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IEC enabled MV PrimSwgr

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1 IEC 61850 enabled MV PrimSwgr
May 2013 IEC enabled MV PrimSwgr General presentation

2 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
What does influence effective communication? Language Dialect Different Language Slang Translation Accent The communication is process whereby information is transferred from a sender to receiver. The receiver could be an individual person, a group of persons or even an audience. What does influence effective communication? First of all it is language. Different language There are a lot of nations around the globe speaking completely different languages about the same topics . Dialects Individual regions in each country could have common language but different dialects . Slang Moreover in some towns and cities slang is used not to be all so easy. Translation Even thought some of us can speak in different languages, we can make fault interpretation in our head. The simplest way of successful communication is to used the same language without dialects, slang!!!

3 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
What does influence effective communication? Way of transmitting Bottlenecks Homogenous environment What else can affect communication? The same language is just one condition of effective communication, the second one is way of transmitting. Just imagine wall among us! Our speech will be muted and the person behind the wall can hear only fragments of our speech. To avoid loosing some information the homogenous environment should be used. Bottleneck? Of course, data can be delayed due to it. And there are other examples.

4 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
Communication in substation Way of transmitting Different languages Device A Reliability of system Interpreter, Converter ? System response Device B ? Engineering Device C Let‘s talk about communication in substation, there is jungle of languages and different ways of transmission. There are a lot of different languages used to communicate between devices on different level. Some of them are typical for industry, utility etc. Some of them are open to other vendor, some of them are vendor specific. Moreover there is no or minimum languages among devices on the same level. If devices speak in different languages, interpreter has to be used, but it brings in majority cases losing of some information, more engineering, faults There are a lot of way of transmitting linked with language. Both used language and way of transmitting influence reliability of system, system response, engineering, amount of data. Amount of data

5 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
More simlified life = IEC standard One World One Technology One Standard IEC standard One global language for all Widespread, Extra fast, Reliable Way of transmission Communications networks and systems for power utility automation To make your life more simplified, choose IEC standard and exploit its benefits. The standard offers on the one hand one global language for all without exception, it is applicable to both ANSI and IEC world and has been developed in co-operatrion between vendors (ABB, Schneider, Siemens, GE, Toshiba, ...) together with major utilities (Vattenfall, RWE, EDF, Iberdrola, ENEL, ...) On the other hand it offers widespread, extra fast and reliable way of transmission – Ethernet. In technical words IEC standard represents Architecture for power utility automation, if you want, it is Esperanto for Communication in substation.

6 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IEC Standard / The Main ideas Same language The same language for all, dialects are not allowed Descriptive, unique words Standardized Configuration language Devices and systems from different vendor (ABB, …) talk to each other in the same language without dialects, slangs, … so anybody understands. It is easy to integrate devices from different vendors into projects. Words are self descriptive, there is no need of additional explanation. The meaning of words is unique, not possible misunderstanding. Standardized Configuration languages is used for efficient engineering and information exchange e.g. between devices and system configuration tools from different vendors.

7 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IEC Standard / The Main ideas Free configuration Free allocation of functionalities Different application philosophies Centralized and / or decentralized solutions IEC standard allows free allocation of functionalities to devices on all levels . This allows to create different application philosophies (more centralized and/or decentralized solutions). Free configuration supports tailored design of Substation Automation System architecture to meet specific needs and operation.

8 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IEC Standard / The Main ideas Long term stability Communication = Language (IEC 61850) + Way of transmitting (Ethernet) Language and Way are spllited Gives the benefit of the evolving communication technologies advantages The third key idea of the standard is independency of language from advancing way of transmission. Language is represented by IEC 61850 and Ethernet , which has been with us for many years and is the basis for vast majority of office networks around the world , was selected as way of transmitting. The separation of two essential parts of communication gives us the benefits of the evolving communication technologies. Analogy: First half 19. Century - optical semaphore telegraph system followed by Electrical telegraph – electrical pulses Second half 19. Century - Telephone – Transmit and receive sound over wire lines Second half of 20 century – Mobile phone – transmit and receive sound without wires.

