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STEP 3 Managing your time Or: do we really manage time…?

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Presentation on theme: "STEP 3 Managing your time Or: do we really manage time…?"— Presentation transcript:

1 STEP 3 Managing your time Or: do we really manage time…?
Or does time manage us?

2 The Pie of Life

3 The Increase - Decrease Method
What can you do if you have too little time for family and friends? What can you do if you have too little time for school? What can you do if you have too much leisure time?

4 Time Management Schedule The Term Schedule
Provides you with an overview of important due dates and special events in the entire term.

5 Time Management Schedule – The Weekly Schedule
Provides you with a plan for the week that reserves time to accomplish school, work, and leisure activities.

6 Characteristics of an Effective Weekly Schedule
reflects a realistic pie of life balance. includes time for specific goals you wish to achieve. has strong patterns that can easily become routine. reflects your individual learning styles, preferences, and lifestyle. provides time for meals, exercise, and adequate sleep.

7 Time-Management Principles for Scheduling Fixed Study Blocks
Use the 2:1 ratio for all of your classes. Use spaced practice to space your learning over different study blocks and different days of the week. Avoid marathon studying. Use trading time sparingly. Use the entire study block for one subject. Study during your most alert times of the day.

8 Essential Strategies for Scheduling Study Blocks
Label each study block to show specifically the course you intend to study. Schedule at least one study block every day of the week. Schedule a math study block every day. Schedule your hardest or least-liked subjects early in the day. Schedule a study block right before a class that involves discussion or student participation. Schedule a study block right after a lecture class. Color-code your class and study times on your weekly schedule.

9 Create a Weekly Time Management Schedule

10 Weekly Time Management Schedule

11 Time Management Schedules - Daily Schedule
Provides you with a quick reference list of time blocks and specific tasks for the day.

12 Types of Time Management Schedules - Task Schedule
Provides you with goals to achieve during a specific block of time.

13 Strategies for Independent Study and Online Courses
Create a term schedule. On your weekly schedule, write specific times you need to be available. Commit yourself to work on the course during specific blocks of time each week. During your study time, limit your use of the television or the computer to the course material you are studying. Make a task schedule each time you sit down to work.

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