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Chief, Environment Division, WMO

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1 Chief, Environment Division, WMO
WMO Global Atmosphere Watch(GAW) & Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observations (IGACO) Leonard Barrie Chief, Environment Division, WMO Search Engine “GAW”  UN-ECE LRTAP Task Force Brussels 1-3 June 05

2 The GAW Mission Systematic Global Monitoring Of Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere. Analysis and Assessment in Support of International Conventions. Development Of Air Pollution and Climate Predictive Capability The GAW2005 Workshop March 2005 WMO Geneva

3 Motivation Air Pollution Forecasting, Health Effects, Long Range Transport and Deposition Effects Improved Weather Forecasting: By Including Aerosols, Ozone and Reactive Gas Observations Climate, Climate Change and Climate Prediction Oxidizing Power:The Atmosphere As A Waste Processor. Key to Global Hg and some POPs Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Surface UV Enhancement: Are Halocarbon controls working? Effects of UV on biosphere? The GAW2005 Workshop March 2005 WMO Geneva

4 GAW Monitoring Components
SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY GROUPS: AEROSOL OZONE GHGs PRECIP-CHEM UV REACTIVE GASES QUALITY ASSURANCE- SCIENCE ACTIVITY CENTRES WCCs, RCCs, Projects CENTRAL CALIBRATION LABORATORIES (World Reference Standard) GAW STATIONS & GAWSIS Global Regional GAW WORLD DATA CENTRES: OZONE/UV GHGs(& Related Gases) AEROSOL PRECIP-CHEM RADIATION Analysis Twinning Workshops Calibration, Training Site Visits, Comparisons Synthesis IGACO Contributing Networks Satellite Observations CAS/WG Environmental Pollution And Atmospheric Chemistry(EPAC) WMO/GAW Secretariat AREP

5 GLOBAL STATIONS IN GAW Alert Ny Ålesund Point Barrow Pallas-Sodankylä
80 80 Point Barrow Pallas-Sodankylä Mace Head Zugspitze-Hohenpeissenberg Jungfraujoch 40 40 Mt Waliguan Izana Assekrem - Tamanrasset Mauna Loa Minamitorishima Kenya Bukit Koto Tabang Samoa Arembepe Cape Point 40 40 Amsterdam Island Lauder Cape Grim Ushuaia 160 80 80 160 Neumayer Station March 2005 South Pole


7 Examples GAWSIS Statistics
GAWSIS STATION REGISTRATION GAW DATA CAPTURE Observatories by Source Observatories by Region and Source Total Column Ozone Capture GAWSIS comprehensive on-line data-base | | search | update | inventory | audit | supported by MeteoSwiss and Empa | contacts: and

8 The symbols represent different instrument types.
GAW GLOBAL TOTAL COLUMN OZONE NETWORK: Stations Submitting Data The symbols represent different instrument types. Compliments of WOUDC, MSC, Toronto {Ed Hare Manager}.

9 Compliments of WOUDC, MSC, Toronto {Ed Hare Manager}.
GAW GLOBAL OZONE SONDE NETWORK: Stations Submitting Data To WOUDC The red triangles represent sites of GAW Contributing partner NASA/SHADOZ. Compliments of WOUDC, MSC, Toronto {Ed Hare Manager}.

10 Ozone Assessment 2002 Chapter 4 Figure 4-4 (adapted from Fioletov) WMO/GAW Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Report # 47

11 GAW Global Carbon Dioxide Network {Major Partner NOAA/CMDL}


13 Ground based global AOD Networks “are currently mostly un-coordinated”
Latitudinal distribution Polar regions: 4 Midlatitude North: 50 Tropics: 26 Midlatitude South: 10 Total 90 Major data gaps Africa, Asia, India, Polar region and Oceans International: AERONET, BSRN, GAWPFR, SKYNET National: Australia, China, Finland, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, USA(4)

