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Solutions Overview March 14, 2014.

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1 Solutions Overview March 14, 2014

2 Wire-free Solutions for over 10 years
About RF Code Wire-free Solutions for over 10 years Based in Austin, Texas RF Code’s solutions are comprised of hardware and software platforms that provide real time asset management and wire-free environmental monitoring

3 Physical Asset Tracking Solutions
RF Code Solutions Physical Asset Tracking Solutions Fully automated “real-time location system” Critical assets, locations & people Wire-Free Monitoring Solutions Environmental Monitoring Power Monitoring

4 Product & Technology Introduction

5 RF Code Solution Components
Tags Asset Tags Sensor Tags RTLS Devices Rooms IT Racks Proximity Readers Wired Wi-Fi Middleware Zone Manager Applications Asset Manager Asset Manager Mobile

6 Solution Architecture
RF Code Solution Components Open API Interfaces Asset Manager Software Open API Full database Local or remote Tag to asset association Customizable schema Different user levels Alerting engine Web Based API Data Output: XML, JSON, CSV Zone Manager Software Open API Web Based API Telnet Style API Data Output: XML, JSON, CSV Location engine (middleware) Reader management Configurable rules Data Reduction Change Value Reporting Subscription Interface Open API Active RFID Readers Telnet Style API Available via Network or Serial Data Output: Text Based Highest density Rules engine Fixed, Mobile, Rack versions POE option Wireless option Active RFID Tags 5 year life Small size Low Price Multiple form factors Asset Tracking Tags Sensor Tags

7 Asset & Sensor Tags – multiple tag types and enclosures
M170 Durable Tag M174 IR IT Asset Tag R100 Rack Asset Tag R120 Rack Door Tag R155 Temperature & Humidity Tag M130 Asset Tag R142 Badge Tag

8 A761 Proximity Locator for GoJo
RTLS Devices A750 Room Locator (IR illuminator for rooms) A760 Proximity Locator (short range proximity detection) A740 Rack Locator (IR illuminator for IT racks) A761 Proximity Locator for GoJo (short range proximity detection)

9 RF Code M250 Reader M250 Fixed Reader: Capacity & Coverage:
Collects all tag radio frequency transmissions Connects to IP network (wired or WiFi) Integrated rules engine Supports multiple simultaneous connections Support for Garmin GPS via USB Open APIs Capacity & Coverage: Single reader can receive signals from up to 1400 tags simultaneously Typically covers: 25 feet LoS or 2,000 square feet in the data center 75 feet LoS or 17,000 square feet in open space

10 RF Code M220 Reader M220 Mobile Reader: Capacity & Coverage:
Collects all tag radio frequency transmissions Mobile applications & scenarios Integrated rules engine Bluetooth connectivity to handheld Battery powered (~ 8 hours run time) Open API’s Capacity & Coverage: Single reader can receive signals from up to 1400 tags simultaneously Typically covers: 25 feet LoS or 2,000 square feet in the data center 75 feet LoS or 17,000 square feet in open space

11 Asset Manager – Enterprise-class Asset & Sensor Management
Full Asset Life Cycle Management: Tag to asset association Quick access dashboard views Asset searching, reporting, and graphing Asset thresholding and alerting Customizable asset database & schema Enterprise-class Monitoring: Integration with all RF Code wire-free sensor tags Ideal for both small and enterprise, multi-site applications Fully support for RCI & RTI metrics Integration modules available (IBM, Modbus, Bacnet, etc..) Open API available for easy integration Table Views, Map Views, Reporting & Graphing: Flexible Dashboards Live table views Interactive map views Scheduled & Interactive reporting & graphing Easily export all data in multiple formats Advanced Thresholds & Alerting: Policy based thresholding & thresholding for time Centrally configured thresholds simply administration Five levels of alert severity Alert actions include , SNMP traps, HTTP post, etc..

