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STUDY GROUPS Lifelong Language Learning: Enhancing Educational Effectiveness Julie J. Dubeau May 14, 2012 It is.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDY GROUPS Lifelong Language Learning: Enhancing Educational Effectiveness Julie J. Dubeau May 14, 2012 It is."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDY GROUPS Lifelong Language Learning: Enhancing Educational Effectiveness Julie J. Dubeau May 14, 2012 It is my pleasure to again provide you with information about this year’s SG.

#1 - Effective integration of language learning into military career development and progression #2 - Applying STANAG in FL learning #3 - Framework for L3 curriculum #4 - BILC “recognized” courses? #5 - English language proficiency shortfalls + WG on Military terminology and translation Topics for SGs emerge throughout the year, from language testing seminars, from the professional seminar, from requests to BILC from IS or ACT, from meetings and discussions with BILC delegates, such as you. Over the course of the eyar, they are focussed and prepared to roll out with the joining instructions in january. This year, we have 5 plus 1 working group. Working groups are often the members of a previous SG who are tasked by the SC to follow through on a specific recommendation.

3 Work Schedule includes coffee breaks
Monday : 1 hour Tuesday: 2.75 hours Wednesday: 2 hours Thursday: SG reports to plenary min Work Schedule includes coffee breaks SC reviews the SG recommendations after lunch Chair reports to plenary in PM.

4 STUDY GROUP #1:Effective integration of language learning into military career development and progression. participants will discuss their respective military’s successes and challenges in integrating language education and training into officer and NCM career development. overall goal is to draft document outlining best approaches based on experience. Co-leaders: Steen Bornholdt & Gianfranco DiLuzio Room#

5 STUDY GROUP #2: Applying STANAG 6001 in foreign language learning.
group will identify the challenges in applying STANAG 6001, Ed 4 to foreign language training and testing. desired outcome is collection of best practices and broad guidelines useful to FL teachers, curriculum developers and testers Co-leaders: Gerard Seinhorst and Ana Lagares Room #

6 STUDY GROUP #3: Developing a framework for a level 3 curriculum
group will work from a template to outline a framework for a curriculum that reflects STANAG 6001 content (topical domain, text types), tasks and accuracy requirements, across the four skills framework eventually produced could enable developers to identify, locate and include specific content into a full, STANAG-based curriculum development template. Co-leaders: Jana Vasilj-Begovic and Elisabeth Thomson Room #

7 STUDY GROUP #4:BILC “recognized” courses?
Some countries have expressed a desire to have their language courses “accredited” or recognized by NATO while other countries have expressed a desire to know which country’s courses are available to their nation’s students. This study group will attempt to define the general criteria that would be needed to “recognize” a language course. Co-leaders: Keith Wert and Peggy Garza Room #   Without committing BILC to any action, this study group will attempt to define:

8 STUDY GROUP #5: English language proficiency shortfall.
members of this SG will discuss their own national perspectives on the challenges of meeting NATO’s language targets with the aim of identifying key reasons for the shortfalls and proposing possible COA to mitigate them. Co-leaders: Philip Turner and Christopher Huellen Room #

9 Room # WORKING GROUP: Military Terminology and Translation
Nine chapters have been distributed to various national WGs who have been working independently throughout the year. WG members will now meet to consolidate their respective work and present their results so far, with a view of mapping out the work to be done until the next meeting in Slovenia later this year. Leader: Horst Walther Room #

10 Thank you Leaders!!

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