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BELLWORK: 11/22 Describe the French program of “Westernization.” How did the Vietnamese respond? List three post-WWII effects in Indo-China that led to.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: 11/22 Describe the French program of “Westernization.” How did the Vietnamese respond? List three post-WWII effects in Indo-China that led to."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: 11/22 Describe the French program of “Westernization.” How did the Vietnamese respond? List three post-WWII effects in Indo-China that led to the Viet Minh declaring independence in September of 1945. Who was Ho Chi Minh? What were his goals? What was France’s goal in Indo-China? THINKER: Based on the sources outlined on pages 61-62, list the motives for declaring independence.

2 The Vietnam War: Revolutionary War in Indo-China
Long Term and Short Term Causes

3 Long Term Causes Westernization!
Education & religion challenged traditional Vietnamese culture Economic exploitation  Vietnamese resources used to enrich France Assimilation = ineffective rule Nationalist movements formed, but lacked organization (until Ho Chi Minh)

4 Short Term Causes Complex situation post-WWII….why? List 3 effects!
Changing relations between superpowers Element of ideology in politics Defeat of empires = administrative chaos Colonizers try to re-assert control Nationalist movements try to establish independence

5 US Involvement: The Domino Theory
FDR encouraged France to give up Indochina Due to the developing Cold War in Asia, Truman wanted communism contained. In 1954, President Eisenhower described American involvement and its relation to dominoes: “You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly.”

6 Short term Causes: Effects of WWII
Japanese occupation during WWII created a rise in nationalism and extreme anti-foreigner sentiment. No plan for transfer of power post-war In this context, Ho Chi Minh established a guerrilla force to declare independence Who was Ho Chi Minh? Ho Chi Minh was leader of the Viet Minh Party – nationalist and communist!


8 Ho Chi minh



11 Goals/Aims of both sides
Ho Chi Minh’s goal  lead the Viet Minh and establish a Vietnam free from foreign control Viet Minh developed guerrilla tactics and were willing to fight and die for the cause!!! French goal  reassert imperial control over South-East Asia in order to reclaim pre-war superpower status

12 Immediate cause: Declaration of independence
Ho Chi Minh’s Vietnamese Declaration of Independence; September 2, 1945 THINKER: Based on the sources outlined on pages 61-62, list the motives for declaring independence. After WWII, Ho declared the independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam…..French say non  fighting breaks out!

13 HOMEWORK: Due Monday! Read and annotate the “combatants” section of the Indo-China War: pages 63-68

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