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An Overview of Diversion and the Prison Situation  for 6 October 2015 YAMASHITA, Terutoshi DIRECTOR UNAFEI

2 An Overview of the Statistics (2013)
Penal Code Offenses Occurrence of Crime (unknown to the police) ? Reported cases (1,900,000) Identified suspects (880,000) 1975 2005 2013 6,700 persons awaiting trial 55,000 prisoners 1945 Special Law Offenses Reported cases (450,000) Identified suspects Prose-cution Non-prosecution (830,000) Summary prosecution (310,000) (To Family Court) (100,000) (Prosecution) (90,000) From White Paper on Crime (2014) Sen-tencing (Suspended) (32,000) (Imprisonment) (23,000) 2

3 Prosecutorial Disposition (2003 - 2012)
30,000 in 2013 60,000 in 2013 From White Paper on Crime (2013)

4 Legal System and Practices Behind Diversion
Criminal Procedure Code Art. 248 Exclusive Power of Prosecution B. Discretionary Power of Non-prosecution C. Degree of Certainty in Proving a Case for Prosecution D. Utilization of Summary Procedure for Fine E. Investigative Authority of Prosecutors Considering the character, age, environment of a suspect The gravity of offence Circumstances and situation after the offence Prosecution is not needed. Importance of Interview Criteria No written guidelines Unwritten and/or customary law accumulated from the past practices Criteria almost same as court judgement Proof beyond a reasonable doubt

5 Yakuza (Japanese mafia) in the Prisons
From White Paper on Crime (2012)

6 Yakuza (Mafia) in the Prisons
Population 120,000,000 Prisons  ,000~87,000 Yakuza (mafia) 80,000 Yakuza (mafia)  2,000~4,000 Shinkansen capacity    1,300 One car for 100 passengers Society   person Yakuza in Shinkansen Prison  to 4 cars

7 Prisoners for Drug Related Crimes (194 – 2013)
New female prisoners included Total prisoners (%) Female Prisoners (%) New prisoners prisoners newly sent to prisons for drug related crimes (1994 – 2013) ‘94 ‘98 ‘03 ‘08 ‘13 From White Paper on Crime (2014)

8 Repeat Prisoners Repeat offenders among prisoners newly sent to the prisons (1994 – 2013) Female Total ‘94 ‘98 ‘03 ‘08 ‘13 (×100 persons) (×1000 persons) 1st imprisonment Re-imprisonment From White Paper on Crime (2013)

9 Elderly Female Prisoners (over 64 yrs) Newly Sent to Prisons accounts for around 30 %
2013 Over 64 yrs % 50 to 64 yrs % 40 to 49 yrs % 30 to 39 yrs % 11.3% 17.2% 20 to 29 yrs Under 20 yrs 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1984 89 93 98 03 08 13 100 (%) 犯罪白書 2014 年版より作成 From WHITE PAPER ON CRIME 2014 14 From White Paper on Crime (2014)

10 Elderly Prisoners ( ) 1994 1998 2003 2008 2013 New prisoners over 64 years old Elder prisoners Rate (persons) Elder prisoners newly sent to the prisons (1994 – 2013) From White Paper on Crime (2014)

Mt. Fuji

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