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Eisenhower: Dynamic Conservatism

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Presentation on theme: "Eisenhower: Dynamic Conservatism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eisenhower: Dynamic Conservatism

2 1952: What was going on?

3 Eisenhower’s Response
Dynamic Conservatism: Economic Practices Cut Federal taxes- why? Cut funding for public housing and school construction – why? Eliminated the Reconstruction Finance Corporation – why? Eisenhower’s Response

4 Eisenhower’s Response:
Cut Federal Taxes Stimulate the economy, increase spending Cut funding for housing and schools Balance the budget Eliminated the RFC Decrease the role of the government Eisenhower’s Response:

5 Historical Tax Rates:

6 Historical Budget Deficit and Surplus

7 In what ways would Eisenhower’s economic plans help solve the problems American’s were facing?

8 Eisenhower’s Response
Dynamic Conservatism: Social Policies Did not eliminate Social Security Expanded to cover 10 million more people Did not eliminate labor laws Raised minimum wage from $.75 to $1 an hour Did not cut farm programs Aided farmers through Social Security Eisenhower’s Response

9 In what ways would Eisenhower’s social plans help solve the problems American’s were facing?

10 Eisenhower: Small Government
Smaller Government Government should be small, but invest in large projects Federal Highway Act of 1956 More than 40,000 miles of highway were built Increased number of suburbs Lowered business for public transportation companies Built highways through urban neighborhoods (primarily took homes from Latinos and African Americans) Eisenhower: Small Government

11 Why would Eisenhower invest in the highway system?

12 How did Eisenhower’s plans affect the size of the government?

13 How did Eisenhower’s plans impact the American people?

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