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ESurvey Adjustments This PowerPoint is specific to those Press Ganey services with an adjustment. Not all services are currently adjusted. Please reach.

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Presentation on theme: "ESurvey Adjustments This PowerPoint is specific to those Press Ganey services with an adjustment. Not all services are currently adjusted. Please reach."— Presentation transcript:

1 eSurvey Adjustments This PowerPoint is specific to those Press Ganey services with an adjustment. Not all services are currently adjusted. Please reach out to your account team for the most updated list. The following slides should be used to educate internal audiences at your organization on esurvey adjustments. We recommend that you print and handout the eSurvey Adjustments in Press Ganey Reporting Quick Guide that can also be found on Census Based Surveying Resource website. This reference document will offer helpful information related to what you share in this PowerPoint.

2 What We’ll Cover Today Survey process With Email eSurvey Only
With Text Invitation eSurvey Added eSurvey adjustment eSurvey Impact on reporting: Adjusted data Unadjusted data First, we will examine the survey process itself, to make sure you understand how Press Ganey handles the surveys, and what the process looks like from the patient’s perspective. Second, we will explain why Press Ganey offers the adjustment Third, we will explain how the adjustment is completed. Lastly, we will illustrate where you can find adjusted and unadjusted data.

3 Survey Process We’ll start with a quick examination of the survey process

4 Overview of the Process, Email Only
Patient schedules visit Scheduler enters patient address in system. If is already in system, confirm with patient At patient visit, front desk confirms address (collects for walk-in patients) Press Ganey sends survey to patient Patient name and sent to Press Ganey after visit Patient completes experience Survey results added to database (Show your colleagues the process on the screen. If you are an Emergency Department, please feel free to remove the first two steps of the flow chart.) For the “Press Ganey sends survey to patient” step, please explain the following process if you use esurvey in conjunction with paper surveys: Patients could get a paper or esurvey. Press Ganey first sends a random subset of patients a paper survey. For the remainder of patients who did not receive a paper survey, and have an address, they will receive an esurvey. Reports are available in online tool Survey results are compiled and tabulated

5 Overview of the Process, Text and Email
Patient schedules visit Scheduler enters patient address and mobile phone number in system. If already in system, confirm with patient At patient visit, front desk confirms address and mobile number (collects for walk-in patients) Patient completes experience Second invitation sent via two days later if text undeliverable or no response Press Ganey sends survey invitation to patient via SMS/text or (for patients without mobile numbers) Patient name, and mobile number sent to Press Ganey after visit (Show your colleagues the process on the screen. If you are an Emergency Department, please feel free to remove the first two steps of the flow chart.) For the “Press Ganey sends survey to patient” step, please explain the following process if you use esurvey in conjunction with paper surveys: Patients could get a paper or esurvey. Press Ganey first sends a random subset of patients a paper survey. For the remainder of patients who did not receive a paper survey, and have an address, they will receive an esurvey. Third invitation sent via five days after first attempt Survey results added to database Survey results are compiled and tabulated Reports are available in online tool

From: From: <Organization Name> Subject: <Organization Name> would like your feedback! Dear {First_Name} You recently visited <organization name> and we need your feedback. Please take a few minutes to answer a brief survey and share your thoughts about your recent visit. Your input will help us to understand what we do well and what we can do better. If you have received this regarding a minor child’s visit, please complete the survey on their behalf. To ensure confidentiality, this survey is administered by an independent third-party, Press Ganey Associates, Inc. Your participation will help us to improve the quality of care that we provide to you, your family, friends, and neighbors. Click here to begin your survey Thank you for your feedback. Sincerely, John Smith CEO If clicking the above link does not take you to the survey or a verification screen, please go to and enter the following PIN: {PIN} This is an unmonitored box, please do not reply to this . If you have specific questions for your healthcare provider, please contact them directly. To unsubscribe from future Press Ganey online patient satisfaction survey notices, click here.

7 Text Message Notification
CUSTOMIZABLE INVITATION TEXT MESSAGE Text message includes: 160 character limit 120 characters that can be customized (40 characters reserved for the URL) Your organization’s name Link to the survey itself!

8 eSurveys Are “As Easy As 1-2-3”
1. Enter your date of birth 2. Read the letter and click “Start Survey” (Replace this example cover letter with a screenshot of your actual esurvey cover letter) Upon clicking the link in the notification, patients are asked to enter their date of birth to verify their identity. (Just in case anyone asks, Date of birth is uploaded to Press Ganey in the patient record.) Patients may also elect to change the language of the survey (Only languages that your organization elects to set up will show in the dropdown) After entering their date of birth, the patient then reads a customized cover letter coming from (INSERT SENIOR LEADER’S NAME HERE). This letter explains the request of participation, and why participating is important to your organization.

