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SS7E6, SS7E7, and SS7H2 By: Ellie Congdon.

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Presentation on theme: "SS7E6, SS7E7, and SS7H2 By: Ellie Congdon."— Presentation transcript:

1 SS7E6, SS7E7, and SS7H2 By: Ellie Congdon

2 SS7E6 A Countries trade with one another to get everything they need for their country. In order to do that, each country produces what they can make the best. Then they trade with one another

3 SS7E6 B Trade Barriers protect local industries from lower priced goods made in other countries Tariff: a tax placed on goods when they are brought (imported) into one country from another country. Quota: sets a specific amount or number of a particular product that can be imported or acquired in a given period Embargo: when one country announces that it will no longer trade with another country in order to isolate a country and cause problems with that country’s economy.

4 SS7E6 C The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was created in 1960 by some of the countries with large oil supplies who wanted to work together to try to regulate the supply and price of the oil they exported to other countries. The first five countries to join the OPEC were Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezuela. All of these countries, with the exception of Venezuela, are located in Southwest Asia. These countries, along with the others who have joined since 1960, continue to decide how much oil they will produce and that determines the price on the world market. When they produce less, the price on the world market goes up. When they increase production, the price on the world market goes down.

5 SS7E6 D In order to pay for goods as they trade with each other, they had to establish a system of changing one type of currency to another. Exchange Rate In order for them to trade with each other, they have to be able to figure out what goods cost in each currency.

6 SS7E7 A & B ISRAEL Much access to education
Economy depends on technology industries to make up for country’s lack of natural resources Many citizens work in industries related to medical technology, agricultural tech., mining and electronics Highly developed service industries GDP very high b/c of its investment in human capital

7 SS7E7 A & B IRAN World’s fifth largest producer of oil
Oil industry requires well-trained and educated workers Have well respected schools and universities However, in recent years, Iranian government has not done a good job of regulating the parts of the economy that are under gov’t control.

8 SS7E7 A & B SAUDI ARABIA Main industry is as an exporter of oil and petroleum products. Technology involved in oil industry requires education and much training. Also have modern communications and transportation systems Enormous building projects These economic factors require investment in human capital Saudi Arabia has a high GDP Some citizens still practice traditional economic activities like farming and herding

9 SS7E7 C Israel Saudi Arabia Iran Has practically no oil at all
Economy depends more on technology than natural resources Saudi Arabia Has very few natural resources other than oil Very influential in world economy and OPEC The gov’t has modernized roads, schools, airports, and communication systems Iran Most valuable resource is oil 85% of country’s money comes from the sale of oil and petrochemicals 1/3 of population works in agricultural areas Political problems have led to economic difficulties Member of OPEC, therefore benefits by keeping the price of oil high in the world market

10 SS7E7 D ENTREPENURSHIP a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

11 SS7H2 A The Ottoman Empire was split because they were on the losing side of the war. Ethnic and religious circumstances was not the reason for the division. The British and the French are the ones who broke it up.

12 SS7H2 B & C Jews believe that God promised them the land called Israel. After the Holocaust, Jews had nowhere to go. Zionism is believing that Jews should have a homeland. Anti- Semitism is a strong hatred for Jews. The Palestinian Arabs played apart of both Zionism and Anti-Semitism because Israel’s land was before Palestine’s land. When the Jews took over, the Palestinian’s thought that was terrible and continue to have an on-going war. Land and Religion have a lot to do with this conflict.

13 SS7H2 D PERSIAN GULF In the Persian Gulf conflict, 1991: (the first war we fought in Iraq) Iraq’s dictator, Saddam Hussein, had invaded Kuwait in order to capture its valuable oil fields. The UN voted to send in troops to free Kuwait. Fearing for its own oil fields, the Saudi king invited UN forces, led by the United States to set up bases in Saudi Arabia to push the Iraqi forces back out of Kuwait, which we did, though we left Hussein in power.

14 SS7H2 D AFTGANISTAN Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, we traced leadership of the terrorist organization that was responsible to Osama bin Laden, whom we knew was currently in Afghanistan, where the Taliban government agreed with his goals and methods. We asked the Taliban to hand him over to us to be tried in court for his crimes. They refused, and we attacked, overthrowing the Taliban government. We have never captured bin Laden, and are still in Afghanistan trying to help the nation rebuild and to keep the Taliban from regaining their power.

15 SS7H2 D IRAN After the 9/11 attacks, the US government was very worried about threats from middle eastern sources. Looking at Iraq, we feared two things: that Iraq had ties to al-Qaeda, the terrorist group responsible and that Iraq was building weapons of mass destruction in violation of a UN sanction. As a result, we invaded the country, overthrew the leader, Saddam Hussein, and still have troops there now. We found no ties to al-Qaeda or WMDs, but we did free the nation from its dictator. Unfortunately, the different ethnic and religious groups broke out into violence against each other, resulting in thousands of deaths, and the violence is still occurring today.

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