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WELCOME Basic Instructor Training (BIT)
Part one of NRA Instructor Training 6 Hours
Materials Needed Trainers Guide
Please Organize Trainer’s Guide (Hint: use the Bold titles located in the table of contents to organize the tabs)
Instructor Training Goal
To develop NRA Certified Instructors who possess the KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, and ATTITUDE necessary to organize and conduct NRA Basic Firearm Training Courses
Instructor Training (Part One)
Opening Exercise: How To Introduce A Speaker Lesson I: The Instructor and the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program Lesson II: Using a Training Team Lesson III: Training Materials and Training Aids Lesson IV: Organizing Your Course Lesson V: Preparing To Teach
Introduction No Live Ammunition in the classroom Instructors
Facilities Security “Weapon” Role Playing
How To Introduce A Speaker
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to: State the goal of the NRA Instructor Training Course. Describe the basic guidelines for introducing a speaker. Describe the background of the instructor candidates in this course. Demonstrate basic public speaking skills in introducing an instructor candidate to the class. Describe your appreciation for the background and abilities of other class members.
What are Learning Objectives?
“Learning Objectives are learner-centered statements which indicate the behavior the student should demonstrate to verify that learning has taken place.”
What is Total Participant Involvement?
Trainer’s Guide Preparing to Teach – How to teach a skill
Explanation Lecturing, listening, asking questions Demonstration Practical exercises - have students perform the skill!
How To Introduce A Speaker
Read Handout (Trainer’s Guide, Appendix O) Instructor Candidate Assignments Introduce another participant Evaluate the introductions Conclusions 5 Minute Preparation, 30 second introductions
Certification Requirements
Attend the entire course. Participate in discussions and practical exercises. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to organize, conduct, and supervise safe shooting activities and range operations. Achieve an examination score of 90% or higher. Complete part two (discipline specific), register on nrainstructors to complete credentialing process.
Lesson Summary As a result of your participation in this lesson, you can: State the goal of the NRA Instructor Training Course. Describe the basic guidelines for introducing a speaker. Describe the background of the instructor candidates in this course. Demonstrate basic public speaking skills in introducing an instructor candidate to the class. Describe your appreciation for the background and abilities of other class members.
What ARE Your Questions?
The next Lesson will be BIT Lesson I The Instructor and the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program.
The Instructor and the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program
The Instructor and the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson you should be able to: Explain why training is important for both shooters and instructors. Describe NRA’s training Philosophy of Total Participant Involvement. Identify and explain the importance of the eight fundamental requirements for training people State the purpose of the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program and Instructor Training Program and explain where they fit in NRA’s training structure. Identify the eligibility requirements, responsibilities, and personal qualities of NRA Certified Instructors.
Function of Training What did you think of the opening exercise?
What is training? Knowledge (Guidelines to introduce speaker) Skills (Practiced introducing speaker) Attitude (Became comfortable learning what you have in common) Total Participant Involvement (TPI) Actively involving participants in the training process.
Why is Training so important for Shooters and Instructors?
Importance of Training
Safety Quality and effectiveness in performance Benefits to the shooting sports, the shooting community, and the community as a whole. Promotion of the responsible exercise of our firearm freedoms. Promotion of enjoyment of the shooting sports
Eight Fundamental Requirements for training People
Trainer’s Guide Preparing and Presenting a Lesson, Eight Fundamental Requirements for Effective Training (Page 31) 1. Desire Need 3. People learn by doing Situation 5. Previous experience Relaxed 7. Variety Guidance
NRA Basic Firearm Training Program
Basic Firearm Training Program brochure History: Founded in 1871 to improve marksmanship training Today: The NRA is recognized as the nation’s premier firearm training organization, reaching more then 750,000 individuals annually with its training programs. Goal: Teach the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe handling and proper use of firearms.
NRA Basic Training Program
NRA Courses: These courses are the NATIONAL STANDARD for firearms training Rifle Pistol Shotgun Home Firearm Safety Muzzleloading Rifle Muzzleloading Pistol Muzzleloading Shotgun Personal Protection In The Home Personal Protection Outside The Home Metallic Cartridge Reloading Shotgun Shell Reloading Chief Range Safety Officers (trains Range Safety Officers) .