12 Asset Manager Mobile Mobile Access Anywhere
Easily access Asset Manager from mobile devices Support for Apple iOS tablets and smartphones Support for Android based tablets and smartphones Search, Browse, Add, Edit, Delete Quickly find assets and sensors global search, browse by type, and browse by location Add, edit, and delete assets and sensors from any location View real-time and historical sensor data Alerts Access Asset Manager alert details easily and quickly Browse alerts by type and date Links from alerts to offending asset or sensor

13 Asset Manager Software - Scalable Architecture
(Web Console) Headquarters Data Center SQL Database Server Asset Manager Asset Manager Mobile Location A Location B Location C Remote Zone Manager Remote Zone Manager Remote Zone Manager RF Code Fixed Readers RF Code Fixed Readers RF Code Fixed Readers

14 Zone Manager - Software
Middleware Location Engine: Works with readers to determine precise location Configurable location rules engine Simple web based configuration Data Reduction Capabilities: Reduces redundant data or unnecessary data flow Subscription interface for attribute change notifications Highly scalable Integrate with other Applications: Open API (Telnet API & Web API) Data available in multiple formats XML, JSON or CSV Integration modules for IBM, Microsoft, & others

15 Available Add-on Software Add-on Modules
Provides advanced reporting capabilities Designed for Asset Manager Advanced Reporting Module Publishes data via the Java Management Extensions standard & via Tivoli Monitoring agent JMX & Tivoli Monitoring Module Publishes data via BACnet TCP/IP standard BACnet Integration Module Publishes information to the Modbus IP standard Modbus Integration Module Publishes information via the OPC standard Designed for Zone Manager OPC Server Business Intelligence Reporting Tool

16 Advanced Reporting Module for Asset Manager
Graphical Report Designer Customized Headers & Footers Watermarking Grids and Tables Various Types of Charts and Graphs Formatted Lists Static Images Data Transformations Data from external data sources (other databases) Compound Reports Export in Multiple Formats

17 Common Solution Architectures
Stand-alone Solution IBM Maximo DCIM Applications Other Integrated Solution Asset Manager (Enterprise Console) SQL Database Server Asset Manager (Data Manager Component) 3rd Party Platforms Using Open APIs Asset Manager (Zone Manager Component) Zone Manager RF Code Standard Readers RF Code Standard Readers RF Code Standard Readers RF Code Standard Readers 17

18 Enterprise Asset Tracking

19 Asset Tag Overview Small form factor Long battery life (5 years)
Some Enclosures are Infrared Capable Typically Transmits data every 10 seconds Operates at 433Mhz radio frequency Long range (optimal 300+ feet) Low signal attenuation around metal Simply to deploy Various Enclosure Types for Multiple mounting options

20 Five Levels of Asset Visibility
Critical or high dollar assets in a distributed environment such as a office, warehouse, healthcare, etc. Provides general (zone level) asset location information as well as sensor monitoring Most common and easy deployment Zonal for Distributed Assets 20

21 Zonal Distributed Asset Tracking – Example
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Asset Manager Software Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 21

22 Five Levels of Asset Visibility
Critical or high dollar assets in a distributed environment such as a office, warehouse, healthcare, etc. Provides general (zone level) asset location information as well as sensor monitoring Most common and easy deployment Zonal for Distributed Assets Inventory and tracking of assets in a data center with open racks Provides general room level location information as well as sensor monitoring Zonal for Data Center Assets 22

23 Zonal for Data Center - Example
Real time inventory Greater than 95% accurate Zone or area location tracking Works with open & closed racks Easy to deploy Fast ROI Asset Manager or Zone Manager Data Center 23

24 Five Levels of Asset Visibility
Critical or high dollar assets in a distributed environment such as a office, warehouse, healthcare, etc. Provides general (zone level) asset location information as well as sensor monitoring Most common and easy deployment Zonal for Distributed Assets Inventory and tracking of assets in a data center with open racks Provides general room level location information as well as sensor monitoring Zonal for Data Center Assets Inventory and tracking of assets in data center racks Provides rack level location as well as sensor monitoring Rack Level for Data Center Assets 24

25 A740 - Rack Location Solution
Locator System Automated real time inventory Rack level location precision Greater than 95% rack location accuracy Rack infrastructure (A740) does not consume a “U” space Works with open & closed racks Easy to deploy Fast ROI IR Light Strip R104 Asset Tag