14 The GAW2005 Workshop 14-16 March 2005 WMO Geneva

15 “Need a systematic approach to observations” (Bad Breisig Oct 02 recommendation)

16 What Is The Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partnership?
The IGOS Partners include the: Global observing systems Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Global Observing System (GOS) and the Global Atmospheric Watch(GAW) of the WMO Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) Sponsors of the global observing systems World Meteorological Organization (WMO) U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Organization (IOC) International Council for Science (ICSU) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Committee on Earth Observation Satellites( CEOS) includes all national and regional government agencies with an Earth observing satellite system Global change research programs International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research (IGFA) WMO/CEOS Report was developed by Hilsenrath, Mohnen and Reading on the basis of international workshops in the US and Japan June 2001 John Miller of GAW presented the case for IGACO to IGOS and it was accepted. Guy Brasseur led the initial phase assembling the IGACO theme team. Len Barrie and Jorg Langen with WMO and ESA support with the considerable resources of Peter Borrell former head of EUROTRAC as secretary will lead the next phase toward the production of the theme report.


18 IGACO TARGET VARIABLE LIST Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
 Chemical species  Air Quality  Oxidation Capacity  Climate   Stratospheric Ozone Depletion O3 H2O (water vapour) CO CO2 CH4 HCHO VOCs N2O NOx = NO+NO2 HNO3 SO2 BrO, ClO, OClO HCl, ClONO2 CH3Br, CF3Br, CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22 aerosol optical properties actinic flux The short list obtained after filtering according to the criteria in the previous slide . Emphasized that this is not finalized.

19 Example of a timeline diagram

20 Observations IGACO System
Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation (IGACO) System Objectives: To ensure accurate, comprehensive global observations of key atmospheric gases and aerosols; To establish a system for integrating ground-based, in situ and satellite observations using atmospheric models; To make the integrated observations accessible to users. An IGOS theme implemented by WMO Observations Satellite IGACO System An international process: Panel of 19 experts from 12 countries and independent reviewers from 7 countries. Aircraft Products Ground-based NO2 Links to: Space agencies, WCRP, GCOS, IGBP, IGOS themes Ozone Depletion Climate Air Quality

21 Compliments of WOUDC, MSC, Toronto {Ed Hare Manager}.
GAW GLOBAL OZONE SONDE NETWORK: Stations Submitting Data To WOUDC The red triangles represent sites of GAW Contributing partner NASA/SHADOZ. Compliments of WOUDC, MSC, Toronto {Ed Hare Manager}.

22 GAW Global In Situ Surface O3 Network

23 Flight routes with regular observations

24 Satellite Column Observations From Low Earth Polar Orbiting Satellites

25 The IGACO System Components
Now GAW: Measurements, QA & Cal/Val, Data Archives

26 IGACO Implementation:
Top-Down Support Meets Bottom-Up Action May 05 IGOS-Partners GEOSS IGACO Implementation Team (Co-Chair WMO & ESA) Scientific Advisory Panel Other WMO Programmes IGACO Office WMO/GAW USER APPLICATION ASSIMILATION- REANALYSIS MODELS DATA QUALITY, FLOW & SYNTHESIS OBSERVATIONAL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT IGACO Relevant National, Regional, International Activities(examples below) GEMS ACCENT AERONET EMEP EANET WMO/GAW NDSC Satellite-programmes NATCHEM IMPROVE IAGOS/MOZAIC)

27 IGACO Focii 2005-2010 Climate IGACO- LRTAP IGACO- Aerosols
IGACO-GHG WMO/GAW, IGCO, GCOS Climate IGACO- LRTAP (PM, O3) TF of UN-ECE LRTAP WMO/GAW, UNEP, Regional Programmes Air Quality/Human Health & Ecosystem Health IGACO- Aerosols WMO/GAW, NASA, Research Programmes Climate IGACO-Ozone WMO/GAW, IO3C Ozone/UV & Climate

28 WMO THANK YOU The GAW2005 Workshop March 2005 WMO Geneva

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