NRA Instructor Training Program
Goal: Develop Certified Instructors to teach the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe, proficient, and ethical use of pistols, rifles and shotguns. (TG page 1) Share Your Knowledge brochure back panel Instructor eligibility requirements (TG Page 4) Apprentice instructor Assistant instructor Certified instructor
NRA Instructor Training Program
Requirements to become a NRA Trainer (TG page 2 - 4): “Citizens of good repute” ATF form 4473 Responsibilities: TG page NRA Firearms Training Report –
NRA Instructor Training Program
National Standard Training Standards (TG page 9) In-person training Practical exercises Accomplish all Learning Objectives Class hours (Estimated minimum)
NRA Instructor Training Program
Use of title, “NRA Certified Instructor” Use of NRA Name and Trademarks (TG page 11) Personal qualities Role and Responsibilities (TG page 16 – 17): NRA Trainers Project a Positive Image NRA Trainers’ Concerns for Student Rights
NRA Trainer’s Ethics Guide
Individual responsibility to review and adhere to the NRA Trainer’s Ethics Guide. Introduction to NRA Trainer’s Guide Website
Lesson Summary As a result of your participation in this lesson, you can: Explain why training is important for both shooters and instructors. Describe NRA’s training Philosophy of Total Participant Involvement. Identify and explain the importance of the eight fundamental requirements for training people State the purpose of the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program and Instructor Training Program and explain where they fit in NRA’s training structure. Identify the eligibility requirements, responsibilities, and personal qualities of NRA Certified Instructors.
What ARE Your Questions?
The next Lesson will be BIT Lesson II Using a Training Team.
Using a Training Team
Using a Training Team Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to: Describe the function of a training team. List and discuss the advantages of using a training team. List and describe the responsibilities of training team members in an NRA basic course. Describe and use the “buzz group” method of training.
What is a training team?
Plans Organizes Promotes Conducts an NRA Basic Firearm Training Course
The Training Team Plans Organizes Promotes Conducts an NRA Basic Firearm Training Course
Buzz Group What is a Buzz Group? Assignment
Preparing to Teach, Buzz Groups TG page 40 Assignment Form Groups as assigned List the advantage of using a training team to organize and conduct an NRA basic course. 7 minutes to prepare for a 3 minute presentation Evaluation
Advantages of a Training Team
Training Team/Support Staff (TG page 20) Tasks may be shared Each member’s job is easier Team members motivate and support one another Wider range of experience Job which suits expertise Mentor new team members Backup available Train more students
Chief Trainer Chief Trainer (TG page 19) Identify the jobs to be done
Recruit staff Place and train staff Ensures that accurate records are kept Report Training to NRA Recognize volunteers Overall responsible for the success of the course
Team Instructors & Support Staff
Promote courses Secure equipment and order NRA material Obtain and setup facilities Keep track of expenses and revenues Take registration Provide instruction in the classroom and on the range
Lesson Summary Describe the function of a training team.
As a result of your participation in this lesson, you can: Describe the function of a training team. List and discuss the advantages of using a training team. List and describe the responsibilities of training team members in an NRA basic course. Describe and use the “buzz group” method of training.
What ARE Your Questions?
The next Lesson will be BIT Lesson III Training Materials and Training Aids
Training Materials and Training Aids
Training Materials and Training Aids
Learning Objectives: Upon Completion of this lesson you should be able to: Identify the training materials necessary to teach the appropriate NRA basic course(s). Describe the proper procedures for ordering materials from the NRA Program Materials Center. Describe the characteristics, sources, and uses of training aids. Identify various training aids which may be used in NRA basic courses.
NRA Training Materials
NRA Trainers Catalog NRA Trainer’s Guide Instructor’s lesson plan Basic Course Student Packet NRA Basic Firearm Training Program brochure NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program booklet Basic Practical Rocker NRA membership application NRA Basic Course Handbook Completion Certificate Basic Course Examination
NRA Training Materials
Instructional wall charts Videotape(s) Student registration card Instructor cap and jacket Instructor shirt Instructor patches and rockers Instructor lapel pin NRA member guide (consider “recruiter”)
Policy on NRA Materials
TG Policies and Procedures, NRA Training Materials (TG page 9) One Student Packet per student NRA policy that all indicated materials (except cap, shirt, and rockers) to be used in NRA basic courses
Ordering Procedures for NRA Materials
Order early (Allow at least 3-4 weeks) Restricted Items Participant Packet (NRA certificate) Instructor only items NRA Identification number validates
What is a training aid?
Anything an instructor can use to help develop positive knowledge, skills or attitude in a student.
What are some of the uses of Training aids?
Uses of Training Aids (Trainers Guide page 42) Attract attention
Arouse interest Clarify spoken explanations Give unity to an idea Make more learning possible in less time Aid in retention
Characteristics of a Good Training Aid
What are the characteristics of a good training aid?