26 Infrared + RFID - Rack Location Solution
A740 IR system installed in each rack: A740 control box (only requires power) 2 IR light strips How it works: Each A740 emits a unique ID via infrared Each IR enabled asset tag in the rack receives the unique IR ID When each IR enabled asset tag transmits its radio frequency beacon, it includes the IR ID that it is currently “seeing” RF Code software (ZM/AM/SM) interprets the IR ID to determine the location of the asset tag A740 Rack Locator Unique IR ID IR Enabled Asset Tag M250 Reader

27 IR Rack Solution Photos
R104 IR Enabled Asset Tag R114 IR Enabled Asset Tag

28 M174 – IR Enabled IT Asset Tag
Designed specifically for IT Asset Tracking in data centers 40% smaller than existing IT Asset Tracking tags Reusable as assets phase out before tag life expires 5 year battery life Next Generation Design Compatible with A750 Room Locators and A740 Rack Locators Utilizes 4 IR receives enhancing ability to “see” IR location signals Enhanced IR Capability Disposable attachment tabs affix tag to asset 3 types of tabs enables maximum attachment flexibility Flexible Attachment Tabs

29 Data Center Asset Tracking Example
Staging Area Loading Dock Storage Area Racks # 1-8 Racks # 9-16 Racks # 17-24 Racks # 25-32 Racks # 33-40 Racks # 41-48 Example Output: Server 150 is located in Loading Dock, which is located in Building 1. Example Output: Server 150 is located in Rack 48, which is located in Building 1. Example Output: Server 150 is located in Staging Area, which is located in Building 1. Example Output: Server 150 is located in Storage Area, which is located in Building 1. Connected to each reader in each zone Determines precise zone level location Asset Manager

30 Five Levels of Asset Visibility
Critical or high dollar assets in a distributed environment such as a office, warehouse, healthcare, etc. Provides general (zone level) asset location information as well as sensor monitoring Most common and easy deployment Zonal for Distributed Assets Inventory and tracking of assets in a data center with open racks Provides general room level location information as well as sensor monitoring Zonal for Data Center Assets Inventory and tracking of assets in data center racks Provides rack level location as well as sensor monitoring Rack Level for Data Center Assets Provides Room Level asset location when using IR enabled tags and IR Room Locators Easy to deploy Room Level for Distributed Assets 30

31 A750 - Room Location Solution
Works in concert with 433 MHz infrared-enabled tags Provides specific room location information Range is approximately 20 feet linear or 400 square feet room Only requires power Low cost and simple to deploy IP Network A750 Room Locator Unique IR ID M250 Reader IR Enabled Tags

32 Infrared + RFID - Room Location Solution
A750 IR system installed in each room: A750 Room Locator (only requires power) How it works: Each A750 emits a unique ID via infrared Each IR enabled asset tag in the room receives the unique IR ID When each IR enabled asset tag transmits its radio frequency beacon, it includes the IR ID that it is currently “seeing” RF Code software (ZM/AM/SM) interprets the IR ID to determine the location of the asset tag Works in conjunction with IR enabled asset tags and M250 readers

33 A750 Product Overview - Deployment Example
Deploy one (or more) Room Locator per room Each Room Locator emits an infrared signal with a unique ID. Infrared enabled tags receive the infrared signal Understand in real-time, which room an asset is currently located for quick access and inventory purposes Hallway Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

34 Five Levels of Asset Visibility
Critical or high dollar assets in a distributed environment such as a office, warehouse, healthcare, etc. Provides general (zone level) asset location information as well as sensor monitoring Most common and easy deployment Zonal for Distributed Assets Inventory and tracking of assets in a data center with open racks Provides general room level location information as well as sensor monitoring Zonal for Data Center Assets Inventory and tracking of assets in data center racks Provides rack level location as well as sensor monitoring Rack Level for Data Center Assets Provides Room Level asset location when using IR enabled tags and IR Room Locators Easy to deploy Room Level for Distributed Assets Short range RF proximity location Understand who does what, where, and when Proximity Detection 34

