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Lecture No. 14 Disaster Management System in Pakistan

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1 Lecture No. 14 Disaster Management System in Pakistan
Hazards Planning and Risk Management Lecture No. 14 Disaster Management System in Pakistan Fall 2016 US – Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water

2 Objective To review the evolution of legal framework for disaster risk management in Pakistan

3 Reading Material Disaster Risk Reduction Approaches in Pakistan edited by Atta-Ur- Rahman, Amir Nawaz Khan, Rajib Shaw (Google Book Preview) NDMA website: More material available on wordpress:

4 Relief and Response Oriented System
Till 2005 EQ, conventional relief and response oriented model for coping and managing the risk of disasters in Pakistan focusing on reactive strategy of relief and response Flood being the most frequently occurring phenomenon, managed to take attention of policy makers in late 60’s and a Flood Control Programme was launched for the first time National Disaster Plan drafted in 1974 by Federal Emergency Relief Cell Plan was neither finalized nor implemented

5 Legal Frame Work for Disaster Management

6 The Calamity (Prevention and Relief) Act of 1958
National policy for disaster management prior to the passing of National Disaster Management Ordinance, Focus was also limited to emergency response, relief and compensation Lists down a set of specific calamities to address, which include; “flood, famine, and locust or other pests, hailstorms, fire or epidemics or any calamity which in the opinion of the Govt. warrants action” Source: National Disaster Risk Management Framework, Pakistan – NDMA It is implemented by the revenue staff, from province to district and down to tehsils (sub-district).

7 The Federal Emergency Relief Cell (ERC)
Till 1970, Pakistan Civil Defense (working under Civil Defense Act amended in 1993) was the focal agency for responding to disasters Emergency Relief Cell (ERC) was established in the aftermath of cyclone in the then East Pakistan (Bangladesh), ERC became the government’s focal point for emergency relief in disaster hit areas Central disaster management structure working under the Federal Cabinet Division ERC on the directions/approval of the Prime Minister, provides relief assistance to supplement the efforts of the Provincial Governments, if their resources are not adequate enough to over come the effects of calamity Source: GoP Under the Rules of Business 1973, the subject “Disaster Relief” has been allocated to the Cabinet Division. Responsible for organizing disaster response by the federal government.

8 Federal Flood Commission (FFC)
Created in 1977 after the massive floods of 1973 & 1976 Responsible for Preparation of flood protection plans for the country Planning and execution of flood protection and preventive measures across the country

9 Pakistan Emergency Services Ordinance 2002
Pakistan Emergency Service Ordinance and Pakistan Emergency and Fire Code in 2002, in the aftermath of fire in the 17-storey Shaheed- e-Millat Secretariat in Islamabad The ordinance sought to provide for the setting up of a new federal Pakistan Emergency and Fire Council which was tasked with formulating and then implementing a code of rules, regulations and specifications regarding the safety of life and property from fires, explosions and other hazardous materials The proposed Rescue and Fire Service, an amalgamation of the Civil Defence Department and the Fire Brigade, was also mandated to inspect any building or premises for hazardous conditions as mentioned in the proposed Pakistan Emergency and Fire Code, and also to investigate the cause, the origin and the circumstances of all such incidents. But nothing was achieved on this front as well.

10 Source: http://www. ndma. gov
DCO=district coordination officer DPO=District Police Officer

11 2005 ---- Change of Perception
Devastating Earthquake in October 2005 exposed the vulnerability of the existing emergency and disaster response capabilities Pakistan became a signatory of the international disaster risk reduction protocol, Hyogo Framework for Action Introduction of National Disaster Management Ordinance (NDMO) in 2006 a significant shift from conventional model to more proactive pattern of governance based on Disaster Risk Reduction proposes a comprehensive disaster management framework including pre-disaster as well as post-disaster aspects Till 2005 one can only trace fragmented and isolated efforts for developing national level disaster risk management. The EQ 2005 changed Pakistan’s perceptions about how to manage disasters. (losses were 20% of the national budget). Both these developments worked as catalyst leading to the promulgation of National Disaster Management Ordinance in 2006 He-yoo-go Kou-beh The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) is a 10-year plan to make the world safer from natural hazards adopted by 168 Member States of the United Nations in 2005 at the World Disaster Reduction Conference.

