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Today’s Agenda Bell-ringer Notes MyPlate Activity Fed Up Movie

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda Bell-ringer Notes MyPlate Activity Fed Up Movie"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda Bell-ringer Notes MyPlate Activity Fed Up Movie Journal Reflection

2 Diet: It’s what you eat. Calorie: a measure of the amount of energy in a specific food. Food = Fuel!

3 How many calories do I need?
Dependant on: Body size Activity level Typically between calories Only a doctor can be certain Estimate: take your body weight and add another zero 150 lbs = 1500 calories

4 How do we use our calories?
Nutrient Dense Foods – foods that calorie consumption is rich in essential nutrients. The body as a use for them Empty Calories/Foods – foods high in calories with no essential nutrients and turn to fat in the body (not used). Causes us to gain weight.

5 Why is a healthy diet important?
Helps manage weight and prevents overweight and obesity Reduces the risk of chronic disease Reduces the risk of early mortality

6 What influences your food choices?
List 5 factors that influence your food choices with your group.

7 The Food Pyramid…Right?

Simpler Easier to manage To be used in addition to being aware of calories and nutrients

9 Some elements remain Half of your grains whole Choose lean meats Eat calcium rich foods Vary your veggies! Consume fewer foods with sodium (salt), saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, and refined grains

10 Sort the Foods into the correct categories on your worksheet

11 MyPlate Key Messages Enjoy your food, but eat less.
Balancing Calories Enjoy your food, but eat less. Avoid oversized portions. Foods to Increase Make half your plate fruits & vegetables. Make at least half your grains whole. Switch to low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) milk. Foods to Reduce Choose foods that have less sodium. Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

12 Build a Healthy Plate by Choosing…
Nutrient-dense foods instead of calorie-dense foods. A variety of fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colors. Low-fat or fat free milk and dairy products. Fiber-rich whole grains. Protein foods that are low in fat.

Saturated fat & trans fat  heart disease Replace with healthy unsaturated fat ADDED SUGAR Sugar adds calories  weight gain Choose water, 100% juice and fruit for dessert SALT (SODIUM) Raises blood pressure  hypertension Processed foods, fast food, frozen meals Season with spices and herbs instead of salt

14 Balancing Calories Avoid oversized portions
Eat the right amount of calories for you Enjoy your food, but eat less Cut back on foods high in SOFAS and empty calories Avoid oversized portions Stop eating when you feel full Get enough physical activity

15 Recommended amounts… Fruit: Girls age 14-18 = 1 ½ Cups daily
Boys age = 2 cups daily Vegetables: Girls age = 2 ½ Cups daily Boys age = 3 Cups daily Grains: Girls age = 6 ounces daily Boys age = 8 ounces daily

16 Journal Think about everything you ate yesterday. Did you eat something in every food group yesterday? List the food with the correct food group


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