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Five Themes of geography

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Presentation on theme: "Five Themes of geography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Five Themes of geography

2 Where can I get some coffee?
location Where can I get some coffee?

3 location Absolute Relative

4 place Human and physical characteristics of a location (look at your maps of New Paltz….)

5 Physical characteristics
Mountains River Beaches Topography animal life plant life Climate Vegetation Soil landforms

6 climate

7 vegetation

8 soil

9 elevation

10 Human Characteristics
Land use Architecture Forms of livelihood Forms of religion Food Fold ways Transportation networks Communication networks

11 Human/environment Interactions
How do humans adapt to and modify their environment? (largely rejected geographic/environmen tal determinism)

12 Humans adapt to their environment…..

13 Humans shape their environment

14 Movement: Humans interacting on earth
Migration Ideas Fads Goods Resources communication

15 regions An area with common physical or cultural traits…..

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