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The Paperless English Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "The Paperless English Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Paperless English Classroom
Susan Cintra @cintrizzle PBS Lead Digital Innovator Madison Central High School

2 What I teach according to the standards:
Sophomore English: PreAP and English II Argument analysis Argument development Rhetoric Persuasion Public speaking Literature analysis Literary theory Reading skills Vocabulary Vocal and written communication Test taking skills (UGH)

3 What I really teach: The 21st Century Learner:

4 Problem Solving Critical Thinking Global Awareness Accountability Collaboration Communication Self-Direction Failing

5 Down the Rabbit Hole Why’d I choose the red pill instead of the blue? How deep does this rabbit hole go? --how it began for me

6 Technology shouldn’t drive your content, the content drives your use of technology. If an assignment is better to do on paper, do it on paper. If something you’ve done for years works without technology, don’t change it! The technology should be a means to a more public and authentic end. Don’t use tech just to use tech! Mondo pad things...bob

7 Why Paperless How does going paperless begin to develop the 21st century learner: Problem Solving Group dynamics and development Creativity Virtual relationships Public speaking and outreach Innovative ideas and different ways of thinking

8 Welcome to my classroom
Teach English II, PreAP English II, and Journalism/Yearbook 1:1 Chromebooks with 1:1 iPad capability as well 100% Paperless Use Google Classroom daily (Weebly) Approach the standards from a different angle, with student driven PBL projects Go to twitter page, go on tour of class through twitter FREEDOM

9 Three ideologies that guide the paperless classroom:
SAMR Model Project Based Learning Design Thinking


11 Jumping in! Substitution: handout to digital source
Augmentation: students can type instead of write Modification: teacher has immediate access to their work, conferencing with 30 students in one class period, students are engaged Redefinition: allowing other students to be group leaders and serve as the teacher in the group

12 Characterization through Memes

13 Other projects: Collaboration with Bowlin’s class

14 Project Based Learning
Essential Elements of PBL: Significant content-what content are you addressing and targeting 21st Century Skills: Critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration, and communication (all are taught and assessed) In-Depth inquiry: rigorous and extended process of asking questions, using resources, and developing answers Driving Question: open-ended question that students explore Need to Know: students see the need to gain knowledge, understand concepts, and apply skills in order to create. Voice and Choice: kids are allowed choice in what they create, how they work, how they use their time Revision and Reflection: must include a process for feedback and changes (the evolution) Public audience: must present work beyond classmates.

15 5 Phases of Design Thinking
Discovery: I have a challenge, how do I approach it? Interpretation: I learned something, how do I interpret it? Ideation: I see an opportunity, what do I create? Experimentation: I have an idea, how do I build it? Evolution: I tried something, how do I evolve it?

16 What we did:

17 What I did: Learning Space Design
Project Outline Presentation Rubric Phase 3

18 Resources for Learning Space Design Project
Google Classroom Google Docs Google Hangouts/Skype Sketchup 3D PBS LearningMedia Online Sources for research Community Experts: architect, grant writer, learning space design and educational technology gurus (Ken David

19 Radio Station Project Resources:
Shared docs, presentations, video notes, audio files in Classroom Twisted Wave audio recorder (links to Google Drive) Garage Band for editing Weebly cite creation Twitter for connection with WHJRE Online sources for teaching broadcast journalism PBSLM: Beyond the Front Page 2.0 (students using as research for show content) Radio Station Creation: English II classes Recording Arts Studio Initiative Design Thinking to build and design shows for the radio station connections with WHJRE, in Carmel, IN storytelling through podcasting speech presentations with pitch projects goal is to have first two show episodes completed by May

20 Building your own Paperless Classroom:
GAFE, Classroom Weebly PBS LearningMedia YouTube Screencasting tools Periscope VideoNote.s Social Media accounts Flubaroo SnapChat (new adventure!)

21 Quick Side Note:

22 Meet William.

23 His friends call him Will. But I birthed him, so I call him William.

24 William is incredibly smart, but he’s not very patient.

25 Mr. Gay, his 3rd grade teacher, assigned a research project on an animal of their choosing...
tell about the cobra and the megladon and how bored he was...and easily gave up

26 Momma introduces the tech...

27 William NAILS it!!! sense of pride and ownership!

28 Stay involved: Become a PBS Digital Innovator
Attend EKUWP Tech Academies Attend Twitter Chats on Thursday evenings at 8pm #kyedchat

29 Susan Cintra @cintrizzle
PBS Lead Digital Innovator Madison Central High School

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