12 National Disaster Management Ordinance, 2006 (NDMO)
Passed on December 21, 2006 Role of policy and legal framework for disaster risk manager Government of Pakistan has established policy and institutional mechanisms at national, provincial and district levels Under the Ordinance a National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC) and a National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) have been established The National Commission: Ensures the implementation of National Disaster Management Ordinance Notifies the provincial, regional and state governments to establish disaster management authorities at provincial and district levels Policy and legal framework arrangements in a given context play pivotal role of planning, implementation and monitoring the processes of disaster risk management. 2010 floods has revealed a number of inadequacies and issues in the existing framework.

13 NDMA - Mission To manage complete spectrum of disasters by adopting a disaster risk reduction perspective in development planning at all levels, and through enhancing institutional capacities for disaster preparedness, response and recovery Visit NDMA website at

14 It is the implementing, coordinating and monitoring body for DM
NDMA: Key Functions It is the implementing, coordinating and monitoring body for DM Prepares national plan for approval by NDMC Provides technical guidance to national and provincial stakeholders about formulation of plans, strategies and programs for disaster risk management. Promote general education and awareness on DM issues Capacity development of national, provincial and local stakeholders in collaboration with PDMAs and DDMAs Source: and other NDMA: focal point for coordinating and facilitating the implementation of strategies and programs on disaster risk reduction, response and recovery

15 National Disaster Risk Management Framework (NDRMF) developed by NDMA
defines strategies and priorities of the Government of Pakistan in the area of disaster risk management for the next five years

16 National Disaster Risk Management Framework (NDRMF)
Nine priority areas identified Institutional and legal arrangements for DRM Hazard and vulnerability assessment, Training, education and awareness, Disaster risk management planning, Community and local level programming, Multi-hazard early warning system, Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development, Emergency response system, and Capacity development for post disaster recovery. Nine priority areas (consistent with the thrust lines enshrined in Hyogo Framework for Action - HFA) identified to establish and strengthen policies, institutions and capacities over the next five years include…..

17 Continued… Roles and responsibilities of key national, provincial and local stakeholders have been defined in the framework All stakeholders are expected to undertake following actions to promote disaster risk management Integrate risk assessment in the planning and design stages of all new infrastructure/projects, Assess vulnerability of people, infrastructure, assets and services related to their sector, Develop disaster risk management plans, Integrate vulnerability reduction measures in new construction, Develop technical capacities of their departments/sectors to implement disaster risk management strategies, and Allocate funds for disaster risk management in annual development budgets. National Disaster Management Fund established and managed by the NDMA;

18 Continued… Other responsibilities of the stakeholders include: Conduct post disaster damage and loss assessments, Organize emergency response as per the mandate of the department; and Organize recovery and rehabilitation as per the mandate

19 Principles Established in the Framework
Promoting multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral and multi- disciplinary approaches Reducing vulnerability of most vulnerable social groups, Strengthening community and local level risk reduction capacities, Combining scientific and people’s knowledge, Developing culturally, socially, economically and environmentally relevant technologies, Strengthening sustainable livelihood practices, Acquiring specific capacities in view of the hazard-risk profile of the area and country, and Working with other countries, and the international community to promote disaster risk reduction.

20 Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMA)
Federal structure replicated in the provinces Coordinates and monitors implementation of the national policy, national plan and provincial plan, Prepare provincial DM plan, lay down guidelines for making of provincial line departments and district DM plan Responsible for managing disasters in the province

21 District Disaster Management Authority
Headed by the Nazim and comprise DCO, DPO and EDO (Health). It is entrusted with making district DM Plan. Coordinates monitoring of national and provincial DM policies as they relate to the district. Identification and mitigation of disaster risks. Lays down guideline for making DM plans by respective departments and monitor their implementation. Reviews and upgrades local early warning systems. Guidance is included for disaster mitigation functions and for capacity building of district staff. EDO=Executive District Officer