9 Take the Survey in 5-10 Minutes!
3. Share your experience (Replace this example survey image with a screenshot of your actual esurvey.) After reading the cover letter and clicking on start survey, the patient then completes the survey. It should take between 5 and 10 minutes for them to complete it. When they click submit at the end of the survey, it is automatically sent to Press Ganey. As you can see, at the bottom of each section the patient can opt to include comments about their experience in addition to answering the individual questions.

10 Calculating the eSurvey Adjustment
Now that we’ve reviewed the survey process itself, let’s take a look at this new esurvey adjustment.

11 Why the Adjustment THE PRESS GANEY ESURVEY ADJUSTMENT CREATES BALANCE People take a paper survey in the same way they take an esurvey. However, the demographics of the survey respondents may differ. Why does Press Ganey offer the esurvey adjustment? Press Ganey has conducted analyses and knows that while patients respond to esurvey and paper surveys in the same way, types of respondents vary. For example: Seniors (65+) tend to fill out a greater number of paper surveys and give higher scores Younger (18-64) complete a greater number of electronic surveys and give lower scores. This means that when you move to utilizing esurvey, your results are likely to change. This can cause confusion for two reasons: You may already have set your fiscal year goals based on your previous paper survey results. You may want to compare your organization to others around the country, and many of those do not use esurvey. Therefore, the adjustment was created to create balance In other words, after the adjustment is done, the data reflects the demographics of paper-only responses.

12 Calculating the Adjustment
HOW THE ESURVEY CLIENT-SPECIFIC ADJUSTMENT IS CALCULATED: Press Ganey reviews the demographic patterns of your patients once 300 esurveys and 300 paper surveys are returned. A subset of esurveys are systematically and randomly selected to get a mix similar to your paper data All paper returns + this subset of esurveys = adjusted sample So what does this adjustment actually look like? Once you have 300 returned esurveys, and 300 returned paper surveys, Press Ganey reviews how the ten demographics breakdowns (see them in the graph on the page) responded to the paper and esurvey modes. A subset of esurveys is then randomly selected by demographic so that the demographic breakdown of esurvey respondents matches the demographic breakdown of paper survey respondents. The change in esurvey respondents percentages, by demographic, between the unadjusted and adjusted graphs illustrates what the change looks like. All paper survey returns + the subset of esurvey returns randomly selected to have demographic breakdowns similar to the demographics of your paper return population = Adjusted Sample!

13 So, if Press Ganey adjusts my data when I get 300 esurvey returns and 300 paper survey returns…
Set the stage for explaining regional and national adjustments on the next slide.

14 What Happens Until I Reach 300/300?
Your data will be adjusted by using a Regional or National adjustment. If there are enough organizations in your AHA Region that use esurvey, a regional adjustment is used. If there are not enough organizations in your AHA Region that use esurvey, the national adjustment is used. Both adjustments are re-calculated on a quarterly basis. 300 paper and 300 esurvey returns trigger your organization-specific adjustment. This adjustment is re-calculated monthly. So, what happens when you don’t yet have 300 returned paper and 300 esurveys or don’t use Press Ganey’s multi-mode approach of using esurveys and paper surveys together? In those situations, your adjustment will be calculated at the Regional or National level. Regional or National Adjustment If there are enough organizations in your AHA Region who are using multi-mode (paper+esurvey), a regional adjustment is created based on the demographic breakdown of respondents in your region. If there are not enough clients in the AHA Region, then a national adjustment is used based on the demographic breakdown of respondents nationally. Both adjustments are re-calculated on the 28th of the JAJO cycle Client Specific Adjustment: As we mentioned on the previous slide, once you have 300 esurvey and 300 paper surveys returned, the client specific adjustment begins. This adjustment is re-calculated on the 28th of every month. The information about your adjustments can also be found on the eSurvey Adjustments in Press Ganey Reporting Quick Guide, a screenshot of which is on this slide.

15 So How Do We Define Adjusted and Unadjusted?
What is the unadjusted sample? All paper returns + all esurvey returns = Unadjusted (Total) Sample What is the adjusted sample? All paper returns + subset of esurveys = Adjusted Sample Ask your audience to answer each question. The answer to each question will appear upon your clicking the mouse (two transitions on the slide).

16 Where Can I Find My Adjusted and Unadjusted Data?
Now let’s examine where we can review adjusted and unadjusted data.

17 Adjustment Reporting Guide
Adjusted Data Unadjusted Data Improvement Portal Performance Summary Quick Report Improvement Portal Quick Reports Improvement Portal Performance Scorecard Improvement Portal Satisfaction Dashboard Press Ganey Online Flash Reports Press Ganey Online InfoEDGE Monthly CAHPS Summary Reports Press Ganey Database Reports (PaGER) On Page 1 of the eSurvey Adjustments in Press Ganey Reporting Quick Guide, you’ll find the table that you seen now. This is a handy cheat sheet that you can use to remember where to find adjusted and unadjusted data. Some areas only allow you to see adjusted data, while others allow you to select adjusted or unadjusted. Note: All percentile ranks are based on adjusted data

