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Interest and Vocational Testing

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1 Interest and Vocational Testing
PSY 614 Instructor: Emily E. Bullock, Ph.D.

2 Vocational Testing can include an assessment of…
Interest Skills (Aptitude, Ability, Self Ratings) Values Decision-Making Styles Career Thinking Career Maturity Personality Card Sorts Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems Vocational Rehabilitation/Disability Evaluations Resume/Cover letter analysis Group Activities Checklists of Job Seeking Activities

3 Vocational Assessment from a CIP Perspective

4 Vocational Assessment: Self-Knowledge Domain
Values Interests Skills Work with your client to differentiate Interests, Values, and Skills

5 Self Knowledge Domain: Interest
Most commonly considered aspect of Vocational Assessment Interest: “a response of liking” (Strong, 1943, p.6); “a learned affective response to an object or activity” (Murphy & Davidshofer, p. 38) Can be used in practice to predict choices Constraints on using interest alone to make a choice Examples of Interest Measures Strong Interest Inventory Self-Directed Search Kuder Occupational Interest Survey COPS Personal Global Inventory O*NET Interest Profiler:

6 Interest Assessment: Holland Hexagon

7 Self-Knowledge Domain: Values Assessment-CACG and Card Sort
SIGIPlus Values High Income Prestige Independence Helping Others Security Variety Leadership Field of Interest Leisure Early Entry Examples of other Values Measures available Minnesota Importance Questionnaire Survey of Interpersonal Values Other CACGs Various Card Sorts

8 Self Knowledge Domain: Skills Assessment
Eureka Skills Inventory Worksheet ACT Inventory of Work-Relevant Abilities (IWRA) But don’t forget… Intelligence Tests School Grades Self Report Other Aptitude Surveys

9 Vocational Assessment: Decision-Making Domain
Career Decision Scale Career Decision-Making Self Efficacy Scale Career Decision Making Difficulties Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems (CACGs) The CASVE Cycle

10 Vocational Assessment: Metacognitions Domain
Career Thoughts Inventory-Constructed to assess “dysfunctional thinking in career problem solving and decision making” Considered to be a career-decision making readiness screener Based in and created by the CIP theorists Linked to an intervention in the form of the CTI Workbook

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