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Creating a Media Server with a Raspberry Pi

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1 Creating a Media Server with a Raspberry Pi
Presented by the university of south Alabama school of computing

2 What is a Raspberry Pi? A Raspberry Pi is a computer that you can hold in your hand It contains almost everything a regular computer contains Memory USB Ports Network Port Processor Audio Out HDMI Out One thing it doesn’t contain is a hard drive. For this we use a micro SD card like you would use in a digital camera

3 What is a Media Center? A Media Center is a general term for software that can manage audio and video files It allows for easy access to a collection Different Media Centers exist The Media Center we will create is called OSMC (Open Source Media Center)

4 The Open Source Media Center (OSMC)
According to the OSMC website, OSMC is a free and open source media center built for the people, by the people OSMC was founded in 2014 OSMC is based on a project called Kodi Initially Kodi was called XBMC (Xbox Media Center) Because of legal complications, XBMC was renamed to Kodi

5 Obtaining the software
OSCM can be downloaded from Today the software is already located on the machines in the lab There are different ways the software is provided You can download a version that will format a micro SD card for you and put the software on it You can also download a prebuilt image of OSMC and install that on a micro SD card

6 Installing the software on a micro SD card
In order to place the image you download onto a micro SD card, you need a piece of software and an adapter for a PC that allows you to insert a micro SD card. Because the micro SD card is too small to fit into a most adapters, we place the micro SD card inside its own adapter. We place that adapter in the adapter in the PC On our laptops there is a built-in adapter The piece of software that we will use is called the Windows 32 Disk Imager. You will find a shortcut for it on the desktops Each team will choose one laptop and insert their micro SD card in to the machine. The adapter is on the left side of the machine Now double click the Imager shortcut

7 Starting Windows 32 Disk Imager
When you first double-click the icon, you will see this Click Yes, and then you should see this dialog. When the micro SD card is inserted properly, you will see a drive letter where it says Device

8 Locating and writing the image
Click the Folder icon next to the long text box, and this will bring up a file dialog Choose the file named OSMC_TGT_rbp2_ img and click Open Now click Write. If a dialog box appears, click Yes. You will see a program bar while the image is being written to the micro SD card You will see a Write Successful dialog box appear if the write is successful

9 Placing the micro SD card into the Pi
Remove the adapter from the PC and take the micro SD card out of its adapter Place the micro SD card into the Pi Now plug the power cable into the Pi The TV monitor should now display a screen that says the device is formatting

10 The device has to be formatted when you start it the first time

11 Now the files need to be installed

12 Choosing your language
Scroll down in the list and highlight English. Hit the Enter Key One the next screen, you will asked to confirm. Highlight Yes and hit the Enter key

13 Choosing your timezone
In the first list scroll down until you find America Hit the right arrow key and you will be taken to the sublist Find Chicago and hit the Enter key

14 Choosing your name Hit the Enter key and you will be asked to choose your name You can make up any name that your teacher approves Hit Done when you are finished

15 SSH On the next screen, you want to make sure SSH is enable
Scroll down to Accept and hit the Enter key

16 Accept the EULA After you have read and agreed to the EULA, hit the Enter key

17 Choosing a skin Make sure OSMC is highlighted and hit the Enter key

18 Newsletter When it asks about the newsletter, scroll down to No Thanks and hit the Enter key

19 Exit Configuration Scroll down to Exit and hit the Enter key
The Pi will reboot

20 The OSMC skin

21 Finding the IP Address of the Pi
An IP address is a unique group of numbers assigned to a device on a network In order to access the Pi from the network, we need to know what it’s IP address is In order to find the IP address of the Pi, scroll down to My OSMC and hit enter

22 The Network Information

23 Information about the IP Address
This is the IP Address of the Pi

24 Connecting to the Pi We will use a program called WinSCP to copy files to the Pi Click on the WinSCP icon on the desktop You will then see the WinSCP dialog box. Enter the IP Address and use osmc for the username and osmc for the password. Then click Login. Note that your IP Address may be different than the one in this image

25 Creating an Audio file Start the program called Audacity
You will see the control panel

26 Recording something Click on the Record button
Go near to the top of the laptop and say something or recite a paragraph from your favorite novel Click Stop when you are done Now on the File menu, click Edit Metadata and enter information for all fields. Be especially careful of the album name. Each member of you team can record their own file. Make sure you each use the same album name Click Ok Now Go to the File Menu and Click Export Audio Navigate to c:\temp in the directory and make sure the type of the file is mp3 Then click Save

27 Transferring the file to the Pi
Now open the File Explorer and locate the file you created In WinSCP, double-click the folder called Music Now drag the file you created into WinSCP The file will now transfer

28 Adding music to the library
On the Pi, click on Music, Files, and Add Music Click on Browse, and for the location type /home/osmc/Music When you asked for a name, use Music Click OK when you are done You will now be able to navigate in Music to the file you just uploaded and play it You should also be able to open a browser on the laptop and enter the URL address>:8080 Click on Music and you should see the music you added Click on the three vertical dots and you should be able to Play the music in your browser

29 Adding art to your album
Click the start button on the laptop and type camera. Start the camera application and when you see the picture you like, click the capture button Now start the program called GIMP. Once it has started, locate the file which was saved in the Pictures Folder and open it Click on Image Scale and change the image so the width is 200. The height should automatically adjust Now click the Export button and choose the default filename. It will ask you if you want to overwrite. Click yes Now transfer the image using WinSCP. You can change the destination by navigating to a different spot in WinSCP Now under Music, click Recently Uploaded Albums and find your album Right-click on it and on the left you will see a menu. Select information and create a new thumb. Locate the file you transferred

30 Adding videos In the Downloads folder, you should find a file called Expand this file In WinSCP, navigate to the folder called Videos Drag the videos there After they have transferred, go back to OSMC and on the left locate Videos Click on File and Add Videos When you Browse, type in /home/osmc/Videos Follow the on screen directions to add the files Now if you look at Files in Videos you will see what you uploaded. Click on one of them to play. To stop playing, hit X. To pause playing, hit Space

31 Add-ons There are many add-ons for Kodi
You can browse on youtube or Netflix pending your parent’s approval

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