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Lab 2.Osteology of the Appendicular Skeleton (Part 1 & 2)

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1 Lab 2.Osteology of the Appendicular Skeleton (Part 1 & 2)
Dr. Siddique Introduction to Human Anatomy East Los Angeles College

2 What is the appendicular skeleton?

3 Appendicular Bones of the Upper Extremity
Clavicle Scapula Humerus Ulna Radius Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges

4 Scapula Superior Angle

5 Humerus Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Intertubercular sulcus
Deltoid tuberosity Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Deltoid Tuberosity

6 Radius: Head Radial tuberosity Styloid process Ulna: Olecranon Coronoid process Styloid process

7 Carpals Scaphoid Lunate Triquetral Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate Mnemonic Stop Letting Those People Touch The Cadaver’s Hand

8 Appendicular Bones of the Lower Extremity
Os coxae Ilium Ischium Pubis Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges Pubic symphysis

9 Os Coxae Os coxae (ossa=plural) Ilium Ischium Pubis

10 Head Neck Greater trochanter Lesser trochanter Linea aspera
Medial condyle Lateral condyle Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Linea aspera

11 Tibia Fibula Tibial tuberosity Anterior crest Medial malleolus
Lateral malleolus

12 Tarsals Calcaneous Talus Talus Calcaneous

13 Study Guide Identify the appendicular bones on an articulated and disarticulated skeleton. Identify the anatomical features of appendicular bones. Know how bones of the appendicular skeleton properly articulate.

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