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Distributor meeting Asia Pacific

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Presentation on theme: "Distributor meeting Asia Pacific"— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributor meeting Asia Pacific
Kuala Lumpur November Country Name

2 Market Size and Market trend
Country Market Share (%) RIA Market (euros) RIA Market Trend (% 2015 vs 2014) CBB sales trend Product group Market ( €) MS (%) Trend vs MS 2014 Autoimmunity Endocrinology Tumor marker ELISA Thyroid TOTAL Customer segmentation (%) Private lab Hospital Research Others TOTAL Comments:

3 Regulatory constraints
Describe shortly regulatory constraints

4 Competitors Competitors ranking First product line 2nd 3rd
Bundling kits and automation Ex: Beckman Ex: Thyroid Comments:

5 Action plan to consolidate /increase market share
Product range * ( €) Qty Autoimmunity Endocrinology Tumor marker ELISA Thyroid TOTAL * Thank-you to detail by Product range or References -Key strategic initiatives: -Support required from CBB:

6 Thank-you

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