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3rd & 5th Grade | John Paul Regional Catholic School | Mrs. Kang

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Presentation on theme: "3rd & 5th Grade | John Paul Regional Catholic School | Mrs. Kang"— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd & 5th Grade | John Paul Regional Catholic School | Mrs. Kang

2 * BA in Psychology with a minor in Child & Family Studies.
* MA in Elementary Education. * Certification in Birth-6. * Taught for eight years in New York City.

3 Science/S.S. with Mr. Waller Math Review Reading Groups
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Period 1 English Language Arts Period 2 Period 3 Computer Math Workshop Music Period 4 Spanish Art Period 5 Lunch Period 6 Science/S.S. with Mr. Waller Math Review Reading Groups Period 7 Religion with Ms. Alcaraz Period 8 Science/ S.S. PE

4 * Fifth Grade ELA 11:35 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Lunch 1:13 p.m. - 1:58 p.m.

5 * Doors open at 7:55 a.m. * Class starts at 8:00 a.m. * School ends at 3:00 p.m.

6 * Lunch calendar * Lunch forms * Student responsibilities

7 * Be Safe * Be Responsible * Be Respectful

8 * The Five Classroom Rules

9 * Class Dojo * Tickets * Prizes * Phone call/message

10 * Warning * Lose points * Discussion with the student about their actions. * Student fills out a Think Sheet. * Phone call/message * Parent Meeting

11 * Reading and Reading Response
* Word Work (Spelling & Vocabulary) * Math * ELA * Social Studies/Science

12 Reading:  Ask and answer questions by referring explicitly to a text as the basis for the answers.  Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contributed to events.  Determine the central message and supporting details.  Compare and contrast two or more works with the same topic, author, or character.  Describe the traits, motivations, and feelings of characters or how ideas relate to one another.  Write stories with dialogue and descriptions of character’s actions, thoughts, and feelings.  Write research or opinion papers over extended periods of time. Math:  Represent and solve problems involving multiplication as repeated addition, arrays, and/or equal groups.  Represent and solve problems involving division as number of shares or number of groups and model as repeated subtraction.  Solve two-step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  Represent fractional parts using manipulatives, number lines, and pictures.  Use models to show equivalent fractions.  Compare fractions to benchmark numbers of 0, ½, and 1.  Compare two fractions using >, <, or =.  Tell time to the nearest minute.  Measure volume and mass.

13 Reading:  Read widely and deeply from a range of high-quality, increasingly challenging literature and informational text from diverse cultures and different time periods.  Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says, and explicitly when drawing inferences from the text.  Determine the theme of a story, play, or poem from details in the text and summarize the text.  Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events.  Compare and contrast the approaches to theme or topic in stories of the same genre (e.g. mysteries).  Explain how authors use reasons and evidence to support their points or ideas.  Draw on information from multiple books, articles, or online sources to locate an answer or to solve a problem quickly.  Determine the meaning of words and phrases, including figurative language.  Participate in class discussions by listening, asking questions, sharing ideas, and building on the ideas of others.  Give a class presentation on a topic or tell a story, introducing relevant facts and details in a clear, logical order.  Conduct research and write multi-paragraph stories and essays with detailed descriptions and ample evidence

14 Homework: 10% Participation: 10% Classwork: 25% Quizzes: 25% Test/Projects/Writing Pieces: 30%

15 1 pack of washable markers 1 bottle of liquid glue
2 pink erasers 1 box of crayons 1 pack of washable markers 1 bottle of liquid glue 1 pair of Fisker scissors 12 #2 pencils (please no lead pencils, will need to be replenished throughout the year) 2 packs of wide ruled loose leaf paper 3 rolls of paper towels 7 marble composition notebooks (Math, Reading, Writing, Science/Social Studies, Word Work Homework, Spanish) 3 large boxes of tissues 7 pocket folders (Math, Reading, Writing, Science/Social Studies, Word Work, Homework, Spanish) 1 pack of construction paper 1 container of Clorox wipes 1 pack of baby wipes 4 black dry erase markers (low-odor) 4 packs post-its 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer 1 roll of contact paper to cover all workbooks. Please leave this at home. 1 box of Ziplock bags (girls=quart, boys=gallon)

16 March 27-31: State Testing

17 * Class Dojo * School Website

18 Questions?

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