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Civil War in China Nationalist forces (led by Chiang Kai-shek, aka Jiang Jieshi) vs. communists led by Mao Zedong USSR supported Mao, US sent aid (no.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War in China Nationalist forces (led by Chiang Kai-shek, aka Jiang Jieshi) vs. communists led by Mao Zedong USSR supported Mao, US sent aid (no."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War in China Nationalist forces (led by Chiang Kai-shek, aka Jiang Jieshi) vs. communists led by Mao Zedong USSR supported Mao, US sent aid (no military) to Chiang Kai-shek 1949: Chiang Kai-shek flees; Mao’s forces take control; rename as People’s Republic of China Now, communist= ¼ world & 1/3 world pop. Mao promised to feed people helped gain success Conflict began in mid-1930s, put on pause when Japan invaded China in 1937  joined together to fight Japan. After WWII, back to civil war. 1948: Kai-shek asked for US military intervention, but we refused to send troops. Jiang also corrupt, also his gov’t (siphoning off of money)

2 The Korean War ( )

3 38th parallel & War Begins
Korea divided after WWII liberation from Japan by 38th parallel (latitude) N. Korea- communist- backed by USSR S. Korea– noncommunist- backed by USA June 1950: N. Korea attacks S. Korea American occupation troops remained in S. Korea until June Their departure coincided with tcommunist victory in China.

4 US Backs South Korea Truman vows to aid S. Korea (no appeasement…); UN votes to do same No formal declaration of war Douglas MacArthur led counterattack in Sept 1950 & drove N. Koreans north of 38th parallel Continues to attack NORTH of 38th parallel (China warned not to…) & China enters war in Nov. 1950 USSR is part of part of Security Council, but it was boycotting Security Council sessions b/c the UN had refused to seat Mao’s People’s Republic of China Falling out: Truman vs. MacArthur - MacArthur wanted to invade China, but Truman wanted limited war. Posisble that war couldn’t/ wouldn’t end without huge commitments of troops & atomic weapons. MacArthur sent letter to House Republican leader attacking Truman’s policies, when it became public Truman fired him for insubordination


6 Stalemate & End of War 1951-1953: Stalemate around 38th parallel
July 27, 1953: cease-fire (still in effect today; no official peace!) Status quo maintained

7 Effects of Korean War Precedent of committing troops to battle w/o formal declaration of war Increased military spending Division remains today 2-mile DMZ btwn Koreas US troops remain/patrol border

8 New sanctions vs. N. Korea today – from Friday 2/19/16
Current Events!!! Inside the DMZ (from 2015) New sanctions vs. N. Korea today – from Friday 2/19/16

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