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American Fight for Independence

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1 American Fight for Independence

2 Second Continental Congress
1776 Colonies met again Chose George Washington as Commander-in-chief of the army

3 George Washington Good choice as commander-in-chief
Brave and wise leader Had been a general in the British army He is one reason the Americans win the war

4 Boston 1776 The British beat the Americans attack on Boston in 1775
This was the Battle of Bunker Hill Washington arrived Regrouped the army – brought order Attacked the British army in Boston again March 1776 Britain leave Boston Americas first victory

5 ‘Common Sense’ 1776 Many colonists still didn’t want full independence
Still felt loyal to Britain Thomas Paine’s pamphlet ‘Common Sense’ Condemned the British rule in America Called for complete American Independence And he was British! Convinced many Americans to want independence

6 Declaration of Independence
The Continental Congress declared independence Jefferson wrote a famous declaration Called King George a Tyrant And that America was justified in calling independence Remember, the Enlightenment Document passed on 4th July 1776 Independence Day!!

7 New York 1776 British winning war Beat Washington in New York
British army was stronger, better weapons More disciplined Had fresh supplies of soldiers crossing the Atlantic

8 Valley Forge 1776-77 The British now captured Philadelphia
Washington’s army forced to spend winter in Valley Forge Trapped Starving and freezing Many men die But Washington stays with them Trains the army into better discipline, more professional Trained by Baron Von Steuber

9 Turning Point Americans win Battle at Saratoga
France want revenge on Britain Realise Americans have a chance Decide to join the war on Americas side This will help America win

10 French Help Very important for 3 reasons
French navy disrupted British supplies across Atlantic French provided disciplined soldiers and weapons British army had to split to protect other British colonies in the world – Why? Afraid France would attack them

11 Yorktown Oct 1781 Americans surrounded British army at Yorktown
French army stopped British reinforcement Lord Grenwallis in charge of British army Surrendered War of Independence over America had won


13 Why America Won Leadership of Washington French help
American tactics – often used guerilla tactics

14 US Constitutioni Document that sets out how country is run
Republic – no king Democracy – first modern one!

15 Consequences of American Rev
Americans had defeated a huge empire and won independence – these revolutionary ideas would spread to other countries (France and Ireland) America was a democracy – people had the power – no king – this idea spread. Idea of equality and liberty influenced France – French soldiers who had fought came back with these American ideals Caused the French Revolution because of the popularity of the ideas and also because it left French King bankrupt

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