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Time-Independent Perturbation Theory 1

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1 Time-Independent Perturbation Theory 1
Source: D. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Prentice Hall, 2004) R. Scherrer, Quantum Mechanics An Accessible Introduction (Pearson Int’l Ed., 2006) R. Eisberg & R. Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles (Wiley, 1974)

2 Perturbation Theory Perturbation Theory: A systematic procedure for obtaining approximate solutions to the unperturbed problem, by building on the known exact solutions to the unperturbed case.

3 Time-Independent Perturbation Theory
Schroedinger Equation for 1-D Infinite Square Well Obtain a complete set of orthonormal eigenfunctions If potential is perturbed slightly Find the new eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of H.

4 Derivation of Corrections
New Hamiltonian: H’ = perturbation H0 = unperturbed quantity Write Ψn and En as power series of λ : Insert into Ist order correction to the nth value 2nd order correction to the nth value

5 Derivation of Corrections
After insertion: Collecting like powers of λ,

6 First Order Correction to Energy
Taking the inner product of: This means: Multiplying by and integrating. Replace But H0 is hermitean, so and Therefore: First order correction to energy: Expectation value of perturbation, in the unperturbed state.

7 First Order Correction to Wavefunction
Rewrite Known function Becomes inhomogeneous DE Therefore: satisfies

8 First Order Correction to Wavefunction
If l = n, m = n Equals Zero !st order energy correction First order correction to wavefunction If n = m, degenerate perturbation theory need to be used.

9 Example: V(x) V(x) -d/3 d/3 Unperturbed State Perturbed State Unperturbed Wave function of Infinitely Deep Square Well

10 Perturbed Energy Levels are obtained from:
Energy is increased by 0.61 times the amount of additional potential energy at

11 To find the perturbed wave function:
and Unperturbed levels are degenerate. Perturbation remove degeneracy.

12 Example Suppose we put a delta-function bump in the centre of the infinite square well. where α is a constant. Find the second-order correction to the energies for the above potential.

13 Example: Continue

14 Problem 1

15 Problem 2

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