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Presentation on theme: "ENERGY."— Presentation transcript:


2 CALORIES The energy value that comes from food
The amount of energy a food gives you is measured in Calories Calories is the amount of heat needed to raise one kilo gram of water one degree Celsius Hence phrase ”burn calories”

3 3 Food that provide body with Energy CARBS- 4 calories per gram of carbs PROTEIN- 4 calories per gram of protein FAT 9 calories per gram of fat

4 EXAMPLE Fat 16 g Carbs 8 g Protein 7 g Total Calories Fat 144 Carbs 32
Peanut Butter 2 TBSP Fat 16 g Carbs 8 g Protein 7 g Total Calories Fat 144 Carbs 32 Protein 28 TOTAL 204

5 How much do you need??? Depends on Metabolism- amount of energy needed to stay alive and carry on vital processes. Higher Metabolism more calories needed Based on these factors?? Body Size Age Gender Health Physical Activity

6 Weight Gain/Weight Loss
More Calories consumed in a day then needed= Weight Gain Less Calories consumed in a day then needed= Weight Loss

7 Individual Needs Current weight x Activity Level = Calories 13 Inactive sit most of day- walk only when have to 15 Active- on the go most of day; sit some; walk often 17 Very Active- exercise often; play sports Example: 135 lbs x 15= lbs x 15= 2400

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