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Draft Career Development Services Policy: Building an effective and integrated Career Development Services System for South Africa Mr FY Patel Deputy.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Career Development Services Policy: Building an effective and integrated Career Development Services System for South Africa Mr FY Patel Deputy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Career Development Services Policy: Building an effective and integrated Career Development Services System for South Africa Mr FY Patel Deputy Director-General: Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges

To provide an overview of the Draft Career Development Services Policy

3 BACKGROUND On 19 February 2014, Cabinet approved the development of a National Career Development Service Policy,  implementation strategy and consultation process across all spheres of government and appointed the Minister of Higher Education and Training to lead and coordinate the same. A coordinated career development service is urgently needed to ensure that all citizens incl. youth, students, under-employed workers and unemployed citizens have access to quality career information and career services. The Department of Higher Education and Training, in consultation with various departments, entities, bodies and institutions, developed a draft Career Development Services System policy and implementation framework. This draft policy has a national footprint that spans national government departments and also directs implementation at provincial and local government levels.

4 PURPOSE OF THE POLICY Emphasise the role of government in ensuring that all citizens are assured access to comprehensive and integrated career development services to make informed career and learning decisions; Provide a framework for the strengthening and continuity of leadership regarding career development services in South Africa; Provide a framework for cooperation and collaboration at all levels of government, as well as with institutions, entities, agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the private sector;

Enhance implementation at all levels of Government within existing mandates and responsibilities and address weaknesses, overlaps and gaps in the current provision of career development services; Identify processes that stimulate regular review and systemic planning of career development services; and Provide specific directives for various aspects of the provision of career development services for the country.

Section 1: Conceptual Framework Section 2: Strategic Intent Section 3: Implementation

7 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Provides an overview of the international context; Includes a brief description of the South African context and career development services initiatives that are already in progress; Argues the rationale for the Career Development Services System Policy; Describes the coordination of Career Development Services in the country; Presents the vision and mission of Career Development Services; Outlines the key terminology used in Career Development Services; and Lists the principles underpinning the policy.

8 STRATEGIC INTENT Provides an overarching Strategic Intent of the policy; Outlines the individualised and systemic challenges and opportunities of Career Development Services in the country; Formulates both individualised and systemic policy goals; Identifies five strategic policy themes, viz.: Career Development Services across the lifespan of an individual; Improving access to Career Development Services; A single, coherent and coordinated Career Development Services System with differentiated roles and responsibilities; An enabling environment for Career Development Services; and Coordination and leadership in Career Development Services; Describes the evidence base for policy making and implementation; and Specifically outlines the importance of systematic evaluation.

9 IMPLEMENTATION This section provides:
A high level implementation strategy; The main implementation challenges; and The policy instruments and mechanisms to be used in implementation. It also addresses the following issues: Funding; Coordination and strategic leadership; and Assessing the effectiveness of career development services over the short, medium and longer term.

The policy proposes a number of structures for coordination and leadership of Career Development Services; The National Career Development Forum (NCDF) will ensure the sustainability and continuation of the work and to convene all the key stakeholders together in an institutional structure to ensure coordination and collaboration; The NCDF will operate through 2 structures: The Career Development Government Forum (CDGF) and the National Consultative Forum (NCF); The interim NCF will be constituted in this conference; and The interim CDGF was constituted in July 2014.

An inter-departmental steering committee consisting of key departments with greater responsibility for career development service will be constituted. The key departments are: Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET); Department of Basic Education (DBE); Department of Social Development (DSD); Department of Labour (DoL); and Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), The policy proposes that DHET performs the national coordinating role.

Funding has been secured for the implementation of the next phase of the Career Development Services initiative, including the continuation of the national career advice helpline, support to walk-in centres, information sharing through social media, exhibitions, radio programmes and print media. Direct funding allocations from DHET’s budgets. Funding through other departments’ career development initiatives.

13 FUNDING IMPLICATIONS CDS related activities currently included in Strategic and Annual Performance Plans constitute existing budgetary allocations; It is reasoned that the CDS Policy would not stress existing budgets – and would focus more on optimum targeting of existing resources; Coordination of resources will avoid unnecessary duplication, help to streamline procurement administration and activate economies of scale.

An advocacy and communication action plan has been developed to advocate and communicate relevant information to different target audiences. Continued communication and media arrangements are being managed by the DHET through the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS).

15 CONSULTATION The DHET has developed the draft Career Development Services policy and implementation strategy through a consultative process with relevant government departments, agencies, entities and institutions. Consultation took place through the interim Career Development Government Forum and the SETA Forum. The draft policy will still be gazetted for public comments. This will give opportunity for stakeholders to give input.


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