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Ch 8- Digital devices and media: managing a digital lifestyle

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1 Ch 8- Digital devices and media: managing a digital lifestyle
By: Gulie Cerame Gulie Cerame

2 Digital convergence The use of a single unifying device to handle media, internet, entertainment, and telephony needs Touch screen display in cars Smartphones An example of this is the touch screen displays in cars, you can connect your phone and listen to music, use the GPS, control the heat, and some of them even have a camera you can use to back up. Of course the most obvious example is the evolution of cell phones, we now have smart phones which allow you to call, text, take pictures, watch Netflix, and do so much more Gulie Cerame

3 Evolution of cell phones
Here is a little video about the evolution of smartphones Gulie Cerame

4 Smartphones What makes a smartphone a smartphone? Features:
A smartphone does more than let you make and answer phone calls. Features: Internet access Personal Information management (PIM) features Voice recording features The ability to play and organize music files GPS services Digital image and video capture Computing power to run programs like word processors or even video-editing software Smartphones incorporate functions and features that used to be available only in separate devices. For examples, phones did not have cameras, so everyone carried around digital cameras (Ms. Pitti) Gulie Cerame

5 Smartphone components
Are smartphones computers? YES! Processor: Not as fast or high powered OS Smartphones are computers because they have the same components as a computer. They do have a processor, but its not as fast or high powered. Unlike a computer, they have their own OS. Iphone has iOS, with all the annoying updates. Gulie Cerame

6 Smartphone components continued…
Memory Can add additional memory Input and output devices Input: microphone, touch pad, camera Output: speaker Software Like a computer, a smartphone memory stores all its important info and programs. Some phones let you add additional memory through micro SD flash cards, iphones don’t have this. The main input devices for a smartphone are its microphone, touch pad, and camera. An example of an output device for a smartphone is a speaker. A smartphone OS comes with a standard collection of software such as a calendar and contact manager (the stuff you can’t really delete). You can also get more software from web-based software stores like the App Store (Apple), Google Play (Android). Gulie Cerame

7 Transferring data: wired
USB Cable Micro SD Card There are two ways you can transfer data from you phone: wired or wireless. A wired transfer could use a USB cable (I usually use this to store my pictures on my computer when my storage gets full) or if your phone supports an SD card you can remove the SD card from your phone and put it directly into a flash card reader in your computer Gulie Cerame

8 Transferring data: Wireless
Bluetooth- uses radio waves to transmit data signals over distances up to 300 feet Cloud Service Google Sync If you wanted to transfer data wirelessly you could use the Bluetooth on your phone. An example of this would be using the Bluetooth on your phone to listen to music in your car. Bluetooth is…. You can also use a cloud service to back up your important data (like icloud). Google Sync backs up all your , calendar events, and contacts so you can access it on multiple devices Gulie Cerame

9 SMS Short Message Service Up to 160 characters Can only send texts
SMS stands for short message service, AKA texting. You can only send texts so if you want to send pictures or something else you have to use MMS Gulie Cerame

10 MMS Multimedia Message Service Extension of SMS Does what SMS cannot
You can send messages that include text, sound, images, and video clips Gulie Cerame

11 Smartphone security Can smartphones get viruses?
YES! Kaspersky, McAfee, and F-Secure Smartphones can get viruses, they’re tiny computers. Most people have VIP stuff on their phone (I have all my pictures and banking info). You should take precautions to protect your phone, just like your computer. Kaspersky, McAfee, and F-Secure provide antvirus software for mobile devices Gulie Cerame

12 Voice over internet protocol (voIP)
VoIP- an alternative, fully digital phone service Example: skype You can use it when cell service isn’t great. It is different from regular phone service because it is a form of voice based internet communication that turns a standard internet connection into a means to place phone calls Gulie Cerame

13 gps Every phone has a GPS chip How does it work?
Why?  ICE How does it work? Use to track family members Believe or not, every phone has a GPS chip in it. The reason for that is in case of an emergency. The Federal Communications Commissions mandated this to enable the complete rollout of the Enhanced 911 program. E911 automatically gives dispatchers precise location info for any 911 call. So anytime you call 911 they can find your location and send someone to help you. The global positioning system is a network of 21 satellites that constantly orbits the Earth. GPS devices use an antenna to pick up the signals from these satellites and use special software to transform those signals into latitude and longitude. Using the info from the satellites, GPS devices determine geographical location anywhere on the planet to within 3 feet. Gulie Cerame

14 Netbook Pros Cons Uses a full traditional OS Has a physical keyboard
Lightweight Affordable Cons Small screen and keyboard Uses full OS, thus means that you can run programs like Microsoft Office. Netbooks weigh 2 pounds or less and are cheaper than tablets and ultrabooks. Netbooks do have smaller screens and keyboards and the processing power and memory makes it difficult to run software that does a lot of computation Gulie Cerame

15 Tablet Pros Cons Light and portable Similar software applications
Virtual keyboard Most of the apps you can get on your phone you can also get on your tablet. Has a virtual keyboard. Gulie Cerame

16 questions A popular Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service is Skype. What are some differences between a netbook and a tablet? A net books uses a full traditional OS and it has a physical keyboard. A tablet uses a mobile OS and it has a virtual keyboard. What is a “smart phone”? A smartphone does more than let you make and answer phone calls. Some features of a smartphone include internet access, personal Information management (PIM) features, voice recording features, the ability to play and organize music files, GPS services, digital image and video capture, and computing power to run programs like word processors or even video-editing software. Gulie Cerame

17 Ta-da! The end! Gulie Cerame

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