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Unit 1 Chapter 2 Section 1: Voyages of Discovery

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1 Unit 1 Chapter 2 Section 1: Voyages of Discovery
World history

2 Main Idea During the 1400s and 1500s European explorers-inspired by greed, curiosity, and the desire for glory and aided by new technologies-sailed to many previously unknown lands.

3 Question Column Who was Ferdinand Magellan? Who sailed for England?
What did Vasco de Gama do? 1. first to circumnavigate the globe 2. John Cabot, Sir Francis Drake, Henry Hudson 3. sailed to India in 1497

4 The Drive to Explore reasons for exploration: the search for wealth
find fame and glory spread their faith into new lands simple curiosity

5 Advances in Technology
made during Renaissance or borrowed from Chinese and Muslims compass (China): locates true north astrolabe (Muslims): location in relation to stars, sun and horizon caravel: light, fast sailing ship, maneuverable with cannons



8 The Portuguese Henry the Navigator: son of King John I of Portugal, patron of explorers Bartolomeu Dias: 1488-became the first European to attempt to sail around the Cape of Good Hope Vasco de Gama: 1497-sailed to India Pedro Cabral: sailed for India but winds took him west & he discovered Brazil



11 Vasco de Gama


13 The Spanish Christopher Columbus: 1492-sailed for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella believed he could reach China by sailing west, reached what he believed was the Indies in 2 months. Amerigo Vespucci: 1502-sailed South America, discovered it was not Asia Vasco Nunez de Balboa: 1513-first European to see Pacific Ocean Ferdinand Magellan: 1519-first to circumnavigate the globe

14 Christopher Columbus


16 Vasco Nunez de Balboa

17 Ferdinand Magellan

18 The English John Cabot: 1497-sailed from England to Canada, boat sunk on second trip, he thought it was Asia Sir Francis Drake: sailed west, explored California, could not find northern passage, became second to circumnavigate Henry Hudson: 1607-tried to find northwest passage found only ice.


20 Francis Drake

21 Henry Hudson

22 The French Jacques Cartier: 1534-sailed St. Lawrence River looking for Northwest Passage, claimed lands for France

23 Jacques Cartier

24 The Dutch Henry Hudson: 1609-searched for Northwest Passage, discovered river and bay with his name

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