35 RF Code’s Proximity Detection System
RF Code’s proximity detection system is designed to work around “actions” that require human interaction. The system is comprised of the A760 Proximity Locator (A ) and the R142 IR & proximity enabled badge tag (R142-i3RF). The A760 Proximity Locator is a battery-powered radio signaling device used in coordination with proximity-enabled personnel badges (R142) to answer “Who Did What, When & Where” questions: Who pushed that button? Who opened the freezer or refrigerator? Who accessed the tool shed? Who opened that door? Who washed their hands? A760 R14z2

36 A760-003 Proximity Locator Specifications
Communications Capabilities: Long range active RFID Short range proximity detection Dry contact input (open / close) Long Range RFID Radio: RFID Radio: 433MHz RFID Radio Range: up to 300 feet Short Range Proximity Radio: Proximity Radio: 915MHz Proximity Radio Range: 2 to 6 feet Size: Height: 1.25 inches Width: 4.0 inches Length: 8.0 inches Weight: 11.2 oz. Battery: Type & Quantity: 3 AA Life: 4 years at 100 events per day Designed for indoor use

37 R142-i3RF Badge Specifications
Communications Capabilities: Long range active RFID Short range proximity detection Infrared Receive / input 3 Button manual input Long Range RFID Radio: RFID Radio: 433MHz RFID Radio Range: up to 300 feet Short Range Proximity Radio: Proximity Radio: 915MHz Proximity Radio Range: 2 to 6 feet Size: Width: inches Depth: inches Height: 0.28 inches Weight: 1.40 oz. Construction: Injection-molded polycarbonate enclosure Durability: Splash resistant Battery: Type & Quantity: 3 Lithium CR2032 Life: > 2 years (typical)

38 A760 Proximity System – How It Works
“Action” is initiated by a badged person. A760 Wall Unit detects “action” event, transmits long range 433 MHz signal with unique ID & emits unique 915 MHz ID in short range field. Badge receives 915 MHz transmission, decodes ID, and transmits an acknowledgement via 915 MHz. Badge transmits via 433 MHz successful “transaction” including the ID of the Wall Unit. Wall Unit transmits via 433 MHz a successful “transaction” completion. A760 Proximity Locator 433MHz Long Range 915MHz Short Range M250 Reader 433MHz Long Range A750 Room Locator Unique IR ID R142 Badge Tag 38

39 RF Code’s Proximity Detection System For GoJo TFX Dispenser
RF Code’s proximity detection technology is designed to work around “actions” that require human interaction such as opening a door, activating a switch, etc. and identifying who does what and when. The A761 Proximity Locator is designed to work with the GoJo SmartLink enabled TFX Dispenser providing a fully integrated hand hygiene monitoring solution indicating who dispensed soap or hand sanitizer, at what time, and in what location. The system is comprised of the A761 Proximity Locator installed in a GoJo TFX Dispenser, and the R142 IR & proximity enabled badge tag. GoJo TFX R142 A761

40 High Level Work Flow for Hand Hygiene
GoJo TFX Dispenser is activated by a badged person. The SmartLink system activates the embedded A761indicating a dispense event. The A761 then transmits a unique 915 MHz ID in short range field. Badge receives 915 MHz transmission, decodes ID, and transmits an acknowledgement via 915 MHz. Badge transmits via 433 MHz successful “transaction” including the ID of the Wall Unit. A761 transmits via 433 MHz a successful “transaction” completion indicator and the ID of the badge. GoJo TFX Dispenser with RF Code A761 Wall R142 Badge Tag 40

41 Wire-Free Environmental & Power Monitoring

42 Data Center Monitoring Challenges
The high cost of wire Expensive sensors and appliances Time consuming and difficult to deploy / redeploy Expensive to deploy Inflexible Mounting issues & awkward for use in front of racks The high cost of power Power and cooling costs exceed capital asset costs Inability to optimize data center for energy efficiency, asset use For every 1° F that air temperatures are reduced results a 2% power cost savings results

