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Characteristics of Living Things

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1 Characteristics of Living Things

2 Cellular Organization
A cell is the basic unit of structure and function in an organism Organisms made up of only one cell are called unicellular Ex. Bacteria Multi-cellular organisms are composed of many cells. These cells are specialized to do certain task. Ex. Muscle cells, nerve cells

3 They obtain and use resources for energy
The cells of an organism must have energy to do things such as grow and repair injured parts. All the cells in your body are working at the same time to carry out life functions. Where do we get energy from? Where do animals get energy from? Plants? Bacteria?

4 Obtain and use resources continued…
Autotrophs: provide their own food through the process of photosynthesis (Auto means “self” and trophs means “feeder”) Heterotrophs- must find external source for food (hetero means other)

5 Growth and Development
Growth is the process of becoming larger Development is the process change that happens as an organism become more complex

6 Reproduction Producing offspring that are similar to parent
Robins lay eggs Mammals give birth Flowers produce seeds Bacteria produce bacteria that is exactly the same

7 Reproduction continued…
Two basic types of Reproduction: Asexual reproduction: involves only 1 parent and produces offspring that is identical to parent Sexual reproduction: involves 2 parents combining to make an offspring that is different from both parents.

8 What do all living things need?
Energy Water Living Space There is a limited amount of space on earth so some organisms compete for space. Plants- above and below ground Organisms- can move, can choose to share or compete

9 Response to Surroundings
All organisms react to changes in their environment Stimulus: A change in the environment that causes organism to react (Plural stimuli) An organism reacts to a stimulus with a response Response = an action or change in behavior Ex. Sunflowers

10 Stimulus and Response Homework
Ex: Dust flies into my eyes. Ex: I blink. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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