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ALMA studies of the first galaxies

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1 ALMA studies of the first galaxies
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada ALMA studies of the first galaxies Madrid 2006 Chris Carilli (NRAO) Epoch of Reionization last phase of cosmic evolution to be explored bench-mark in cosmic structure formation indicating the first luminous structures

2 First observational constraints on cosmic reionization
Product Assurance First observational constraints on cosmic reionization z=5.80 z=5.82 z=5.99 z=6.28 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Gunn-Peterson Effect (Fan) => Near edge of reionization at z ~ 6. T

3 Current observations: z_reion = 11 to 6 (Fan, Carilli, Keating 2006)
Not ‘event’, but complex process, large variance time/space GP => occurs in ‘twilight zone’, opaque _obs < 0.9 um  Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada

4 Product Assurance Radio astronomical probes of the Epoch of Reionization and the 1st luminous objects 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada CMB large scale polarization Neutral IGM – HI 21cm emission and absorption Objects within EoR – Molecular gas, dust, star formation Collaborators USA – Carilli, Wang, Fan, Strauss Euro – Bertoldi, Walter, Riechers, Cox, Menten, Omont, Beelen

5 Dust at z ~ 6 (see Bertoldi)
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Dust at z ~ 6 (see Bertoldi) 30% of z=6 QSO host galaxies = Hyper-lum. IR galaxies: LFIR ~ 1e13 Lo Mdust ~ 1e8 Mo tuniv < 1Gyr => Dust formation in massive stars? S250 = 3mJy

6 Near-IR to Radio SEDs: Star formation?
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Near-IR to Radio SEDs: Star formation? Hot (1000K) dust = AGN accretion disk Warm (50K) dust = starburst? Follow radio-FIR correlation SFR(>5Mo) ~ 1e3 Mo/yr

7 Similarity to IR-selected QSOs, not optical (PG) QSOs:
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Similarity to IR-selected QSOs, not optical (PG) QSOs: Coeval formation of SMBH + stellar host galaxy? Consistent with ‘downsizing’ in galaxy/SMBH formation.

8 Molecular gas + fine structure lines (Walter)
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada J1148 VLA: CO 3-2 z=6.42; t_univ=0.87 Gyr [CII] IRAM 2.5” CO 6-5 Only direct probe of host galaxy [CII] luminosity also implies SFR ~ 1e3 Mo/yr (Maiolino) 2e10 Mo of molecular gas = fuel for star formation Early enrichment of heavy elements: zsf > 8 0.3” Undetected in 38 hrs on JCMT by Bolatto et al. 04 [C II] was detected in over 12 hrs with the 30m to peak intensity 12 (4) mJy; with ALMA it will be 5 sigma in a minute. But J1148 has L=2 x 10^13. With 16 antennas, of course, we could get this in ten minutes. Tb = 40K

9 Breakdown MBH - Mbulge relation at high z: SMBH forms first?
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Breakdown MBH - Mbulge relation at high z: SMBH forms first? CO => Mgas = 2e10 Mo Mdyn = 5e10 Optical => MBH = 2e9 => Mbulge = 1e12 X MBULGE ~ 1000MBH

10 Cosmic Stromgren Spheres
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Cosmic Stromgren Spheres : Accurate z_host from CO: z=6.419+/0.001 Proximity effect: photons leaking from 6.32<z<6.419 White et al. 2003 ‘time bounded’ Stromgren sphere: R = 4.7 Mpc f(HI) = 1e-5 R^-3 (t_qso/1e7) yrs <f(HI)> ~ 0.1 for sample 19 QSOs at z>5.7 (Fan et al. 06; Wyithe et al. 04)

11 Current limits: z=5.7 Ly galaxies in COSMOS (Murayama/Scoville)
Product Assurance Current limits: z=5.7 Ly galaxies in COSMOS (Murayama/Scoville) 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada NB850 99 Ly emitters at z=5.7+/-0.05 SUBARU: Ly = 2 Mo/yr MAMBO: <S250> <2mJy => SFR<300 VLA: <S1.4> <2.5Jy => SFR<125 VLA

12 Near-IR: Stars, Ionized gas, AGN
Product Assurance Complementary: Panchromatic view of galaxy formation 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada SFR=10M_sun/yr cm: Star formation, AGN (sub)mm: Dust Near-IR: Stars, Ionized gas, AGN

13 Line sensitivity High order, fine structure lines Low order
Product Assurance Line sensitivity 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada High order, fine structure lines Low order

14 Detect dust emission in 1sec (5) at 250 GHz
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Wootten CO HCO+ HCN CCH If one placed CO 6-5 in the LSB, one would get the line of H2O and the 7-6 line of 13CO, in addition to several H2CO lines, in the USB. z=6.55 SFR>10M_sun/yr Detect dust emission in 1sec (5) at 250 GHz Detect multiple lines, molecules per band => detailed astrochemistry Image dust and gas at sub-kpc resolution => gas dynamics/dark matter

15 ALMA – Probing Cosmic Reionization
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada ALMA – Probing Cosmic Reionization ‘Twilight zone’: z=6-11 limited to near-IR to radio  First forays: z=6 QSOs Host HLIRGs: early dust/C,O.. formation Coeval formation SMBH+Host Gal. Break-down MBH-Mbulge CSS => f(HI) > 0.1 ALMA: dust, gas, dark matter Imaging of ‘normal galaxies’ Detailed physics and astrochemistry

16 Loeb & Rybicki 2000 Product Assurance
9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Loeb & Rybicki 2000

17 First observational constraints on cosmic reionization
Product Assurance First observational constraints on cosmic reionization 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada Gunn-Peterson Effect Large scale polarization of CMB z=5.80 z=5.82 z=5.99 z=6.28 TT TE EE T Page Fan et al 2003 Fan

18 IRAM 30m + MAMBO: sub-mJy sens at 250 GHz + wide fields
Product Assurance 9/17/ June 2 – 6, Victoria, Canada IRAM 30m + MAMBO: sub-mJy sens at 250 GHz + wide fields IRAM PdBI: sub-mJy sens at 90 and 230 GHz + arcsec resol. VLA: uJy sens at 1.4 GHz VLA: < 0.1 mJy sens at GHz + 0.2” resol.

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