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Satish Srirama IT in Satish Srirama Ome Srirama Jai Vinayaka Ome Srirama Jai Vinayaka.

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Presentation on theme: "Satish Srirama IT in Satish Srirama Ome Srirama Jai Vinayaka Ome Srirama Jai Vinayaka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satish Srirama
IT in Satish Srirama Ome Srirama Jai Vinayaka Ome Srirama Jai Vinayaka

2 20 years of achievements No success without struggle All-new IT (PC)
1991 2002 2012

3 Cornerstone of Government IT - e-ID card and X-Road infrastructure
Banks – 98% of transactions over Internet Tax forms – 5 minutes online e-voting over Internet – first in the world E-census 2012 – world record - 62% National e-Health Voting in elections is possible from your home Filing your income tax return in just five minutes Signing a legally-binding contract over the Internet, from anywhere in the world, via your mobile phone Entrepreneurs can register businesses in as little as 20 minutes One can also check vital company, property and legal records online You can register for fishing, pay parking fee etc. from your mobile



6 Estonian IT companies Expanding out
One-click mobile payments with mobile operator billing in 73 countries LBS to 250M users…

7 Garage48, Startups, SME-s, .. #estonianmafia

8 The Baltic Startupsphere*

9 The Baltic Startupsphere – Estonia

10 Biggest problem in Estonian IT?
Not enough people in IT!


12 Academic excellence since 1632

13 Why Tartu? Need for more qualified people Access to EU
380 years of academic and student traditions Classical multi-disciplinary university Quality education and world-renowned research UT participates in 6 out of 7 national Centers of Excellence, 2008–2013 2011 THES World University Rankings: in top 400 Excellent student support system Affordable accommodation costs and tuition fees Size – 1000x difference Why then Estonia? A: Size! (easier to be a pioneer) Smaller team sizes More personal responsibilities Skype, etc… Big global ideas from these small teams Need for more qualified people Access to EU

14 International Relations
UT is a member of: Coimbra Group of Universities (since 2003) Utrecht Network (since 2006) European University Association (EUA) Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) 55 partner universities 600 Erasmus exchange agreements, ISEP 300 international conferences and seminars in Tartu each year Appr. 600 incoming international students – incl. both degree-seeking and exchange students – from more than 30 countries. Appr. 100 international faculty.

15 600+ students (450 BSc, 200MSc, 40+ PhD)
3 International MSc Programmes Software Engineering, Cyber Security, NordSecMob All MSc+ education in English 30 teaching staff ~30 research staff 6 professors and areas EU FP6, FP7 projects, International collaborations

16 Six main research areas - professors
Software Engineering Business Process Management Marlon Dumas Bioinformatics Data Mining Jaak Vilo Distributed, Cloud, and Mobile Computing Eero Vainikko Programming Languages Varmo Vene Language Technology Mare Koit Cryptography Dominique Unruh Educational software, robotics, etc.

17 Some of the key players in Estonia

18 STACC Partners

19 STACC Research Tracks and Programs
Data Integration and Mining (DIM) 1.1 Web Analytics and Social Network Analysis 1.2 Biomedical data integration and mining 1.3 Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Delfi, Logica, Quretec, Regio, Skype ITK, Cybernetica, Quretec Cybernetica, Swedbank, Quretec Software and Services Engineering 2.1 Smart Internet Interfaces 2.2 Smart Services 2.3 Software Development Productivity Delfi, Regio, Webmedia Webmedia, Regio, Logica, Cybernetica Webmedia, Logica, Cybernetica, KnowIT

20 Molecular Systems Biology 8:612
We need software and we need to understand data! Data everywhere – Bioinformatics and Data Mining hold great potential for future science and society. Molecular Systems Biology 8:612

21 IT Masters Study Opportunities @ University of Tartu
English-taught Masters programs: Masters of Software Engineering Masters of Cyber-Security (with Tallinn Univ. of Technology) Masters of Security and Mobile Computing (with Aalto Univ.) English + Estonian-taught Masters in Informatics Specializations in data mining, distributed systems, crypto, programming languages and Estonian language technology

22 What is (not) software engineering?
Systems Modeling, UML/SDL, Agent-Oriented Modelling Business Process Management Sw. Eng. Management, Sw. Eng. Paradigms Sw. Quality & Standards Mobile App. Development, Secure Programming, R.T. Systems Programming Requirements Engineering, User Interface Design Sw. Quality & Standards, Social Informatics Systems Modeling Enterprise Systems Integration Software Economics

23 Masters of Software Engineering Structure
Masters Thesis Professional practice or entrepreneurship project (3-4 months) Electives+free Module (24 ECTS) Specialty Module 1: Enterprise Software (4 courses, 24 ECTS) Specialty Module 2: Embedded Software (4 courses, 24 ECTS) Core Module (4 courses, 24 ECTS)

24 Masters of Software Engineering
Software Economics – 6 ECTS Systems Modelling – 6 ECTS Requirements Analysis – 6 ECTS Software Quality and Standards – 6 ECTS Core 24 ECTS Tartu Tallinn Foundations of embedded real-time systems Real-time operating systems and programming Real-time systems development with UML/SDL Formal methods in embedded real-time systems Embedded Systems 24 ECTS Enterprise System Integration Business Process Management Data Mining Enterprise Software Seminar Enterprise Systems 24 ECTS

25 Flexible & Compact Schedule
Semester 1 Tartu: Tuesdays (core) and Thursdays (specialization) Tallinn: Wednesdays (core) and Fridays (specialization) Semester 2 Tartu: Tuesday and Thursday + choice of electives Tallinn: Wednesday and Friday + choice of electives Semester 3 Professional practice/entrepreneurship project Choice of electives Semester 4: Masters thesis

26 Truly International Experience
25 international students, 15 Estonian International staff with experience in 20+ universities worldwide International guest lecturers from industry and academia Internship opportunities in international companies (e.g. Skype, Ericsson, Playtech, Nortal)


28 Anything else I need to know?
50 fully-funded study places About 12 scholarships (funded by IT Academy) Application deadline: April 2013

29 Thank you

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