43 Solution Architecture
Asset Manager (Enterprise Console) SQL Database Server Asset Manager RF Code Reader RF Code Reader RF Code Reader RF Transmission RF Transmission RF Transmission RF Code Sensor Tags RF Code Sensor Tags RF Code Sensor Tags 43

44 Sensor Tag Overview Small form factor Long battery life (5 years)
Replaceable batteries Transmits data every 10 seconds Operates at 433Mhz radio frequency Long range (optimal 300+ feet) Low signal attenuation around metal Simply to deploy Multiple mounting options

45 RF Code M250 Reader M250 Fixed Reader: Capacity & Coverage:
Collects all tag radio frequency transmissions Connects to IP network (wired or WiFi) Integrated rules engine Supports multiple simultaneous connections Support for Garmin GPS via USB Open APIs Capacity & Coverage: Single reader can receive signals from up to 1400 tags simultaneously Typically covers: 25 feet LoS or 2,000 square feet in the data center 75 feet LoS or 17,000 square feet in open space

46 Typical Reader Deployment for Data Center Sensor Solution
One reader per rack aisle Mount reader above racks on ceiling Install sensor tags in racks & around data center Asset Manager Data Center 46

47 R150 - Temperature Sensor Tag
Delivers ambient temperature wirelessly Sensor Type Easy installation in any rack or room Adhesive mounting Screw mounting Zip tie mounting Universal Mounting -4° F to +158° F operating range + or – 1.5° F accuracy over -4° to 158° F + or – 1° F accuracy over 40° to 140° F + or – 0.47° F accuracy over 50° to 140° F Sensor Specifications 10 second beacon rate (standard) 5 year battery life Replaceable battery Low battery indicator Tag Specifications

48 R150 Temperature Tag Deployment Options
Single tag per rack for minimal coverage Three tags per rack (top, middle, bottom) for maximum coverage Single or Multiple Sensors per Rack Adhesive backing allows tag to “stick” to almost any surface Bezels provide additional mounting options Easy mounting on room walls: No wires needed – just move the tags Easily add more sensors as needed Flexible deployment and re-deployment approach R150 Temperature Tag

49 R151 – Tethered Temperature Sensor Tag
Delivers ambient temperature wirelessly Sensor Type Easy installation in any rack or room Adhesive mounting Screw mounting Zip tie mounting Universal Mounting -67° F to 212° F operating range (probe) + or – 4° F accuracy over -67° to 212° F + or – 2° F accuracy over 14° to 185° F + or – 1.08° F accuracy over 50° to 140° F Sensor Specifications 10 second beacon rate (standard) 5 year battery life Replaceable batteries (3) Low battery indicator Tag Specifications

50 R155 - Temperature + Humidity Sensor Tag
Delivers ambient temperature & humidity wirelessly Sensor Type Easy installation in any rack or room Adhesive mounting Screw mounting Zip tie mounting Universal Mounting -4° F to +158° F operating range + or – 2° F accuracy over -4° to 158° F + or – 0.41° F accuracy over 50° to 140° F 0% to 95% humidity range (+ or – 2%) Sensor Specifications 10 second beacon rate (standard) 5 year battery life Replaceable battery Low battery indicator Tag specifications

51 R120 – Door Switch Sensor Tag
Delivers door position wirelessly Sensor Type Easy installation in any rack or room Attach the R120 tag to the door frame Attach the magnet to the door Universal Mounting 10 second beacon rate (standard) Immediate beacon when door opens 5+ years battery life Replaceable battery Low battery indicator Tag Specifications

52 R130- Dry Contact Sensor Tag
Delivers dry contact device state change wirelessly Example dry contact output devices: Motion sensors Smoke sensors UPS Sensor Type Adhesive mounting Screw mounting Zip tie mounting Universal Mounting 10 second beacon rate (standard) Immediate beacon upon dry contact state change 5+ years battery life Replaceable battery Low battery indicator Tag Specifications

