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Nutrition and Dietetic Services

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1 Nutrition and Dietetic Services
Therapeutic Diets Red text book pages and Blue text book pages

2 Therapeutic Diets Modifications of the normal diet used to improve specific health conditions Prescribed by a doctor and planned by a dietitian May change the nutrients, caloric content, and/or texture of the normal diet

3 Therapeutic Diets Pts appetite can be affected by anorexia, weakness, illness, loneliness, self-pity Anorexia=loss of appetite Some pts may view diets as strange or even unpleasant HCW should educate pts about their diet to increase compliance

4 Regular Diet Balanced diet used for pt with no dietary restrictions
May have slightly reduced caloric content

5 Clear Liquid Diet Nutritionally inadequate
Used for short periods of time Foods include: apple juice, grape juice, broth, gelatin, ginger ale, tea, coffee Used after surgery, pts with acute infection or digestive problems, to replace fluids lost by emesis/diarrhea, before some X-rays of GI tract

6 Full Liquid Diet Nutritionally inadequate
Used for short periods of time Foods include: clear liquids plus strained soups and cereals, fruit & vegetable juices, yogurt, hot cocoa, custard, ice cream, pudding, sherbet, eggnog Used after surgery, pts with acute infection or digestive problems, to replace fluids lost by emesis/diarrhea, before some X-rays of GI tract

7 Soft Diet Similar to regular diet
Foods must require little chewing and be easy to digest Avoid: meat, shellfish, coarse cereal, spicy foods, rich desserts, fried foods, raw fruit & vegetables, nuts, coconut Used for pts with infections, digestive disorders, chewing problems

8 Modified-Consistency Diets
Pureed, chopped, or mashed Used for pts with chewing or swallowing problems Consistency is determined by condition of pt’s teeth and ability to swallow without risk of choking or aspiration Foods are usually moist, meats are chopped or pureed & moistened with gravy or broth

9 Diabetic Diet AKA ADA diet Used for pts with diabetes mellitus
Contains exchange lists that group foods according to type, nutrients, & caloric content Pts are allowed a certain number of items from each exchange list Avoid: Sugar-heavy foods like candy, soft drinks, desserts, syrup, honey, jelly

10 Low Calorie Diets High-calorie foods are avoided or very limited
Used for pts who are overweight Avoid: high calorie foods such as butter, cream, whole milk, soft drinks, alcohol, salad dressings, fatty meats, rich desserts

11 High Calorie Diets Extra proteins & carbohydrates are added
Used for pts who are underweight, anorexia nervosa, hyperthyroidism, cancer Avoid: high-bulk foods like green salads, watermelon, fibrous fruits because they fill up pt too soon; high-fat foods (fried, rich desserts) because they digest slowly & decrease appetite

12 Low-Cholesterol Diets
Restricts foods that contain cholesterol Used for pts with atherosclerosis, heart disease Avoid: foods high in saturated fat such as beef, liver, pork, lamb, egg yolk, cheese, shellfish, whole milk

13 Low-Fat Diets Restricts foods high in fats
Used for pts who are obese, gallbladder disease, liver disease, atherosclerosis Avoid: whole milk, cheese, fats, fatty meats, rich desserts, chocolate, nuts, coconut, fried foods, salad dressings

14 Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Diet
AKA AHA Limits foods high in fat and cholesterol Used for pts with high cholesterol, HTN, at risk of MI or CVA

15 Low-Sodium Diets Used for pts with CV diseases such as HTN or CHF, kidney disease, edema Avoid: adding salt to food, smoked meats or fish, processed foods, pickles, olives, sauerkraut, processed cheese

16 Low-Protein Diets Limit or decrease foods high in protein
Avoid: meats, fish, milk, cheese, eggs Used for pts with renal diseases, allergic conditions

17 High-Protein Diets Increase foods high in protein such as meats, fish, milk, cheese, eggs Used for children & adolescents with delayed growth; pregnant or lactating women; before and/or after surgery; burns; fevers; infections

18 Bland Diets Contains easily digested foods that don’t irritate the GI tract Avoid: coarse foods, fried foods, highly seasoned food, pastries, candies, raw fruit & vegetables, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, smoked & salted meats or fish, nuts, olives, avocados, coconut, whole-grain breads & cereals, coffee, tea Used for pts with ulcers, colitis, disease of GI system

19 Low-Residue Diets Eliminates or limits foods high in bulk and fiber
Avoid: raw fruits & vegetables, whole-grain breads & cereals, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, coconut, fried food Used for pts with GI & rectal diseases such as colitis or diarrhea

20 High-Fiber Diets Increase foods high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, legumes (beans & peas), whole-grain breads & cereals, nuts, seeds Used for pts with constipation or as a preventive measure to reduce risk for some cancers, also helps to lower cholesterol and control blood sugar

21 Calcium-Rich Diet Increase foods high in calcium such as milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon & sardines with edible bones, broccoli Used for pts with or at risk for osteoporosis

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