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2 UNITED NATIONS When: October 24, 1945 Who:
USA, USSR, France, Britain, China (permanent members w/power to veto) 43 other countries What: peacekeeping organization designed to protect member countries from aggression Where: based in New York, NY How: General Assembly: for voting on issues Security Council: investigate and settle disputes

3 The UN today 192 members Headquarters: NY
European headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland Secretary General: Ban Ki-Moon (since 1/07) Land and building considered international territory Has its own flag, post office, and stamp Six official languages: English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian

4 The Marshall Plan 1947: Secretary of State George Marshall proposed that the US give aid to needy European countries Provide food, machinery, and other materials to rebuild Western Europe $12.5 billion Congress approved because the Soviets seized power in Czechoslovakia

5 The Cold War

6 Why cold war??? Cold war = struggle over political differences carried on by short military action or war Included: Spying Propaganda Diplomacy Secret Operations


8 Quick Review What might have made the U.S. upset with the Soviet Union at the beginning of the WWII? Signing a non-aggression pact with Germany What did the leaders decide at the Yalta conference about Germany? Divide Germany into zones of occupation controlled by Allies


10 Differing goals United States Soviet Union World’s richest country
Cities and factories remained intact Encourage democracy and prevent communism Rebuild European governments to promote trade Reunite Germany to stabilize it and Europe Soviet Union 50 times more deaths Many Soviet cities were destroyed Encouraged worldwide communism Protect its borders by controlling Eastern Europe Keep Germany divided to prevent its waging war again

11 Buffer Countries Stalin decided to install Communist governments in “buffer” countries to protect themselves Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech., Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia What kind of governments did the Big Three agree to create in E. Europe? Democracies

12 The Iron Curtain Germany was split into two sections
Eastern part = Soviets (including half of the capital, Berlin) Western Part - democratic

13 United states’ response
President Truman adopted a foreign policy called containment Intended to block Soviet influence and stop the expansion of communism How? Form alliances against Soviet Union Helping weak countries resist the Soviet Union

14 Truman Doctrine What: Truman’s support for countries that rejected communism Problems: Some people didn’t want the Americans to interfere in other nations’ affairs Others argued that the US could not afford to carry on a global crusade against communism

15 NATO Berlin blockaded heightened Western Europe’s fears of Soviet aggression 1949: 10 western European nations joined with the US and Canada to form a defensive military alliance NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization

16 Warsaw Pact Warsaw Pact
Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania


18 West Germany In 1948, France, Britain, and the US decided to withdraw their forces from Germany and allow their zones to form one nation How would Stalin Feel?

19 Berlin Berlin: divided as well
The Soviet Union cut off highway, water, and rail traffic into Berlin’s western zones Stalin gambled that the Allies would surrender West Berlin or give up their idea of reunifying Germany The city faced starvation

20 Berlin Airlift American and British officials flew food and supplies into West Berlin for nearly 11 months!! In May 1949, the Soviet Union admitted defeat and lifted the blockade


22 Hydrogen Bomb “H-BOMB” - THOUSANDS more powerful than the A-Bomb
United states tested first h bomb – 1952 Soviets tested h bomb – 1953

23 “Arms Race” Brinkmanship – a policy of threatening to go to war in response to any enemy aggression United States strengthened air force and began producing stockpiles of nuclear weapons Soviet Union – doing the same thing

24 Star Wars There was also a race in science and education between the two countries Oct. 4, 1957 – Soviets launched Sputnik – the first unmanned satellite above the earth’s atmosphere 1958 – Americans launched its own satellite





29 Berlin Wall East Germans built up a wall to separate East and West Berlin Fun Facts about the Berlin Wall




33 1970s: Political Policies What was brinkmanship?
Very aggressive…if you even threaten to go to war with me, I will attack you Because of Vietnam war, the US needed a timeout Détente - a cooling of tensions This does NOT mean they stop fighting communism The two sides just agree to reduce the tension

34 1970s: Problem Area Middle East




38 1980s: fall of Eastern Europe
Gorbachev Takes Office in 1981 Glasnost- “openness” Perestroika- “economic restructuring” 1989: Fall of Berlin Wall 1991: Fall of USSR

39 Terrorism





44 One Man’s Terrorist is Another Man’s Freedom Fighter
Top 5 Threats One Man’s Terrorist is Another Man’s Freedom Fighter

45 5. Boko Haram

46 4. Hamas Palestinian Sunni Islamic Organization
Since 2007 Hamas governed the Gaza Strip Iran, Russia, Turkey & Arab Nations = No terrorists 4. Hamas

47 3. ISIS

48 2. Taliban Islamic fundamentalist group in Afghanistan
Diplomatic recognition from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates Condemned for strict interpretation of Sharia Law

49 1. Al-Qaeda Founded by Osama bin Laden between 1988/1989
Origins Soviet War in Afghanistan Sunni Movement calling for glob al Jihad & strict Sharia Law 1. Al-Qaeda

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