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Year 7 New Parents’ Evening Wednesday 8th July

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1 Year 7 New Parents’ Evening Wednesday 8th July
Welcome and thank you for joining us!

2 Main presentations Mr Hicks, Headteacher, welcome & ethos/history of The Charter School Ms Hardy, Director of Learning Key Stage 3, curriculum and academic/pastoral care Ms Parvez, Year 7 Leader Ms Watson and Ms Howes, Meeting the needs for all A word from our students – Umar Kamara and Elsie Henderson Mr Winston, Subject Leader for Music


4 Excellence for All What does this mean? Needs to do more than simply look good on our website

5 The Charter School was founded in 2000 with the clear commitment to become an exceptional and inclusive community school that transforms the life chances of our young people. This commitment still underpins everything we do. We believe that all our young people have the potential to achieve in school and succeed in life. We are committed to our pursuit of the highest standards possible in education and we are united in our determination that all students will excel regardless of their starting points or personal circumstances. We want all our students to flourish and to become creative, confident and caring citizens who are happy in themselves, excited about learning, and ambitious for success. They will leave us ready to participate fully in our democratic society and prepared to face the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

6 Our Values 1. Excellence 2. Responsibility 3. Perseverance 4. Family
- Be the best you can be in everything you do - Strive to exceed all expectations inside and outside the classroom. - No excuses - Be ambitious for your future - Take responsibility for your own learning and behaviour - Engage fully in lessons - Participate in extra-curricular activities - Work to change your school, local and global communities for the better. - Work hard: remember that effort is the key to success - Keep trying even when you find things difficult. - Enjoy difficult challenges - Be resilient and maintain a growth mindset at all times. - Respect yourself, other people and the school environment - Care for and support each other - Follow the rules - Value diversity and difference.

7 Our Vision All students will develop the knowledge, skills and character so that they can be happy in life, and be successful in higher education or the inspiring career pathway of their choice.


9 What does this mean for your child at the start of a new year?

10 Ms Hardy - The Curriculum and developments
Mixture of knowledge, skills and understanding Module System, target setting and interim reports Importance of homework Year 7 Humanities P4C – Philosophy for Children Growth Mindset Our Values – developing character Reading books are compulsory!

11 WHAT CAN PARENTS DO? Very shortly you will receive a letter to confirm your child’s tutor group and tutor – this will include the address of the tutor and other key staff. Students received a Transition Homework at last week’s Induction. Please encourage them to complete this over the Summer holidays and bring with them on 3rd September. Maintain two way communication with Year 7 staff Encourage good study skills (particularly reading skills) Take an interest in homework Share enthusiasm and give encouragement Praise understanding while cajoling any improvements

12 Further support There is a ‘Meet the Team’ evening on Thursday 24th September from 6pm-7.15pm. During this time you will be able to meet your tutor, and the other parents with children in your tutor group, and be provided with further information and support regarding Year 7.

13 Ms Hardy, Director of Learning KS3
Who’s Who…….. Ms Hardy, Director of Learning KS3 Year Leader : Ms Parvez Year 7 Tutors: Mr Webster, Ms Watson, Ms Simpson, Ms Kempster, Ms Dougall, Ms Pappon, Ms O’Donnell

14 Your contacts 1. Tutors – you will be given an address to contact 2. Tutors will raise to Ms Parvez if necessary 3. Ms Parvez will raise with Ms Hardy if necessary 4. for confidential or serious matters, parents can of course go straight to DoL or YL.

15 Engagement and Success
Parents/ Carers School Student

16 Vivo is a points based system
Our Rewards policy Vivo is a points based system

17 More Able and Talented Provision
Purpose: At The Charter School we aim to make sure that all our students are challenged to enable them to achieve the best they possibly can. High Aspirations Excellent Opportunities Celebration of Achievement 

18 More Able and Talented Identification
More Able Register Students are placed on the More Able list if they have been given three or more nominations including: CATS mean score 115 and above KS2 Level 5 in Maths and English Subject nominations Student is from disadvantaged background Talented Register This register highlights students who hold an exceptional ability in: The Arts Technology Sport These students may not be academic all-rounders, but their inclusion of this list will highlight their particular talents in these subjects. Students can appear on both registers, and a nomination in a ‘Talented’ list subject will hold as much weight as all other subjects with regards to ‘More Able’ identification.

19 Provision for Year 7 - Excellence for All
In School The Charter Challenge Award Events e.g. Oxford University Talk Extra-Curricular Clubs and Societies e.g. Debate Mate Outside School (what you can do!) Encourage Reading- use reading lists on the school website, join a local library Family Excursions- Museums, Art Galleries etc.

20 Learning Support at The Charter School Who are we, where do we live and how do you reach us?
The Learning Support Department consists of 3 specialist teachers, 5 Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) and 13 Learning Support Assistants (LSAs). We work with all year groups across the curriculum, inside and outside the classroom. Our aim is to support all students with special educational needs to: Reach their full potential  Achieve their personal best  Make progress  Feel valued and included  Enjoy school We are located in a suite of rooms in A block and our HLTAs have their own teaching rooms within department areas. Contacting us: Rachel HOWES – SENCo / English Karla PAPPON – Assistant SENCo / Maths Shalene VARCOE – SEN Administrator Telephone

21 Learning Support at The Charter School The school offers the following additional support according to your child’s special educational needs: Quality first teaching, which incorporates a multi-sensory approach A curriculum tailored to your child’s needs Enhanced access to ICT or specialist equipment In-class support from learning support assistants Reading, phonics, touch-typing and handwriting intervention programmes Small class withdrawal in the core subjects aimed at pupils working below the expected level Learning Support Option at KS4 Pastoral support Dyslexia intervention sessions Speech and language sessions Group sessions focussed on social and communication skills Homework support club Lunchtime activities eg Lego club Pupil counselling Extra-curricular trips Test and exam access arrangements Access to additional support and advice from outside agencies & professionals e.g. speech and language therapist, educational psychologist, autism support service, CAMHS, school nurse

22 Key Dates Thursday 3rd September – first day of school am start. Finish at 2.45pm. Friday 4th September – normal school day. Arrive at 8.25am. Finish at 3pm. Thursday 24th September. Meet the Team event. 6-7.15pm. Parents only.

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