53 R135 – Fluid Sensor Tag Sensor Type Ideal Locations Tag Specifications
Delivers instant fluid detection wirelessly Sensor Type Beneath raised floors in IT data centers Wrapped around pipes in critical spaces Floors of wiring and IT closets Drip and condensation pans Lab or manufacturing environments Ideal Locations 10 second beacon rate (standard) Immediate beacon when fluid is detected 5+ years battery life Replaceable battery Low battery indicator Tag Specifications

54 R160 - Air Pressure Sensor Tag
Delivers differential air pressure wirelessly Sensor Type Above and below raised floors Containment aisles Ideal Locations Range: 0 to 0.5" H2O or 0 to 125 Pa Resolution: ±0.001"H2O or ±0.25 Pa Zero Point Accuracy: 0.002" H2O or 0.5Pa Sensor Specifications 10 second beacon rate (standard) 5+ years battery life Replaceable batteries Low battery indicator Tag Specifications

55 Sensor Specifications
R180 – 4-20mA Sensor Tag Interfaces with industry standard 4-20mA Sensors Examples: Flow rates, vibration, fuel levels, etc. Sensor Type Any location that requires specialized or industrial type sensors Ideal Locations 1.25uA resolution ±0.5% accuracy 100 ohm resistance Loop supply not included Sensor Specifications 10 second beacon rate (standard) 5+ years battery life Replaceable batteries Low battery indicator Tag Specifications

56 Enables wireless transmissions of 4-20mA sensors
R mA Sensor Tag Supports industry standard 4-20mA sensors for specialty or industry specific applications Enables wireless transmissions of 4-20mA sensors Fully integrates with RF Code Zone Manager and RF Code Asset Manager 4-20mA Sensor M250 Reader Software R mA Sensor Tag

57 R170 - PDU Sensor Tag Sensor Type Available Power Information
Provides power data from PDUs wirelessly Eliminates wired connections to each PDUs Eliminates IP address overhead for each PDU Sensor Type PDU data Phase & feed line data Outlet data Breaker data Available Power Information 10 second beacon rate (standard) 5+ years battery life Replaceable battery Low battery indicator Tag Specifications Raritan Server Technology, Inc. Geist Manufacturing Emerson Network Power APC PDU by Schneider Electric Compatible with PDUs from

58 M240 & Monitoring Bundle for Network & Telecom Closets
M240 Fixed Reader: Collects all tag radio frequency transmissions for up to 20 sensor or asset tags Connects to IP network (wired) Integrated rules engine Supports multiple simultaneous connections Open APIs Capacity & Coverage: Single reader can receive signals from up to 20 tags simultaneously Typically covers: 75 feet LoS or 17,000 square feet in open space EM Bundle List Price = US $849.00 Contents: 1 M240 Reader 2 R155 Temperature & Humidity Sensor Tags 1 R150 Temperature Sensor Tag 1 R120 Door Position Sensor Tag

59 The Energy and Cooling Dilemma
A complex challenge of “Energy Usage vs. IT Reliability” Too hot and equipment reliability suffers Too cool and energy bills skyrocket For every 1 degree F that rack air intake temperature is raised, 2% of the annual power costs can be saved This complex challenge is an optimization problem How to sustain optimal IT equipment reliability and not over cool the data center therefore wasting energy and money? In order to optimize data center cooling, we must measure cooling at the rack level per the ASHRAE 2004 or 2008 or NEBS guidelines.

60 Recommended & Allowable Temperature Ranges
Recommended Range (statement of reliability): Preferred facility operation; most values should be within this range. Allowable Range (statement of functionality): Robustness of equipment; no values should be outside this range. Max Allowable Rack Intake Temperature Max Recommended Over-Temp Recommended Range Under-Temp Min Recommended Min Allowable Allowable 32°C 27°C 18°C 15°C

61 3 Metrics for Data Center Cooling Optimization
Dr. Magnus Herrlin at ANCIS, Inc. has developed three key metrics: Rack Cooling Index High (RCIHI)® Rack Cooling Index Low (RCILO)® Return Temperature Index (RTI)TM RCI is a best practice performance metric for quantifying the conformance with thermal data center guidelines and standards such as ASHRAE and NEBS. RTI quantifies the energy performance of the air-management system. It is a measure of net by-pass air or net recirculation air in the equipment room. Rack Cooling Index (RCI) is a Registered Trademark and Return Temperature Index (RTI) is a Trademark of ANCIS Incorporated ( All rights reserved. Used under authorization.