22 National Disaster Management Plan 2012
Pakistan first National Disaster Management Plan was approved in Feb 2013 developed in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Project span Aimed at enhancing the capacity to prepare and response to disasters by proactive approach in line with National Disaster Management Act Disaster Risk Reduction Approaches in Pakistan edited by Atta-Ur- Rahman, Amir Nawaz Khan, Rajib

23 National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy 2013
National Disaster Management Commission approves DRR policy on 21st February 2013 This policy covers disasters risk reduction in a more holistic way and introduces a proactive and anticipatory approach by laying special emphasis on risk assessment, prevention, mitigation and preparedness To promote priority measures to ameliorate existing vulnerabilities to hazards To ensure that future development initiatives add resilience To provide guideline for timely, dedicated and adequate investment on hazard mitigation and preparedness interventions at all levels to reduce the cost incurred by response and recovery efforts NDMA, being the lead focal agency for disaster preparedness and management, has therefore, embarked upon formulation of a comprehensive National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy through wider consultations with all stakeholders including all provinces, state of AJ&K and regions.

24 Principles Multi-hazard approach
Vulnerability and risk analysis as the basis of DRR Strengthening community participation and resilience Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable groups Compatibility with local customs and norms Clearly defined division of roles and responsibilities between different layers of government Promoting inter-organizational partnerships Transparency and accountability in all DRR interventions

25 Policy Objectives Creating an integrated national capacity to identify and monitor vulnerability and hazard trends including potential climate change impact Creating Multi-Hazard Early Warning capacity while building upon existing systems and emphasizing the information and warning needs of vulnerable end-users Strengthening an integrated disaster preparedness and response capacity from the local to the national level Promoting development planning that considers and addresses disaster risks alongside environmental and climate change concerns

26 Policy Objectives Strengthening the structural and non-structural resilience of key infrastructure and lifelines in Pakistan Strengthening capacity at national and provincial levels to facilitate and provide support to the implementation of DRR policies, plans and programs across sectors and in high-risk areas Strengthening Local Level Risk Reduction capacity focusing upon communities, and supportive linkages with Union Councils, tehsils and districts Ensuring DRR is systematically integrated into recovery and reconstruction programming, “building better, safer and stronger” and informing DRR mainstreaming in general

27 Organizations Working on Disaster Management
Source: National Disaster Risk Management Framework, Pakistan – NDMA National Crisis Management Cell Working under Ministry Of Interior) Rescue 1122

28 Other Institutions and Stakeholders
Irrigation and Agriculture Departments UN agencies NGOs Media Donors Vulnerable communities National Institute of Oceanography Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) Pakistan Meteorological Department Water and Power Development Authority Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) Dams Safety Council National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) Environment Ministry Provincial Revenue Departments NVM (National Volunteer Movement), Geographical Survey of Pakistan Edhi Ambulance Service Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Pakistan Armed Forces Provincial revenue departments have policies, systems and procedures in place for disaster relief, particularly for floods and droughts. Pakistan armed forces are generally well experienced in managing various kinds of disasters. A number of departments including agriculture and irrigation departments have been implementing drought mitigation strategies. National Institute of Oceanography Tide Gauge Network for monitoring of sea level variations along Pakistan coast


30 Policies & Protocols National Disaster Risk Management Framework, Pakistan - NDMA A list of national sectoral policies and international protocols that have implications for disaster risk management and vice-a-versa.

31 Structure for Disaster Risk Management
National Disaster Risk Management Framework, Pakistan - NDMA

32 Disaster Early Warning
Pakistan Meteorological Department (flood, cyclone, droughts, Seismic monitoring) Flood Forecasting Division (FFD) National Seismic Monitoring and Tsunami Early Warning Centre Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre Drought Monitoring and Warning System Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) (flood, cyclone, drought) Irrigation Department and IRSA for floods WAPDA WAPDA: collection of rainfall data from telemetric rain gauge stations and provide hydrometric flood data at water regulation barrages. irsa indus river system authority

33 NDMA Website

34 Discussion/Comment/Question

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