Characteristics of a Good Training Aid
(Trainers Guide page 42) Relates to the subject Explains ideas, shows method or explains a procedure Clearly visible to everyone Large, bold lettering Lists the main points Sturdy and Portable
Training Aid Sources NRA (www. ) Industry
NRA Trainers Catalog NRA Bookstore Industry Firearms manufacturers Ammunition manufacturers Instructor’s imagination
Creating and Using Training Aids
TG Appendix K page 83 Chalkboards and Whiteboards Flip Charts, Charts, and Posters Flannel Boards and Magnetic Boards View Graph Slides/Transparencies Videocassettes/DVDs Computer presentations
Lesson Summary As a result of your participation in this lesson, you can: Identify the training materials necessary to teach the appropriate NRA basic course(s). Describe the proper procedures for ordering materials from the NRA Program Materials Center. Describe the characteristics, sources, and uses of training aids. Identify various training aids which may be used in NRA basic courses.
What ARE Your Questions?
The next Lesson will be BIT Lesson IV Organizing your Course
Organizing Your Course
Organizing Your Course
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to: List and describe the seven elements of course organization. Use the elements of course organization to plan a hypothetical NRA Basic course. Demonstrate the cooperation and team spirit necessary to plan an NRA course together with other instructor candidates.
Course Organization Organizing an NRA Training Course (TG Page 19)
1. Leadership Chief instructor Team and Support Staff Sponsors 2. Course selection 3. Facilities 4. Course participants 5. Equipment and materials 6. Promotion 7. Finances NRA Firearm Training Course Organization Questions (TG Page 65)
Practical Exercise Assignment
Develop and present a budget for a hypothetical NRA Basic _______ Course course to be held at your club for ten students. TG Organizing an NRA Training Course, Finances Appendix H: Budget Worksheet (TC Appendix H, page 73) NRA Trainers Catalog 20 minutes to prepare for a 3 minute presentation Budget Comparison
Lesson Summary As a result of your participation in this lesson, you can: List and describe the seven elements of course organization. Use the elements of course organization to plan a hypothetical NRA Basic course. Demonstrate the cooperation and team spirit necessary to plan an NRA course together with other instructor candidates.
What ARE Your Questions?
The next Lesson will be BIT Lesson V Organizing your Course
Preparing to Teach
Preparing To Teach Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to: Describe the importance of involving multiple senses in the training process. Name and describe the steps necessary to teach a skill. Name different teaching principles and teaching methods and give examples of how they are used in an NRA basic course. Discuss the uses of non-verbal communication in the teaching process.
Total Participant Involvement
What is Training?
Total Participant Involvement
Training produces a change in Knowledge Skills Attitude How does Total Participant Involvement produce these changes?
Total Participant Involvement
Through actively involving students in the training process!
Involvement of Multiple Senses
Practical Exercise Assignment: Four volunteers PLEASE! 1. Explanation on how to unload firearm, without demonstration. 2. Demonstrate how to unload firearm, without explanation. 3. Explain and demonstrate simultaneously. 4. Explain, demonstrate, and then direct a “student” to perform unloading and then use reinforcement if necessary. 10 minutes to prepare for a 5 minute presentation Required Required Required
How to Teach a Skill Trainers Guide page 35 Preparation Explanation
Demonstration Practice Teaching others
Teaching Principles What is a Teaching Principle?
“A teaching principle is a fundamental rule of teaching theory.”
Teaching Principles Preparing to Teach, Basic Teaching Principles (TG page 32 –33) Relate the known to the unknown Progress from the simple to the complex Some students learn more quickly than others Break down a skill and teach one part at a time Basic shooting skills must be learned before they can be applied to a specific activity Developing skills requires continued opportunities for instruction, practice, and encouragement
What is a Teaching Method?
Teaching Methods What is a Teaching Method?
Teaching Methods A Teaching Method is the manner in which teaching is put into practice Preparing to Teach, Teaching Methods (TG page 37) Actual Experience (is considered the ideal teaching method, and is the basis of TPI) Simulation Demonstration Exhibit
Using Questions in Training
How have questions been used in our Training sessions today?
Using Questions in Training
Cause people to think Stimulate discussion Arouse curiosity Evaluate understanding Focus attention Guide students to solve problems Keep students on the topic Review
Using Non-verbal Communication in Training
Eye movement Facial Expression Body movement Voice Dress and appearance Attitude
Presenting the Lesson Preparing to Teach, Presenting the Lesson (TG page 42 – 44) Prepare the presentation Practice presenting your lesson Personalize your lesson Illustrate your lesson’s presentation Pace yourself Summarize the lesson presentation
Evaluating Training NRA Trainer’s Self-Assessment Checklist (TG Appendix L page 91) Training Session Evaluation Form(TG Appendix M page 93)
Complete Exam
Lesson Summary As a result of your participation in this lesson, you can: Describe the importance of involving multiple senses in the training process. Name and describe the steps necessary to teach a skill. Name different teaching principles and teaching methods and give examples of how they are used in an NRA basic course. Discuss the uses of non-verbal communication in the teaching process.
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