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Breeding Broiler Sri Sudaryati
Breeds for broilers Barred Rock ♀ White Plymounth Rock ♀
Moderate groth potential (+) Dark pin feathers (-) White Plymounth Rock ♀ Female line, white plumage Slow feathering become fast feathering New Hampshire ♀ Female line, good egg production and hatchability White Cornish ♂ Short leg, heavily broad breast musle Lighth Sussex ♂&♀ Populer in Europe, like NHS in America
Guidelines for the selection of breeding stock
Physical good breed type reasonably good plumage colour free from defects egg production early sexual maturity high rate of laying non-broodiness no pauses (or only short ones) in egg laying persistence of production egg quality standard egg size proper shape and colour uniform shell texture high % of thick albumen no blood spots etc. Trapnesting for 3 consecutive days in every 4 weeks and individual hen recording will give sufficient information.
5 viability of growing stock and layers
4 hatchability high fertility high hatchability quality chicks Incubation and hatching records will give information. 5 viability of growing stock and layers low mortality % low culling % Any bird still present at the age of months will have a rather high resistance to diseases and/or other unfavourable conditions. The collection of eggs for future breeding stock should therefore not start before this age.
6 meat production 3 rapid growth early feathering
superior breast fleshing good body size Body weight at 6-8 weeks of age gives a good indication of the weight of the offspring later on. There is little correlation between body weight at sexual maturity and the weight of the offspring. Selected birds (at 6-8 weeks) should be checked at marketing time (9-14 weeks) on the following characteristics: feathering; full feathering is desired (pin feathers lead to discount in price when the birds are sold) breast fleshing body size Each of the above characteristics has to be taken into consideration on the basis of its relative economic importance. For instance, selection on (a) has hardly any economic value and (f) is only important for meat-type breeders. Note: the selection on feed consumption and conversion should be taken into consideration too, but these are very difficult to measure on the individual bird. 3
What should have been done before breeding starts?
1. proper vaccinations vaccination schedules for breeder birds are different from commercial egg laying birds blood titers should have been checked 2. debeaking; female breeders should have been debeaked week selection; in meat-type birds the smaller males and females are removed at this stage 4. mature selection; just prior to the onset of egg production, males and females of poor quality are removed from the flock 5. if sexing errors are discovered, remove the birds concerned immediately, at any time 6. internal parasites; if worms were present during the growing period, an effective eradication programme should have been carried out - allowing the birds to start their breeding period free of worms 7. Mg, Ms and Pullorum negative; just before or immediately after egg production starts, the cockerels and the hens should be bloodtested 8. correct mature body weight the feeding programme during the growing period should have been such that it produced a specified body weight at sexual maturity
The importance of correct body weight
Good body fleshing but without excessive fat is desirable for the following reasons: onset of egg production is delayed first eggs are larger egg production during the laying cycle is increased more hatching eggs are produced (because the eggs will be of a larger size) laying house mortality is reduced feed cost of growing pullet to sexual maturity is lowered feed cost of producing a hatching egg is reduced fertility of the hatching egg is increased hatchability of the hatching egg is improved
The sex chromosomes are usually described as the Z and W chromosomes, with males being homogametic (ZZ) and females heterogametic (ZW). For females, this is sometimes written as Z- rather than ZW. For example, a cross between a gold feathered male and a silver female, will result in the following:
Perbandingan kawan alam vs IB
Kriteria diukur Kawin alam (litter) (A) IB (cage) (B) Perbedaan (B-A) Kematian jantan betina 12,5 6,6 1,9 6,5 -10,6 +0,1 Konsumsi pakan (g/ekor/hari) 123,1 110,9 -12,2 Produksi telur (butir) 168 163 -5 Berat telur (g) 60,4 62,4 +2,3 Fertilitas (%) Daya tetas (%) 86 92,6 92,9 93,3 +6,9 +0,7 DOC dihasilkan (ekor) 127 137 +10 Juml.pakan (kg) 301,4 231,7 -69,7 Berat badan (kg) 64 mgg Jantabn Betina 5,03 2,43 4,52 2,59 -0,51 +0,16
Kawin alam
Artificial Insemination in Chicken
Artificial insemination is the most widely used reproductive technology in the livestock industry. Its adoption in poultry species has increased in popularity, especially in the western countries for research and commercial purposes. However, there are scenarios in which commercial poultry farmers may benefit from artificial insemination in poultry: 9/17/2018
AI allows for incompatible individuals to mate;
incompatibility arises when males are heavier than females and under natural mating this may result to injury of the females. AI allows for better use of the cage feeding system in hatchery operations, especially when dealing with large number of females that are required to lay fertilized eggs. 9/17/2018
AI allows for one male of high genetic merit for a particular trait of interest to serve more females therefore, increases the number of offspring per cock compared to natural mating which is limited to a mating ratio of 1male:10 females. Artificial insemination in chicken requires one to understand the basic anatomy and physiology of the hen’s and the cock’s reproductive tract. In addition to this one must be technically competent with the semen collection and deposition procedures in order to achieve effectiveness in producing fertilized eggs.
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