62 Rack Cooling Index (RCI)
RCI is a measure of compliance with ASHRAE or NEBS intake temperature guidelines and is expressed as a percentage (max = 100%) RCIHI is a measure of the absence of over-temperatures 100% means that no temperature is above the maximum recommended Less than 100% means the greater the probability (risk) that equipment experiences temperatures above the maximum allowable (hotspots) RCILO is measure of the absence of under-temperatures 100% means that no temperature is below minimum recommended Less than 100% means the greater the probability (risk) that equipment experiences temperatures below the minimum allowable (over-cooling) Poor Acceptable Good Ideal ≤90% 91% - 95% ≥96% 100%

63 Return Temperature Index (RTI)
RTI is a measure of net by-pass or net recirculation air. It is the ratio of total equipment airflow to total air-handler airflow expressed as a percentage. 100% means balanced airflow <100% indicates net airflow by-pass Cold supply air returns directly to CRACs without cooling the IT equipment: Elevated fan power, reduced chiller efficiency >100% indicates net airflow re-circulation Hot IT equipment exhaust is drawn back into intakes: Hotspots and reliability concerns. Often results in low RCIHI Poor Airflow Net By-Pass Target Airflow Net Re-circulation <80% 80% to 120% >120%

64 Map View with RCI(HI) Overlay

65 Data Center Current RCI & RTI Dashboard

66 RF Code’s Implementation of RCI & RTI
RF Code’s Asset Manager software computes the following RCI & RTI Metrics: RCIHI & RCILO for each individual rack RCIHI & RCILO for each row RCIHI & RCILO for the entire data center RTI for the entire data center The data from these computed metrics can be utilized in multiple ways: Real-time views (tables & dashboards) Trending & reporting Thresholding & alerting Publish to BMS systems via OPC, Modbus/IP, & Bacnet/IP Available via open API to 3rd party software

67 3 Levels of Data Center Thermal Monitoring
Basic: Proactive thermal thermal monitoring at row or rack level Alerting, reporting, graphing and dashboards via Asset Manager Advanced: Comply with ASHRAE thermal guidelines to reduce data center cooling expense and heat related equipment failure risk Leverage RCI (Rack Cooling Index) metrics to optimize data center cooling Optimal: All of the “Advanced” items above Desire for more operational efficiencies and fine grained monitoring to further reduce data center cooling expense (intake and exhaust) Leverage RTI (Return Temperature Index) metric for more data center optimization

68 Rack Thermal Monitoring – Sensor Placement Best Practices
Minimal Rack Thermal Monitoring Best Practice Supports Basic Thermal Monitoring, Row Level RCI & Data Center Level RCI T T T T Intake T+H T+H T+H T+H T T T T Optional sensors on rack exhaust Exhaust T+H T+H T+H T+H

69 Rack Thermal Monitoring – Sensor Placement Best Practices
Optimal Rack Thermal Monitoring Best Practice Supports Basic Monitoring, Rack RCI, Row RCI, Data Center RCI, & Data Center RTI T T T T T T T T T T Intake T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T T T T T T T T T T Required sensors on rack exhaust T T T T T T T T T T Exhaust T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T+H T T T T T T T T T T

70 RF Code Partner Integrations

71 RF Code Solution Advantages
Fully Automated, Wire-Free Solution: Eliminates manual labor Simple to deploy Fast ROI Leverages Intelligent Components: Small asset tracking tags Smart sensor tags Intelligent readers Customizable software Integration modules Real-time Asset Tracking: Highly accurate inventory Location information Asset status Asset movement Tag tamper detection Environmental & Power Monitoring: Temperature Humidity Door Position Dry Contact Fluid Detection PDU Power Air Pressure Multiple Use Infrastructure: Asset tracking Environment monitoring Multiple applications Multiple organizations

72 Phone: 877.463.0756 sales (toll free)
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