18 Improvement Portal Reporting
Quick Reports Your adjusted or unadjusted data can be selected in the Trend or Comparison Quick Reports. To make your selection, just choose “Adjusted” or “Unadjusted” in the Adjustment settings box. The default is adjusted (mean or top box) score. There are several areas within the Improvement Portal where you can choose adjusted or unadjusted. That can be found within the Performance Scorecard as well as the Trend Comparison Quick Reports. For Quick Reports, you’ll find an adjustment option box on the Settings Page for each of these quick reports. The default selection is Adjusted, but can easily be toggled to unadjusted. When you set the Quick Report to Adjusted data, the report itself indicates (see the highlighted example).

19 Improvement Portal Reporting
Performance Scorecard Your adjusted or unadjusted data can be selected in Performance Scorecard. To make your selection, choose “Adjusted” or “Unadjusted” under Sample Type within the Score Types section of Preferences. The default is adjusted (mean or top box) score. For the Performance Scorecard, you’ll click on Preferences, and move to the Score Types section, where you can toggle the Sample Type between Adjusted and Unadjusted. In the second screenshot, you can see that the blue banner lists whether you are looking at adjusted or unadjusted data. The default selection is Adjusted, but can easily be toggled to unadjusted

20 Improvement Portal Reporting
Adjusted Summary Views Percentile Ranks, Mean Scores and Top Box Scores in the Improvement Portal Performance Summary Quick Report, and Performance Satisfaction Dashboard are adjusted. The Improvement Portal includes adjusted data in several areas: Improvement Portal Performance Summary Quick Report (the page with the dart chart, you may also call it the homepage). The Performance Satisfaction Dashboard, which contains a satisfaction specific dart-board, as well as the trend lines that show both rank and mean score (as seen in the lower graph on the slide). Adjusted

21 Press Ganey Online Reporting
Flash Reports To select from the adjusted or unadjusted sample, just toggle the radio button within the Sample Type heading to “Adjusted” or “Total” depending on the data you want to review. Once you setup your Flash Reports, you can easily toggle between adjusted and unadjusted data right on the report itself. You can see on the slide where you would make this selection. It is indicated by the green arrow. Please note that unadjusted is referred to as “Total” in Flash Reports.

22 Press Ganey Online Reporting
InfoEDGE To only review your adjusted sample, check the box next to “Included” within the Adjusted Sample Filter. To review your unadjusted sample, you do not need to select anything here. Within InfoEDGE, there are a couple more steps for reviewing adjusted and unadjusted data. To review your Adjusted data, you need to make sure to add in an additional filter (Adjusted Sample). Click on Adjusted Sample within Filters, and check the option “Included.” This will tell InfoEDGE that you only want to review Adjusted data. “Included” is the synonym for “adjusted” you’ll find in InfoEDGE. To review unadjusted data, please run your report as you traditionally would. If you need help remembering how to run any reports, please attend Press Ganey’s regularly occurring Improvement Portal and Press Ganey Online training.

23 Don’t Forget About These Reports!
Unadjusted Monthly CAHPS Summary Reports The top box score is unadjusted, but the rank is adjusted. Press Ganey Database Reports The mean score is adjusted, and the rank is too! Adjusted Adjusted There are two other areas where you may encounter the question, “Is this adjusted or unadjusted data.” When you open a Press Ganey Database report (you might call it a PG Quarterly Report), your mean score and percentile rank are reported as adjusted data. When you open a Press Ganey Monthly Medical Practice CG-CAHPS Summary Report, the top box score is unadjusted. The percentile rank is adjusted. Adjusted

24 Which Do I Use? Use your unadjusted sample when you want to:
Review all patient responses included regardless of mode. Focus on improvement & action planning. Use your adjusted sample when you want to: Continue trending that started when you only had paper survey returns. Compare your organization to other organizations. Track performance against goals set when you only had paper survey returns (scorecards, official reports to your board, etc.) (Make sure to share with your organization how you specifically want them running reports) When you go to run your own Quick, Flash or InfoEDGE reports, you may be wondering, “Which do I use? Do I look at adjusted or unadjusted data.” It all depends on what you’ll be using it for. Use these bullet points to guide you in your decision making. Or in short: Use unadjusted data when focusing on improvement and maximizing the number of responses you want to review. Use adjusted data when focusing on tracking current performance to previous performance, or when you want to compare your scores to other organizations.

25 Don’t Forget to Use Your Quick Guide!
Defines adjusted and unadjusted. Provides a table indicating where you can find each data type. Includes screenshots illustrating how to make selections in Press Ganey’s Online tools. And remember, keep your Quick Guide handy! It includes much of the same information we just went through, in a concise, two page document.

26 Thank You! Please reach out to your Press Ganey Account team if you have any questions.

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