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Cells Foldable Week 12 You need: 4 colors of marker per pair

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1 Cells Foldable Week 12 You need: 4 colors of marker per pair
1 pair of scissors per pair 1 glue stick per pair Cells Foldable

2 Review: What are the differences and similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

3 Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Foldable
Need: 2 white sheets of paper 4 different color markers Follow Mrs. Hodge’s instructions for how to fold.

4 Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Foldable
Your foldable should look like this. Follow Mrs. Hodge’s instructions for how to number the pages. There will be 7 in total. 1 3 5 7

5 Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Foldable
Write these titles on the tabs. Write each title in a different color. Cells: Name Date Per. 1 What they have in common 3 Prokaryotic Cells 5 Eukaryotic Cells 7

6 Foldable Page 1 Cells: All organisms are made out of cells, but there are 2 major types of cells.

7 Foldable Page 2 LEAVE PAGE 2 BLANK!

8 What they have in common
Foldable Page 3 All cells have: All cells can/are: DNA: Genetic Material Made from proteins, fats (lipids), carbohydrates, & nucleic acids 2. Cell Membrane: Covers the entire cell 2. Bring in nutrients and get rid of waste 3. Use energy to function 3. Ribosomes: Makes proteins for the cell 4. Reproduce 4. Cytoplasm: The liquid inside the cell, the ‘stuffing’ 5. Can do processes like cellular respiration and/or photosynthesis. What they have in common

9 Foldable Page 4 Contains: DNA Ribosomes Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Is made from proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fats), and nucleic acids. Pro-kary means “Before nucleus” in Greek

10 Prokaryotic Cells Foldable Page 5 All bacteria are prokaryotic cells
1.The oldest cell, appeared 3.5 billion years ago. 2.More primitive or “simple” than a eukaryotic cell. 3. DNA floats freely in the cytoplasm inside the cell. 4. Is the smallest of the cells. 5. All prokaryotic cells are unicellular. 6. Some have cell walls that cover the cell membrane. All bacteria are prokaryotic cells Prokaryotic Cells

11 Foldable Page 6 2 cell types within Eukaryotes
Both types of eukaryotes are made from proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fats), and nucleic acids. Animal Cell Plant Cell DNA Cell Membrane Ribosomes Cytoplasm Nucleus Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Chloroplast Cell Wall Central Vacuole Animal Cells Plant Cells 2 cell types within Eukaryotes

12 Eukaryotic Cells Foldable Page 7 Eu-kary means “True nucleus” in Greek
1. Appeared 1.5 billion years ago. Younger than prokaryotic. 2.10x bigger than a prokaryotic cell. 3. DNA is located in the nucleus. 4. Have organelles like the nucleus, ER, golgi apparatus, mitochondria and chloroplast (plant cells only). 5. Because of their organelles, can carry out complex functions. 6. Organisms made of eukaryotic cells can be unicellular (1) or multicellular. 7. Two types of eukaryotic cells: Plant and Animal Eu-kary means “True nucleus” in Greek Eukaryotic Cells

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