t learn anything.

4 The philosophy In OM, students compete with other students of their age and education level to keep things fair If an adult or older student solves any part of the problem, the competition is unfair Outside Assistance (OA) deprives students of the program’s benefits!

5 What is the role of the team coach?
Organize the team Maintain order and discipline Motivate the students

6 Coaches and parents may…
Ask probing (not leading) questions to prod the team to think about their solutions or how to improve them Teach team members how to do something (such as use a drill or sew), but may not give a specific solution

7 Quiz Time: OA or Not?

8 A coach brings in an architect to talk to a Problem 4 (structure) team about shapes and strength… Outside assistance? Yes or No...

9 A coach edits a Division II (middle school) team’s script for grammar errors and mistakes… Outside assistance? Yes or No...

10 A coach helps a team use woodcutting tools because school safety codes require an adult to operate certain machinery… Outside assistance? Yes or No…

11 A team member brings a costume her sister made for a dance recital and wers it in the long-term performance… Outside assistance? Yes or No...

12 A team constructs a backdrop based on one they saw on a YouTube video… Outside assistance? Yes or No...

13 A parent purchases pottery made by a local craftsman and the team uses it as a free choice item in style for artistic quality… Outside Assistance? Yes or No...

14 A team uses props and backdrops from last year’s solution for the current problem… Outside assistance? Yes or No...

15 A parent notices that as her son is getting ready to perform, a piece of his costume is coming loose. She rushes up and presses it firmly back into place. Outside assistance? Yes or No…

16 A parent, who is a professional seamstress, adds sequins to all the costumes the team made under her direction. Outside assistance? Yes or No…

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