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Basic Animal Survival Skills

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1 Basic Animal Survival Skills

2 Snakes How to avoid Snake Bites

3 Snakes How to avoid Snake Bites
Avoid Tall Grass – use a long stick to probe the grass before walking through it.

4 How to avoid snake bites
2. Remember snakes can climb

5 How to avoid snake bites
3. Check before you stick your hand into a crevasse

6 How to avoid snake bites
4. Zombie snake attack – dead snakes still have reflexes

7 How to avoid snake bites
5. Don’t sleep where snakes live – avoid logs, tall grass, and rocky areas.

8 How to avoid snake bites
6. Wear heavy boots and pants

9 How to treat a snake bite
Do 1. Wash the bite with soap and water asap 2. Keep the bite area below the heart 3. Take off rings or watches 4. Tightly wrap a bandage four inches above the bite 5. If you have a snake bite kit, use it to draw out up to 30% of the venom

10 Don’t 1. Cut the wound – risk for more infection
2. Suck the venom – can get into blood stream 3. Apply ice – can cause tissue damage 4. Panic – increase HR and BP

11 Ticks

12 How to avoid tick bites Wear long sleeved clothing – pants and shirt
Use repellant with DEET Check for ticks after coming inside

13 How to remove ticks Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. ... After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water.


15 Wolves

16 How to avoid attracting a wolf
Don’t bury garbage Keep a clean campsite Cook and clean away from your campsite Use a bear hang to suspend food and toiletries. Avoid camping near a carcase

17 If a wolf approaches you
Don’t let it get closer than 100 m to you Wave your arms in the air to make you look bigger Throw rocks and sticks at it Make lots of noise Keep facing the wolf. Do Not Turn Your Back To It Use pepper spray if the wolf charges

18 Bear Proofing Your Camp Site

19 How to avoid attracting bears
Minimize odours that might attract bears Food, drinks, garbage, cooking pots, oil, hygiene products. Use a bear hang to store food and garbage out of reach and away from your campsite

20 Set up your camp with your cooking area, washing area and food hang area at least 200 ft downwind of your sleeping area.

21 How to make a bear hang

22 Counterbalance Method
Find a tree with a live branch. The branch should be at least 15 feet (5 meters) from the ground with no object below the branch that could support a bear’s weight. The point at which you will toss the rope over the branch should be at least 10 feet (3 meters) from the tree. The branch should be a least 4 inches in diameter (10 centimeters) at the tree and at least 1 inch in diameter (3 centimeters) at the rope point. Separate your food and other items into two bags of roughly equal weight.

23 Throw the rope over the branch
Throw the rope over the branch. Attach one end of the rope to one of the bags. Raise the bag as high as you can up to the branch. Attach the other bag to the rope as high up on the rope as you can. Leave a loop of rope near the bag for retrieval.

24 Push the second bag up to the level of the other bag with a long stick.
To retrieve the bags, hook the loop of rope with the stick and pull it down. Remove the bag and then lower the first bag

25 What to do if you see a bear

26 If it does not see you – quietly and calmly leave the area

27 If it does see you Talk to it and put your arms out to your sides
Do not make eye contact but look to see what it is doing

28 If it does see you If it runs away – leave the area to avoid seeing it again

29 If it does see you If it does not move or ignores you back away slowly – DO NOT turn your back on it

30 If it does see you If it approaches you – stand your ground and wait to see what it does

31 If it does see you Defensive Bear – Growls, slaps the ground, weave head back and forth If this bear attacks play dead, protect your head, keep your backpack on

32 If it does see you Curious or Predatory Bear – does not make any sounds and is solely focused on you, it may follow you. Be aggressive towards it, yell at it. If it attacks, fight back, focus attacks on its face.

33 If it does see you Most black bear attacks are predatory.

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