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Put your hand in the air if they have ever eaten a chocolate bar

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2 Put your hand in the air if they have ever eaten a chocolate bar
Put your hand in the air if they have ever eaten a chocolate bar. Put your other hand in the air if they think chocolate is yummy. Comment on how many hands are in the air – practically everyone in the room loves chocolate.

3 We all love chocolate but where does it come from
We all love chocolate but where does it come from? Put up your hands if you know the answer.

4 Some of the younger pupils should suggest ‘the shops’, the older pupils usually know that it comes from cocoa trees. (If ‘the shops’ is not suggested, say that is where you thought it came from.)

5 Chocolate actually comes from a tree
Chocolate actually comes from a tree. Does this mean a Chocolate Tree exists – a tree that grows chocolate? Fantastic!

6 No, chocolate actually comes from a cocoa tree...

7 ...which produces cocoa pods, and in these are cocoa beans.

8 Mix these cocoa beans with milk and sugar and you get chocolate!

9 Does this mean we could all grow a cocoa tree in our back gardens and make lots and lots of lovely chocolate!

10 I’m afraid this is not possible
I’m afraid this is not possible! Unfortunately, cocoa trees only grow in hotter climates, on continents such as Africa, and in countries within in such as Ghana.

11 Read out each of the statements in turn and ask the pupils to put up their hands if they think the statement is true. All the statements are true Comment on the number of people who thought each statement was true i.e. if very few think statement 2 was true, note how chocolate is big business.


13 Comment on what conclusions we can draw from these facts i. e
Comment on what conclusions we can draw from these facts i.e. chocolate is very popular, there seems to be a lot of money to be made in the chocolate industry.

14 Cocoa farmers work very hard to get the beans ready to sell to the chocolate companies – they have to pick the cocoa pods, take out the cocoa beans, dry the beans then pack the beans up to sell to the chocolate factories. Unfortunately sometimes cocoa farmers can have very difficult lives. They can earn very little for their work which means they struggle to feed their families and send their children to school. Suggest that we are now the children are chocolate experts we can play a game of ‘Spot the Difference’....

15 ‘What is the difference between these two bars of chocolate
‘What is the difference between these two bars of chocolate? ‘ and hold up two bars of chocolate without the wrapper, one Fairtrade certified and the other which is not – labelled ‘A’ and ‘B’. I need a couple of volunteers to come up and see what differences they can spot. Ask them to comment on the size, shape, weight, colour. Reveal the wrappers and point out the Fairtrade logo. Has anyone seen this logo before? What do you think it means?

16 No children forced to work Money for the community
Safe places to work Help the environment A fair price No children forced to work Fairtrade is one way that people are trying to help cocoa farmers - When you see the Fairtrade Mark it means: Farmers get a fair price for what they make or grow so they can afford to feed their families, send their children to school and Farmers also get extra money for their community to help build more schools, dig wells for water and build health centres. Farmers are given clothes to protect them so they don’t harm themselves when working with crops. A greater respect for the environment. The Fairtrade mark is only given to farmers who look after the environment. No children are forced to work to make Fairtrade products Money for the community

17 And it’s not only chocolate, the Fairtrade Mark is on over 4,500 products: bananas, fruit juice, tea, coffee, cereal, even footballs! Think about favourite food to eat? Why not find out more about where it comes from and the people who make it? You might be surprised!

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