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Web 3.0 and its Impact on E-Business

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1 Web 3.0 and its Impact on E-Business
Jin Song

2 Agenda Transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0
Technology pillars of Web 3.0 Web 3.0 applications Impact on E-Business

3 Transition It takes 10 years for Web 2.0 to reshape the web
Might be the same for Web 3.0 Web 3.0 still not mature Both are evolving technology frameworks

4 Transition (cont) Web 3.0 – By Spalding 2007
highly specialized information silos, moderated by personality, validated by community and inclusion of meta data through widgets The evolutionary stage of Web 2.0 Lack of standards and unified framework Share same attributes with Web 2.0 Transformation Ubiquitous computing Openness REST Intelligence

5 Pillars of Web 3.0 Tagging Microformats
Adding meta data to index and describe resource Web 3.0 allows not only text search, but also images, audio and video Sub-search engine pull feeds automatically for you High level of personalized vocabularies and structure Microformats Define semantic vocabularies by user Variety of options: RDF, XML, XFN Bridge the gap between understandings by human and machine

6 Applications Twine Tool used to help users organize, find and keep track of interests such as bookmarks, notes and videos Also can collect online contents smartly: web pages, articles and photos Sort all resources by topic intelligently Make personalized recommendations based on what you collected

7 Applications (Twine) Recommendations made based on interests

8 Applications(cont) RDF Database Oracle10.2g Release support RDF
RDF: Separate files that describe resources on Internet RDF database: Simple, scalable open source database for RDF for applications like semantic webs Oracle10.2g Release support RDF Web meta data: provide info about web resources Allow automated processing of web pages by software agents

9 Applications(cont) Natural Language Search
Body languages understood by system Personal profile can be identified by system to provide personalized content More interactive and entertainment

10 Applications(cont) Intelligent Software Agents
Act as delegate to help routines Buy books online and pull all feeds related to user criteria Optimize the search and get the best buy Automated process of order and payment User does nothing

11 Impact on E-Business Shift from traditional information broadcast medium to service channels Satisfy needs of customers: Autonomy Independence Relatedness Feedback Entertainment Examples: IBM, BMW create virtual communities for customers

12 Summary Web 3.0 shifts the web from informational medium into service oriented, community based medium Web 3.0 takes years to be fully-fledged It shares the same technology pillars as web 2.0 Semantic tagging Microformats Forces E-business to restructure their business process Web 3.0 applications help to retain customers and gain competitive advantages

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