9 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IEC Standard / Benefits Scalability Easy modification of functionalities Easy extension of substation Save time Engineering, configuration work, commissioning and startup Connectivity Quick and easy connection to the SCADA Improved diagnostic Constant supervision of communication link between Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) Performance High bandwidth, more information about devices Asset management More information about devices in primary and secondary technology Scalability Adding devices and application into existing IEC system can be done with only minimal impact. Used network (Ethernet) enables easy extension of substation and easy integration by utilizing the same networking technology that is being used across utility or industrial enterprise. (Shorter Down time) Save time Time for configuration and commission devices is reduced, because IEC devices don’t required as much manual configuration as legacy devices. Client applications retrieve signal list directly from device or import it via standardized configuration file. Most manual configuration is eliminated thereby errors are drastically reduced. (Faster commissioning) Connectivity Quick and easy connection to the upper level system by the help of file import with standardized configuration language. e.g. RTUs, MicroSCADA, 800xA and easy engineering (Easy access to needed data) Improved diagnostic The communication link between IEDs is constantly supervised, link status is known before use, it isn’t valid for conventional wiring (faster and earlier elimination of errors) Performance High bandwidth providing higher level of functionality (e.g. priority for GOOSE and Sampled Measured Values) , shorter response time E.g. Distributed ARC protection is faster and more safe – in general Asset management More information about devices in primary and secondary technology are available where data is named using descriptive string to describe the data defined by IEC standard and provided in power system context that enables to immediately identify the meaning of data.

10 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IEC Standard / Benefits Remote Engineering and troubleshooting Remote connection to IEDs via Ethernet interface Remote IED configuration or setting changes Via secured remote connection to substation Remote monitoring and testing of signals which is not possible with wires Substation based disturbance records handling

11 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IEC Standard / Engineering IED Configuration Tool System Configuration Tool Client (e.g.control centre) Standardized configuration language

12 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IEC Standard / Engineering process Benefits Configuration Data reuse and exchange via standardized configuration language Save time Export / Import of standardized configuration file Client applications (control centre, communication gateway, …) retrieve signal transfer list automatically via standardized configuration file Most manual operation is eliminated Reduction of errors Standardized, unique and Self-descriptive data Top-Down and Bottom-Up engineering approach support

13 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IEC Standard / Station bus 1st device, will you send me information about ..? It’s Horizontal GOOSE communication It’s vertical communication I can hear you and help you I have problem to perform operation Yes, I will IEC standard specifies Station communication. It distinguish vertical and horizontal one. Vertical communication is non-time critical communication mainly among Intelligent Electronic Devices and Substation Automation systems. Horizontal GOOSE communication is real time and time critical communication between Intelligent Electronic Devices. It has priority to vertical communication. It is used to transmit e.g. interlocking, blocking , … signals between panels in substation.

14 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
Generally Brings the benefits of IEC standard to your substation Move towards SmartGrids solutions

15 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
Usage Fast horizontal GOOSE communication between panels / IEDs True IEC support with Relion® IEDs

16 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
Conventional vs. GOOSE approach Conventional approach Wiring between devices must be done individually per signal Horizontal GOOSE communication Number of interconnections is equal to number of devices Communication Network (Ethernet) Conventional approach Wiring between the IEDs has to be done individually for each signal, from bay device to bay device. An output signal can be shared, but inputs have to be used individually. GOOSE Where Horizontal GOOSE communication is implemented, Low Voltage Compartment production is independent of the logic, automatic , … between panels (interlocking, blocking etc.). All Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) are connected via a single connection to the network and the Data is shared across all IEDs. This approach means less wires, less terminals, less testing, less errors, … comparing previous mentioned approach.

