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Sophomore Defenses for the Class of 2020!.

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Presentation on theme: "Sophomore Defenses for the Class of 2020!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sophomore Defenses for the Class of 2020!

2 Why is it important to do a defense?
The graph to the right shows the relationship of poverty to academic performance. X-axis is Poverty Concentration Y-axis is % Passing Color is minority percentages (red is 100% white, blue is 100% minority (African American, Hispanic, Asian, etc.)

3 Why is it important to do a defense?
What do you notice about the dots on the graph? How does this information connect to your work for your Portfolio Defense?

4 Defense Room Set-Up

5 Who will be in the room? Defending Sophomore
Advisory buddy - 9th grader Defense Panel Serving Advisor (voting panelist) Room Runner (voting panelist) Senior Student (voting panelist) Staff/Faculty Member (voting panelist) Additional Potential Panelists (non-voting) Field Professionals Community Members Audience Members Family Friends Additional staff members

6 Defense Room Layout DEFENDING SOPHOMORE at the front of the room giving presentation ADVISORY BUDDY (9TH GRADER) at the front helping defender click through their presentation PANEL MEMBERS VOTING PANELIST VOTING PANELIST VOTING PANELIST NON-VOTING PANELIST NON-VOTING PANELIST AUDIENCE MEMBERS of family members and friends and additional staff there to support you! (optional - Except for Early Defenders) SENIOR STUDENT ROOM RUNNER SERVING ADVISOR FIELD PROFESSIONAL (optional) COMMUNITY MEMBER (optional)

7 The Benchmark Portfolio

8 What is included in the Benchmark Portfolio?
3 Proficient-Certified Artifacts Cover Letter Digital Element

9 How do I get Proficient-Certified Artifacts?
Artifacts are COMPLETED Performance Assessments Step 1: PAs are first vetted with RICA rubrics to ensure they can be certified. Step 2: PAs must be revised to the proficiency column on the RICA rubric to be eligible for certification Step 3: The teacher of the PA can certify your PA which means that it is ready to defend! Step 4: Once you have identified your artifacts, you are ready to begin your cover letter!

10 Which PAs are eligible for the certification process?
PAs that have been VETTED are eligible for the certification process. Full list of Eligible PAs is available here: Link title: “Spring 2018 Vetted PAs”

11 What goes into my Cover Letter?
Start with the Cover Letter BEFORE you do anything with the presentation!!! Step 1: Answer the questions in the outline provided. (If done thoughtfully, this becomes the information for the presentation and your outline for what to say in the presentation Step 2: After you’ve written a draft, work with your advisor to clean up grammar and mechanics of the writing Step 3: AFTER completing your cover letter, begin creating your presentation

12 The Presentation

13 What is included in the presentation? The Parts of the Presentation
Introduction 2 Proficient-Certified Artifacts (from DIFFERENT RICA components) with the following for each artifact: Basic Info about the PA Leadership Skills developed during the PA Reflection element Conclusion/Reflection The Parts of the Presentation Intro Artifact #1 Artifact #2 Q&A Conclusion/ Reflection Info about the PA Info about the PA BASix connections BASix connections Reflection Q&A Reflection Q&A

14 What is the timeline/structure of the presentation?
Welcome and Introductions Overview of the Agenda, Norms, and Roles Student Intro and Presentation of 1st Artifact Student’s Defense of 1st Artifact (Q & A) Student Intro and Presentation of 2nd Artifact Student’s Defense of 2nd Artifact (Q & A) Student’s Conclusion Final Overall Defense Q & A Panel Deliberation and Assessment Closing Discussion and Reflection 2 minutes 3 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 60 minutes (These times are estimated!)

15 Grading your Defense

16 How are defenses measured (graded)?
Scoring Domains: Mastery of Knowledge Application of Knowledge Metacognition Presentation Skills Questions and Comments Score Ranges: 15 possible points* Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced (0 points) (1 point) (2 points) (3 points) *Half points are not permitted on the scoring sheet.

17 How are defenses measured (graded)?
SCORE RATING RATIONALE 0-8 RUSUBMIT Any EMERGING domains requires resubmission* A defense that has one or more missing elements from the scoring sheet where evidence could not be determined based on the presentation given *a defense may be resubmitted in part with revisions to include the missing elements (YOU WILL NOT REPEAT THE ENTIRE DEFENSE) 9-12 PASS No more than 2 DEVELOPING domains A defense that has evidence for all of the domains included on the rubric and presentation components are completed to the level of proficiency. 13+ DISTINCTION No domains below proficient A defense that has an abundance of evidence that the student has demonstrated to a high-level in most all of the components required for the presentation

18 Preparation Resources

19 What resources are available to get you ready?
UTILIZE ADVISORY TIME TO WORK ON YOUR DEFENSE PRESENTATION!!!! Templates are available for you Library Extended Hours Schedule: White Rock Library Schedule: Support on Defense Days: Defense Days Working Labs (ONLY for presentation corrections/updates, NOT for creating your PRESENTATION) Presentation Rehearsal Prep-time!

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