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Nutrition and Dietetic Services

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition and Dietetic Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition and Dietetic Services
Therapeutic Diets Red text book pages and Blue text book pages

2 Therapeutic Diets Modifications of the normal diet used to ___________________ ___________________________________________________ Prescribed by a _____________________ and planned by a ____________________________ May change the ________________________, __________________________________, and/or texture of the normal diet

3 Therapeutic Diets Pts appetite can be affected by:
Anorexia=__________________________________________ Some pts may view diets as strange or even _________________ HCW should _________________________ pts about their diet to increase _______________________________________

4 Regular Diet __________________________________ diet used for pt with _________________ dietary restrictions May have slightly reduced ___________________________________________________

5 Clear Liquid Diet Nutritionally _________________________________________ Used for _______________________________ periods of time Foods include: Used after _________________________, pts with acute __________________________ or ___________________ problems, to replace fluids lost by _____________________________________, before some X-rays of GI tract

6 Full Liquid Diet Nutritionally ____________________________________
Used for _____________________________ periods of time Foods include: clear liquids plus Used after _____________, pts with acute infection or digestive problems, to replace fluids lost by emesis/diarrhea, before some X-rays of GI tract

7 Soft Diet Similar to regular diet
Foods must require ____________ chewing and be easy to __________ Avoid: meat, shellfish, coarse cereal, spicy foods, rich desserts, fried foods, raw fruit & vegetables, nuts, coconut Used for pts with:

8 Modified-Consistency Diets
Pureed, ____________________, or _____________________ Used for pts with ______________ or __________________ problems Consistency is determined by condition of pt’s teeth and ability to swallow without risk of ______________________________________ Foods are usually ____________________, meats are chopped or _________________________ & moistened with gravy or broth

9 Diabetic Diet AKA ____________________________________________________
Used for pts with _____________________________________________ Contains __________________________ lists that group foods according to: _____________________________________________________________ Pts are allowed a certain number of items from each exchange list Avoid: _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

10 Low Calorie Diets _________________________ foods are avoided or very limited Used for pts who are __________________________________ Avoid: high calorie foods such as ______________, ____________________, whole milk, soft drinks, alcohol, salad dressings, fatty meats, __________________________________

11 High Calorie Diets Extra _______________________________________ are added Used for pts who are: Avoid: high-bulk foods like green salads, watermelon, fibrous fruits because they _____________________________________________; high-fat foods (fried, rich desserts) because _______________________________________

12 Low-Cholesterol Diets
Restricts foods that contain ____________________________ Used for pts with: Avoid: foods high in __________________________________ such as beef, liver, pork, lamb, egg yolk, cheese, shellfish, whole milk

13 Low-Fat Diets Restricts foods high in ______________________
Used for pts who have: Avoid: whole milk, cheese, fats, fatty meats, rich desserts, chocolate, nuts, coconut, fried foods, salad dressings

14 Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Diet
AKA _____________________________ Limits foods high in ___________________________________________________ Used for pts with:

15 Low-Sodium Diets Used for pts with CV diseases such as __________________________________________________, kidney disease, edema Avoid: adding ___________________ to food, smoked meats or fish, processed foods, pickles, olives, sauerkraut, processed cheese

16 Low-Protein Diets Limit or decrease foods ___________________________________________________ Avoid: Used for pts with:

17 High-Protein Diets Increase foods high in protein such as _____________________ ___________________________________________________ Used for children & adolescents with ______________________________________; pregnant or lactating women; before and/or after surgery; ________________; fevers; infections

18 Bland Diets Contains easily ___________________________ foods that don’t ______________________________________________ Avoid: coarse foods, fried foods, highly seasoned food, pastries, candies, raw fruit & vegetables, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, smoked & salted meats or fish, nuts, olives, avocados, coconut, whole-grain breads & cereals, coffee, tea Used for pts with:

19 Low-Residue Diets Eliminates or limits foods high in ______________________________________________ Avoid: ________________ fruits & vegetables, _______________________________ breads & cereals, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, coconut, fried food Used for pts with:

20 High-Fiber Diets Increase foods high in _______________________ such as fruits, vegetables, legumes (beans & peas), whole-grain breads & cereals, nuts, seeds Used for pts with ____________________________ or as a preventive measure to reduce risk for some _______________________, also helps to lower cholesterol and control blood sugar

21 Calcium-Rich Diet Increase foods high in calcium such as:
Used for pts with:

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