17 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
GOOSE approach Benefits Faster performance Horizontal GOOSE communication is faster than hardwired one Higher error detection Interruption of communication link is detected within configurable setting Preconfigured fail-safe operation in case of failure Tested and proved by KEMA Performance tests according to IEC All IEC61850 components used in MV Primary switchgear are certified by KEMA: Intelligent electronic Devices, Ethernet switches, Switchgear – Inspection report Comparison of the hardwired and GOOSE performance of UniGear and ZX switchgear panels with Relion® Protection and Control IEDs based on IEC performed by KEMA proved that: GOOSE performance is faster than the overall hardwired performance GOOSE reliability and interruption of the Ethernet link are detected within a configurable setting Performance Faster signal transfer , time saving has real meaning in terms of substation Improved diagnostic The safety of the system is enhanced by mean of constantly supervised connection, Lost wire contact isn’t immediately noticed, but with IEC it is and IED can perform preconfigured fail-save action.

18 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
GOOSE approach Benefits Interconnections between panels (conventional vs. GOOSE approach) Simplicity All devices are connected via single attachment to the network Higher level of standardization Standardized mechanical and electrical connections and links Logics can be defined after construction phase Less I/O HW in IEDs The IEC standard affects not only the design of Intelligent Electronic Devices , monitoring and control systems, but also the design of the substation secondary circuit. Horizontal GOOSE communication between IEDs in a substation using the substation's local area network will bring new added value to customers in all aspects compared to the traditional method of signal transfer. First of all it is simplicity, all IEDs are connected via single attachment to network. The standardization of the panels will shorten the workflow process in factory since the logics can be defined after the construction phase and fewer documents are needed before starting the construction phase. It will be easier to build a standardized panel since the logic is on the network and the number of cables to be wired is minimized.

19 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
GOOSE approach Benefits Flexibility Simple or complex automation schemes with no increase of wiring costs, programming is independent of wiring Last minute change possible No additional HW costs Scalability Switchgears, SCADA … Connectivity To upper level system, to Smart Grids Save time Manufacturing, erection, start-up, maintenance Lower cost to use Up-to-date and Future-proof technology Long-term validity, right investments Flexibility Simple or complex schemes are possible with no increase of wiring costs, because Data are shared across all IEDs connected into IEC network via single attachment. Programming is independent of wiring. Late On-site or Last-minute (e.g. during FAT) fast signal logic addition or modification is possible without increasing wires and having spare IO from IEDs – there are no additional HW cost. Substation down time in case of logic changes implementation or extension is shorter Scalability Adding devices and application into existing IEC system can be done with only minimal impact. Even system used typically in industrial segment 800xA can seamless interface with IEC61850 network. COM600 – GOOSE support Connectivity The switchgear is ready for connection to upper level system or Smart Grids Save time Time for configuration and commission devices is reduced, because IEC devices don’t required as much manual configuration as legacy devices. Less problems with On-Time delivery Up-to-date and Future-proof technology Independency from the fast advancing communication technology gives the benefits of their evolution. It is implemented communication technology (Ethernet) where the most money is put in and where further development continues (e.g. Ethernet speed raised to 1000Gbit/s)

20 IEC 61850 enabled MV Primary Switchgear
IED connectivity into IEC Station bus Converter is needed Supported communication Vertical Relion® protection and control True, native support for IEC 61850 Supported communication Vertical Horizontal GOOSE Dedicated web page ABB distribution Automation‘s complete portfolio of IEDs can be seamlessly connected into IEC communication network. Every ABB IED, from the single SPACOM, IMPRS, DPU family up to very complete and fully configurable 500 series are able to communicate with IEC systems via converter. The Relion® product family provides true, native support for IEC standard. There is no converter, not even inside, all available functionality using IEC The compliance of Relion® IEDs with the IEC standard was tested by KEMA. The implementation of the IEC substation communication standard in Relion IEDs supports both vertical and horizontal GOOSE communication.

21 IEC 61850 standard isn’t there to make your life more complicated, but ….

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