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Africa: Human Geography

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1 Africa: Human Geography

2 Regions Of Africa

3 East Africa

4 “Lucy” Humans originated in Africa!
1959- Louis & Mary Leakey discovered the first human creatures to make stone tools in Olduvai Gorge. Olduvai Gorge (east Africa) contains the oldest record of humanity. They found over 65 different species of Hominids, but Homo habilis was the oldest found.

5 Aksum Aksum was an early civilization. It emerged in 100 a.d. in Ethiopia and the coast lines of East Africa. It was a trading Empire- with Egypt, Rome, Middle East, and India. Slash and burn farming destroyed their land, population declined, and the Empire fell.

6 Masai & Kikuyu Live in Kenya and are mainly herders.
Both had clashes with the British. Masai extend ear lobes and make intricate jewelry. Girls learn household chores and Boys learn to protect the family. Kikuyu 6.6 million. Not as many are herders today due to British rule. Fought the British in the Mau Mau rebellion from

7 East Africa Today… Tourism is the main industry.
Wildlife parks on game reserves. Kenya’s population is increasing at such a huge rate that it is taking over game reserves for farming.

8 Somalia Famine- extreme and long-term shortage of food. Caused widespread hunger and sometimes death to millions of people. Natural Causes- drought effects farming Human Causes- rebel gunman looted relief shipments and war.

9 Crisis in Somalia

10 East Africa Land: 26% of SSA land Population: 37% of SSA population
Physical Features: Large mountains, Rift Valley, Plains (ex. Serengeti), Lakes (Ex. Lake Victoria) Economy: Primarily agriculture (principal): Coffee, tea, & sisal Ecotourism is a major industry (national game parks & reserves) Illegal: Ex. Poaching, pirates Majestic mountains (Ex. Mt. Kilimanjaro & Mt. Kenya, etc.) juxtaposed against great rift valleys (Why are these mountains here? Impact on climate?) Extensive plains (Serengeti) Scenic lakes –Lake Victoria worlds 2ndlargest freshwater lake by surface area (horticulture and floriculture activities are beginning to emerge);

11 East Africa Culture Languages mostly from 3 family groups
Religions: Christianity, Islam (closer to Asia), Judaism(Ethiopia), Hindus (Kenya) Migratory routes: Malay-Polynesian settlers (Madagascar) Chinese and Indian settlers in Seychelle Islands and South Africa Middle-Eastern merchant settlers (Zanzibar, Kenya, and Uganda) Lucy was found by Donald Johanson and Tom Gray on November 24, 1974, at Hadar in Ethiopia. Johanson spotted her forearm bone by chance during a surveying trip in the area. After two weeks of careful excavation, 40 percent of a single hominid skeleton had been discovered. ("Hominid" basically means a being in the ape/human family that walks upright.) She was identified as female based mainly on her size and other contextual evidence at Hadar, and has been classified in the species Australopithecus afarensis. Lucy's skeleton has been dated to just under 3.18 million years old, making her the oldest hominid ever discovered. Fossils can't be dated directly, but the deposits in which they are found can now be dated with the 40Ar/39Ar (Argon-Argon) technique. This is added to other evidence, including the fossils themselves and the site where they were found, to produce a date.

12 North Africa

13 Egyptians 3100 b.c. Egypt united under the rule of one King.
Egyptian god-kings were called Pharaohs, who the people believed ruled even after death. Pyramids were built to house the Pharaohs remains. Nile river valley led to the invention of ideas about farming, medical treatments, building of cities and a system of writing.

14 Invaders from the ME settled in N
Invaders from the ME settled in N. Africa and brought their language, religion and customs with them. In many cases Islam was forced on the people living there. Muslims now had total control over the trade routs from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. Oil became the primary economic activity of the North!

15 Way of life in the North…
Souks, or marketplaces located in the old section of the city, have shops, storytellers, musicians, fortunetellers. The best Souks are found in Marrakesh, Morocco- very high-pressure sales with bargaining. Rai- music developed by poor urban children with political elements and western influence. Women in Tunisia- jobs with equal pay, either spouse can seek divorce, government jobs allowed.

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